Masters Running


Monday April 12 Runs and Tapers (Read 689 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    {whine time....I am so sick and tired of this head cold...{whine off}}}



    {{{hugs and healing vibes}}}

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


       Poor DH will be alone with the children for 3 whole days next weekend...He's already dreading it.  ...Not that the kids are bad or anything, just that they fight and squabble all the time and it's truly enough to drive anyone crazy.

       Holly, message from my DH to your DH: HTFU! If he can do it, so can yours. It'll be good for them.


      Mariposai, yes we danced a lot! I was surprised DH wanted to dance so much! Usually its me dragging him out there. But we had a good time even though we were up way too late, and I might've overdone it on my foot but oh well, it's all ok. (and hey, you've had a cold for quite some time now, maybe it's allergies??)


      Sue, congrats on the -2 sizes! That's awesome, and just in time for shorts season! I'm happy to be fitting into my skinny jeans, but the skinny shorts are still too small. Oh well. I see Goodwill in their future.


      Deb, that's such a cute picture! I haven't seen any bunnies around here for awhile, I think we're in a population dip. Some beautiful foxes around here though, so there must be something out there to eat!


      Sunny chilly day again, but we could get 2" of snow tonight! Ick. Today will probably be a rest day just because Monday's have gotten so busy for me with soccer and track and stuff around the house. But that's ok, I brought my gym bag for an after work-workout, but we'll see what happens.



        Lots of pre-Boston excitement here!  It's funny, when I read Holly's post about preparing to go out of town, I was thinking, "where's Holly going?"  Then I remembered.  Doh!


        I hope you all survive the taper pains and get to the starting line ready to rock!


        Sue, congrats on the weight loss! Two sizes down is a big deal! 


        I ran 3 easy untimed miles yesterday with my furry running buddies, and 3.7 at lunch  today at a 4:1 run/walk ratio at 10:55 pace.  The leg is feeling good but not totally better so I'm taking it easy - I can't face another setback so I'm trying real hard to be good.


        Go Leslie!  Awesome to  finish your 1st 50 miler! Can't wait for the RR!


        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

          Hey All -


          Yep, I finished my first 50 miler, and all I can say at the moment is WOW!  I knew it would be hard, and it I wasn't disappointed.  And if it weren't for my buddy and pacer, Karen, I wouldn't have made it.  She yelled at me, cajoled me, pushed me, laughed with me, let me cry, let me be, but not once did she give up on me, even when I gave up on myself.  I made it in 12:52:55 - not a whole lot of wiggle room with a 13-hr cutoff.  And another cool thing - I got a prize for finishing DFL!


          Right now I'm just plain tired.  More so today than yesterday.


          So Sue's lost 2 sizes, Karen's kicking running a$$, and a number of you are gearing up for Boston.  Woo hoo!!

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance


            Congratulations, Leslie! If I knew how to get the dancing banana icon thingy here, you'd get it.


            Somebody tell CNY that she's supposed to be tapering for Boston and not getting AG places. She's making us all look bad.

            12 miles of hills today, no run yesterday...I had an enjoyably long weekend with FAD* nos. 1 and 2.


            *Fantastically Awesome Daughters


            i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

              Leslie.. Congratulations on your 50 miler.  Wow that's along run!


              Walt... Karin is "Sharpening".  I think she could split an atom right now.

              Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                Walt... Karin is "Sharpening".  I think she could split an atom right now.

                 No Joke!!


                Leslie - WTG!!!  So glad you had your friend with you.  Wiggle or no wiggle, YOU DID IT!  I don't think too many any Masters here could run trails for almost 13 hours.


                dg.  Yup, bunnies is cute.  Especially when they come running towards you, then suddenly realize that is the wrong way.

                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                  Leslie - whoo hoo!  50 miles? You're incredible.  Thanks for sharing your DFL distinction, too.  I'll remember that the next time I'm tempted to chicken out on a race.

                  Holly - hooray for surviving tax season.  I'm looking forward to feeling that way about concert season in about a month.

                  Second consecutive day of running:  2.2 miles after yesterday's 2.1.  I have officially run 0.3 more miles this month than I did in February.  And I'm still feeling good.  Smile




                    Woohoo Leslie! Congratulations on finishing that sucker and bringing home the Red Lantern Award.

