Masters Running


Tuesday 11/28/23 Baby It's Cold Outside! (Read 39 times)


    Good morning Masters! It's a balmy 10 degrees here this morning with a nice "breeze" out of the NW. Shorts and t-shirt weather  No recaps, just a start.


    4.87 miles on the treadmill at the Y this morning (yes, I wimped out) and 20 minutes of weights, core and stretching.


    Off to deal with chocolate. Have a great day everyone!


    Rose Colored Glasses

      Jeanne. You chose a better way. I looked at the weather report last night and it said 31°. I did not lay out my gear and that foreshadowed what was to happen this morning.

      I awoke. Went downstairs and read.

      Convinced I had chosen a good way to save myself from slipping,  I figured I would walk/run tomorrow.

      And then. I looked at tomorrow morning's forecast. 20°.

      I'll just play with David today.

      "Anytime you see the word "inflation" in the news, replace it with "record-breaking corporate profits" and you'll get what's happening."

        Definitely chilly start to the day!! 30 degrees here and while I would have liked to stay under the covers, I had layed out the appropriate clothes so put them and met the SS crew for 6:30.

        2 easy miles, 2 pick-up miles, 2 easy miles to get in 6 for the day. I am also going to get on my bike at some point for a 45 minute PZ class and do some strength training, but right now waiting for a tv to be delivered between the hours of 9a-1p and we know how that goes!!  I don't mind if I get interrupted during some strength training, but I don't want to get off the bike once I start to ride so I'll wait.

        Happy Tuesday friends!!



        Rose Colored Glasses

          Et tu, Deez?

          "Anytime you see the word "inflation" in the news, replace it with "record-breaking corporate profits" and you'll get what's happening."

            Thanks, Jeanne.  I'm rushing off to a meeting at church (channeling my inner-Jay).  7.7 miles over on the path/neighborhoods.  31 and sunny.  It felt cold.  Didn't quite make my 8, but as we say in the law, "substantial compliance."

            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



              Mornin' Masters.


              Thanks for the start, Jlynne, and good work at the Y - staying inside at 10° is not wimping out.


              Good eyeball and brain workout with a book, RCG. Tomorrow is, indeed, another day.


              Good work with the SS crew, Deeze. And good luck with the TV delivery today, and the ride too.


              I had an 8:40 appointment with my GP this morning, and after reading the reports from NM and checking me out (listening to my lungs, etc), he's not worried about the pneumonia, as long as not other symptoms appear, and is sending me to a blood doc, just to make sure there are no other issues related to my pulmonary embolism. He's keeping me on Eliquis for a while, but will reduce the dosage in about a week or so. So, all-in-all, a pretty good report, given what I've been through.


              <RANT> Speaking of Eliquis, Humana denied my prescription in NM because (they told me yesterday), the prescribing doc wanted me to take 2 5mg tablets twice a day. Humana said 10 mg pills were available, and so would have wanted the prescription to be for them (same daily dosage, just a different # of pills), so they rejected the prescription. I can't think of too many things more stupid than that. So we wound up having to pay full retail ($286) for 7-days worth, and Humana won't give us a refund because the rejection was still in place when we had to get the prescription filled if I was going to be able to get started on it before we flew back. Yes, I'm looking for another supplemental prescription drug provider. <RANT OFF>


              35 minutes of stretching and knee work before the doc. appointment this morning.


              Have a greta Tuesday.



              Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

                Thanks for the start, Jeanne.  I was gonna say something about how chilly it was here this a.m., but then I saw your temps . . .


                Jay  Insurance sucks.


                4 mostly running predawn miles in "chilly" conditions.  Completely clear sky chock full of stars with a mostly full moon.  The left hammy won't completely cooperate, but at least it doesn't downright hurt anymore.  Which reminds me, I need to set some more PT appts.  The massages I'm able to get there are definitely helping and they cost less for me and insurance pays for most of it.


                I walked through the door at home after work yesterday and The Hub announces, "We're having company this weekend."  *sigh* I knew his friend and the girlfriend were coming at some point (we talked about it over the weekend), I just didn't figure it was this soon.  I've never met either one, but have "conversed" with the friend on FB.   Both are high school friends of the The Hub.  They're coming Friday and leaving Monday . . . and it's supposed to rain all weekend.  Pray for me and the cats . . . 

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance



                  sorry Leslie about the visitors, and especially with only a few days notice.

                  At least I gave you about 7 mos notice that I'm crashing your place again. 

