Masters Running


Terrific Tuesday, March 23 Runs, walks and the rest of the stories ..... (Read 465 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Good morning!


    Out for an enjoyable 4 miler with Brinkley this morning @ 10:22 pace.   Nice clear skies and about 32°.   Luckily the winds have died down too.   It was enjoyable until the last mile when Brinkley kind of jerked towards something and I dropped his leash.   When I bent down to pick it up there were lifeless opposum eyes staring at me.    Ahhh!!!!



    That Brinkley is going to be the death of me one of these days with the road kill. 

    Puppies any day now.    Hailey is getting restless and I am getting nervous.   What a pair we are.



    Nono said yesterday:

    I have to cross the finish line in Senile Sea Isle City first.   I'm hopeful.

    But, but, I am hopeful!!  Big grin


    Dg - so happy everything went fine yesterday.   You get rested and listen to your doctor.


    {{{Holly}}} Sorry about the job. 

    Happy Tuesday!


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


    i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

      Not lifeless, it was just playing possum Smile


      8.6 miles of hills in 1:16:42 (8:55, AHR 157). It was really tiring climbing the little steep hills every mile but better than it was 2 weeks ago!

      Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

        Recovery day. Short 20 minute stationary bike ride followed by 20 minutes of foam rolling and stretching. More rain today. after 10 inches last weekend, another 2-3 today. Hopeully the water table's gone down enough to not neccessitate the wet vac. My poor downhill neighbors have their pumps going full throttle again.


          Morning, gang!


          Mary - nice Brinkley run (except that part about the dead opposum - not a good thought for breakfast).  Give Hailey a cautious hug for me.


          dg - I'm still gonna be thinking about you today - now that the anesthetic is completely worn off, and you just have Mr. Vicodin buddy.  He's pretty good company.  Wish we lived closer too.  I was planning to be in Kalamazoo for a week and a half in May and was hoping to hook up with you, but I'm starting a new job in mid April and have to cancel the trip.  I'll probably reschedule for fall - maybe we can get together then when we're both running regularly again.


          Holly - I'm so sorry you didn't get the job.  I'm confident you'll find something even better.


          Carolyn - thanks!  Excellent job in sleuthing the heater problem - glad it is fixed. 


          6 walk/run miles on the TM this morning at 11:40 and 134 AHR. 


          It's so nice the hear the spring peepers and other frogs again.  They are in for a surprise later this week when we are supposed to dip down into the 20's and possibly the teens.  The weatherman mentioned the snow word, but I'm ignoring that.  I spent Sunday afternoon cleaning up the yard and getting the raised beds ready for planting. I don't know if I dare plant tomatoes in the blighted plot again.  I don't think I can stand a repeat of last year.


          Good runs all!

          Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

            Mornin' all

            9.5 miles in the rain at 7:00 am. Same loop as yesterday, but in the opposite direction and faster pace. Soaked through, but a good run. I was cold so I kept up the quick pace to get home to some hot coffee and the work ahead.


            Wet vac season is in high gear for sure. Hope the recovery continues George.

            No coffee for you Mary, but I hope the calm returns soon.

            Major report writing for me this week, see you all in a few days.

            MTA: Hi Sue....the chorus outside is great if not quadrophonic lately. Snow mentioned here as well for next week, but I'll ignore that.


              Good morning good people. Lots of runs already this morning.

              Mary - can't wait to see pictures of the new babies. Good luck with the delivery!  How are things going at work?

              Tough workout this morning, Perch - way to tackle those hills.

              EGH - sounds like your training is getting back on schedule. Hope the rains let up soon.  Hey - at least it's not snow, right?

              Sue - can you amend the soil to get some tomatoes planted this year? I'm so anxious to get out in my gardens but that's at least another month or two off. Nice workout this morning - how's the recovery process coming along?

              Hope Deb ha a restful night with Mr. Vicodin and Holly had a good evening with extra hugs and support from her family.

              6 miles for me this morning in 30° at a 9:47 pace. My left heel has been barking my last two runs - even hurts when I'm wearing regular shoes. I've been logging 35+ miles a week the last month or so and I guess the old body is starting to protest. Might be time for some new shoes. I'm taking a frozen water bottle to work and will hopefully be able to ice while I'm sitting at my desk.


              Carolyn - Jack Bauer is the character from the Fox TV series "24." Good episode last night!


              ETA Good morning Karin!


                Nothing like roadkill to start off your day. 

                Stay dry, George.  Some of that rain passed through here yesterday; torrential downpours.

                More great running from everyone, especially Perch and Karin!

                Jlynne--icing sounds like a good idea.


                I poked around on-line to find some kind of flip-top pill container to carry Endurolytes during a race.  I came across this site, which looks a little odd but it gave me ideas for what to look for locally.  (My favorite on another site was a pill box with a picture of Van Gogh with a bandaged ear on it and the saying: "Crazy things happen if you don't take your meds. )


                Recovery week continues.  Easy 5.1 @ 8:38.  Legs felt better--almost normal--except for the tight and tender right hamstring; that'll take a little longer.