                    [Funny story about that... in the Iditarod sled dog race (Anchorage to Nome), the last few mushers sometimes dawdle a bit to see who can be last. Why finish 2nd from last and get nothing, when you can finish last and get an award? Sometimes it's almost funny, one year they had to have race marshals tell the last two mushers to stop stalling!]


                    And great news for Eliz on getting out there again! Take it easy and increase gently.

                    Avenger Doggie

                    protector of my dad

                      Dad says you do good things Holly. Two jobs and kids to play with and an old guy like my dad and dogs and cats and then you run run run too.


                      Whoopie SueT


                      DG,did nyou get ice cream???


                      Turkey sounds good Slo Hand


                      Good luck Perch...Get better soon



                      I went for a 6.2 mile run at 6pm, nice time of day, 60F and kept it slow so the hotdog and cake wouldn't come back up.  Lots of cake burps though.  And rabbits.

                      Did you make the rabbits run run run??


                      Leslie, it sounds like your race was fun.!!!!


                      Great Liz!!!


                      I must be a good boy. Mom didn't put me in jail (my kennel) when she went bye bye for work!!! Oh I had fun!!!!


                      Mom goes outside and pulls up plants. She says it's weeding. She has plants in the house and I weeded them today!!!


                      Then I heard a bunny in a pillow. I open up the pillow and looked for the bunny, but I didn't see him. I got every thing out of the pillow and didn't find it...That's too bad, we would have had fun!!!


                      I was tired and I took a nap on Mom and Dad's bed. I made it all pretty for them too. I got bored and wanted to watch TV. I bited the remote a lot, but the TV didn't work. I saw a phone, so I tried to call Dad about the TV....I bited that a lot too, but it didn't work.


                      When Dad got home, his face turned lots of different colors!!!It was funny. His face was as red as the sun set, but he was a lot louder.


                      Dad got out the vaccuum and it scared me. . I was just trying to help.


                      The Dad and me went to go run run run!!!!! I saved him from a chipmonk!! Then I saw some deer and I was making them run run run!!!! Dad gets very scared when I'm not there. He screamed like a little girl and I came back so he would feel good. When we got to the creek...I jumped in and it was fun!!!!


                      Dad said we went 3 miles. "Miles" must mean "fun... We had a lot of fun.


                      Mom came home and asked what happened to her pillow. Dad said the cat did it. That dumb cat gets all the credit when I work. Mom says  he better not be telling strories or he's going to be up a creek!!!!!

                      Sniffing Butts, Tag




                        Get off of the computer!


                        Go lay down!!


                        Bad dog....bad.


                          Way to go Leslie! Congratulations on conquering that 50 miler. Amazing and you deserve lots of good rest and pampering now.

                          Sorry about the cold Maraposai. How's your taper going? We'll be cheering big time.

                          Y'all are funny but do wonders for a girl's ego. There were only 69 in the race on Sunday after all----my pointy sharp head is ready, we'll just have to see if the rest of me is ready to rock it. My colleagues and I cranked through a project today in the firm HQ in Albany, so I was sprung at 2:30 and met up with my friend Claire. She's in Northampton for work and was looking for a run this evening. Claire's Boston number is F117 and she'll be starting with the elite women at 9:30. Yowsa. We had a great run up at the Mt. Tom Reservoir loop and I just kept her chatting so the pace could be relaxed. Recognize the strategy Tramps? Feel good and no soreness from yesterday.   6 miles at mellow pace at 5:00 pm.

                          Hurray Eliz!

                          Forgot to say welcome to Frances the other day..... Welcome!

                          There's a good boy Tag.

                            Avenger Doggie!   He needs his own show.


                            Erika - Re the DFL prize.  I had no idea.  I've always thought that whoever comes in last should at least get a rubber chicken, and Karen and I have said that if we ever put on our own trail race (which we would really like to do in a year or so), the last person over the line would get one.  Well, since I came in DFL with her at Hagg Lake when she was having such a rough time, she gave me a rubber chicken!!  It was our mascot this weekend.


                            Happy to be done.


                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance


                            Maniac 505

                              Great runs people (You too Tag)


                              Awesome job Leslie and congrats on the prize.  looking forward to the race report.


                              (Mari): I hope your cold is getting better. 


                              6 ez miles for me,  tomorrow I start tapering   Tonight is my Friday.  then I just have to scramble around for a couple days before I head for Wenatchee friday afternoon.



                                Leslie, that's often my motto: Better DFL than DNF! Congrats for your 50-mile milestone achievement!

                                Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                                "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"