                  Supposed to rain up here all weekend also. I guess this will be my Christmas decorating weekend.  Our corvette club is entered in two  Christmas parades on Saturday - on in the morning and one that evening, but with the rain, it likely won't happen. I know DH will not take our Corvette out if it's raining and most Corvette owners feel the same. There will likely just be a couple that will show up.

                  Planning on getting in a run during my lunch hour today. It's cold, but clear and sunny today, so need to take advantage of dry days when I can to get in some miles.



                    Knowing it was going to be cold this morning I picked out all my stuff I needed for a run last night. I don't usually get my stuff out the night before but since it was going to be in the 20s and windy I would be needing things I haven't worn in a long time. I didn't want to be digging around for them in the morning.


                    Turns out it wasn't quite as cold as predicted so I was a bit overdressed. It was fine when the wind was gusting but otherwise I was getting too warm.


                    4 miles total. Mostly cloudy, but enough breaks in the clouds to get a good view of the full moon.


                    After the run I met a couple guys at Starbucks and then I stopped at the grocery store for a couple things. I had no issues all that time, but now while I am sitting at my desk working, the outside of my right ankle is hurting. A throbbing pain that comes and goes. I need to change the position of my foot to get relief. I hope it isn't anything more than normal niggles.



                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      sorry Leslie about the visitors, and especially with only a few days notice.





                      Glad for those who had nice visits from children and family for TG.


                      Leslie - I'm still confused.  The first part of the house did have a kitchen, right?  And where was the heater before the addition?  I just think of "heater in the attic crawlspace" as "fire hazard."  What kind of heat do you have?


                      Tet - your description of the upcoming knee surgery is kind of scary.


                      KSA - 


                      Doug - being in a car all night in a snow storm - scary!


                      Jay - I agree, that is stupid.


                      Temp was in the teens this morning, and I just didn't feel like it, so I walked 2 miles on the TM and did some core work, then off to my annual eye appointment.


                      As you know, DH lost about 50 lbs since February.  We never did figure out why.  He did initially want to lose some weight, but then he couldn't stop it and it got out of hand - nausea and stomach pain and generally feeling crappy made it hard for him to eat.  It's better now (no more weight loss) but the symptoms are not completely gone.  I think his doc wants him to get a brain scan to check for one more thing (not sure what).  Anyway, now he is cold all the time (welcome to my world) and after 30 years of sleeping nude, is now wearing long johns to bed (and keeping the thermostat at 72 all night).  Because of the clothing he now wakes ME up 4-6 times per night because of his thrashing with the covers as he turns side to side.  Any of you in colder climates have suggestions?

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        Holly, maybe a heated mattress pad that has dual controls, so it only warms up his side of the bed?



                          Thanks for the start, Jlynne.


                          Insurance sucks.



                          Speaking of medical rants (a mini-one)...I went for my annual physical midday yesterday but, since I'd not fasted, couldn't do the blood work until this morning. But when I got there first thing at 7:00 this morning, the lab had no record of my GPs order....and his office wasn't open yet.  Grrrr.  I messaged him through the patient portal and, if I hear back, will try again tomorrow. Productive way to start the day...NOT!


                          Spent the rest of the morning dealing with financial stuff, which I generally dislike. We're trying to simplify investment accounts heading to full retirement and getting end-of-the-year stuff done, too. I will say, though, that Vanguard customer service has been consistently competent and helpful every time I've needed assistance, so there's that.


                          It had warmed up to about 40F by the time I got out for a run but, wow, it was windy, making it feel much colder. I was a little under-dressed for my 5-miler, which is pretty rare for me.

                          Be safe. Be kind.


                            Same cold temps hear-low 30’s with gusty winds it sunny and clear.


                            Zoom stretch session this morning followed bya 2 mile walk. Every time I walk more than 1.5 at a time my heart rate goes way up into Afib and tires me out which has led to a fall in the past. That’s why I’m scheduled for a internal monitor so they can follow me more closely. However, they keep changing my appointment for the procedure because I’m not”urgent”


                            Jay- we’re happy with our Medicare supplemental insurance and don’t get the run around most people do. Glad to see that your condition is not as serious as first feared.


                              Party at Leslie’s.



                                Negative windchill this morning but sunny and 20 right now.  With no wind, I love it.


                                I’ve had 2 walks that total a bit more than a mile and done 2 rounds of PT exercises.   Not too bad for a woman my age  And, both my husband and I are sick.  In 35 years we’ve never both been sick at the same time.  Sore throats, body aches, but no fevers.  Hot tea, hot soup, ibu and naps.  We should be over the worst of it tomorrow I think.