                ETA:  Holly, just saw the job news.    I'm sure it was good experience getting the resume polished up and getting some interview experience.  Keep your eyes open; something will come along.

                Be safe. Be kind.


                Trails are hard!

                  Holly--sorry to hear the job fell through.  Guess the small siver lining is that you're still employed (as painful as it may be)


                  Deb--Glad everything went well.  Now recover as obsessively as you train.  You've been warned.


                  Sue--if you had wilt in your tomatoes, I've heard that it can linger in the soil for several years.  Our one possible tomato patch got it and even the wilt resistant versions didn't do well the year after.  I've gone to hanging baskets with limited success.


                  Weather wuss out for me this morning.  Didn't want to even head out to the gym in the pouring rain.  Of course, I didn't end up with much extra sleep as Max the dog evidently heard thunder somewhere and ended up spending the last hour and a half of the night with him on the couch.

                  Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                    Perch, CNY.....great runs !


                    I set out to do an easy 4 this morning. It was one of those effortless runs where you just feel like you could go forever.....and I really wanted too. But....I wasn't properly perpared in the under-garmet area for much more than 5 without some sort of concequence.....Sorry...TMI....


                    My closest yonger sister called me last night wanting to know what the symptoms of a STX Frac were....I told her pretty much what she described..... She's a very good runner. She placed 1st in her AG at a St. Paddy's race with a field of over 1000. She hasn't been able to run since.


                    And that's all for now.  Great day All !

                      Sorry about the stress fracture news for your sister Slo. Time off soonest and she'll heal.

                      Tramps, I forgot to mention that I used to use empty Altoids containers (the mini-tins) or even a Godiva chocolate pearls container (have to eat the candy first!). small, easy to open in a race and the e-caps or s-caps stay in there nicely. Also fits in my shorts pocket. 



                      Renee the dog

                        I've declared today a cross-training day: I'm doing laundry, which doesn't sound like much. But, I'm hoping for extra credit because my laundry room is on the second floor.


                        {{{Slo's sister}}}


                        Crossing my fingers for EGH3's wet vac not being turned on...


                        Oh, and yes, Mary, I was hoping you'd pick up on my phrase from yesterday's daily!

                        GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                        GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!




                          Nothing like roadkill to start off your day. 

                          Yeah, roadkill not only started Mary's day, but because she started the daily with it, it's starting off everyone's day.


                          My scary possum story:  we were camping in Australia several years ago, and one evening at dusk, I was washing up after dinner when a possum snuck up behind me and started licking one of the pans.  Man, did I jump!  DD and DH have teased me about the scary possum for years now.


                          Deb, did you do an easy 6 this morning?   Rest up! 


                          {{{Mary's heel}}}

                          {{{Tramps' hamstring}}}

                          {{{SloHand's sister}}}


                          We have more snow in the forecast starting this afternoon - maybe another foot  by tomorrow.


                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                            Not as good as wildchild's story but a funny wild animal bit:  My DW was lying in a lounge chair reading.  Now she has always wanted to see a ground hog up close but they are really (and boy do I mean really) shy!  If they see you even look at them and they are a 100 yards away chances are they will dive into their holes.  Well I guess neither she nor the ground hog noticed each other that morning.  The ground hog was munching grass and must have been within a few feet of her.  She spots the ground hog and instead of thinking, "how cute," she lets out a scream!  They then both jumped 10 feet in the air!  The ground hog then sped off to its burrow and only then did the now bummed out DW realize she had lost her best chance ever to see a ground hog close up!

                            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                              Tramps- I was eating some goldfish crackers when I read the Van Gogh line, thanks for the mess on my keyboard. Have you considered a tic tac container? Or is the opening too small?

                                Good job on the half marathons for CNY, Walt, and tet.  Bayside, nice 8K.  wild, happy birthday to your daughter.  holly, that's a bummer about the job.  I have faith something better will come along.  henrun, it sounds like you and the family put on a great birthday for marj.  dg, I'm glad to hear the surgery went well.  Healing vibes for a quick recovery (but don't push it).  wild, it's got to be a blessing to have your heat and hot water back.  On top of that, a thermocouple is a cheap fix and simple enough that I've replaced a few.  jlynne, be nice to your heel so it gets better quickly. Slo, healing thoughts for your sister's stress fracture.


                                Nice long runs for CNY (including previously mentioned half), mariposai, fatozzig (wow - 27.8 and 16 in the same weekend), evan (and 32 for the weekend), jlynne, henrun and marj.  Good job on the hill repeats for Slo.


                                This morning, it was in the mid to hi 30s with a little wind.  My hamstring hasn't sent me any more twinges but has felt a little tight.  I decided to take it easy this morning.  I did 8 miles in a bit over 1:25:30 for a 10:43 pace.  My hammy didn't object and still feels no worse than it was before I started.  What bothered me was that my breathing was difficult in spite of the slow pace. 


                                A good day and good runs for all.


