Masters Running


Autumn- Saturday 23 September (Read 40 times)



    many things last week-



    A Pox on-

    ''Age is just a number and mine's unlisted''



    +1 on that. DH wasn't feeling well yesterday when I got home from work. Dizzy, light-headed, couldn't see well and couldn't concentrate on reading stuff. He had played golf during the day and it was pretty warm and muggy here. I asked him if he had drank enough water on the course while he was playing. He said yes, he had. I texted my DIL, who is a PA in the ER and told her what was going on. With his history of high blood pressure and other health issues, she said it would be wise to take him to the ER. His CAT scan showed no major issues and the doctor wanted to run more tests, one being a urine test. DH couldn't pee so they hooked him up to IV fluids to see if that would help. Nothing of significance showed up, which is good news. They said part of his problem was that he was dehydrated, which can cause dizziness and difficulty concentrating. They discharged him 4 hours after admitting him. I'm so grateful that nothing was wrong with him, but this next chapter in our lives has got me anxious and a little depressed. I can see what's in store for us, and I need to get my head wrapped around our "new normal." He is 7 years older than me, and I hope I can handle everything coming our way.


    4 miles early this morning, just to relieve some stress. Then a trip to farmer's market.


    Savor your health everyone. This getting old stuff is hard 

    Marathon Maniac #957


      20.75 (mostly dry) miles done! Longest run in 8 years.

      And they felt easy enough that even without trying too hard, I was able to pick up the pace by about a minute per mile for the last five.


      Wow - nicely done!


      BTY - belated Happy Birthday!


      {{{Pickles}}}  {{{Roch and Mrs Roch}}}  {{{Deez}}}


      Jlynne - crazy how dehydration can cause such difficulty as you get over.


      Did lots of stuff today, including riding the Harley to one of those club rally/fundraiser events about an hour's ride away, where we played the games and got one more trophy. No workout, though, so I will make it up tomorrow.


      We have had no rain for so long, I'm not entirely sure we have had any in September. With all the new plantings I did this year, I am watering almost every night.  I kind of wish we could get a good soaking rain.  BUT, the days have been sunny and lovely and slightly crisp, so I can't complain.

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


        Just sending a lot of 🦋 hugs to all. A huge hug for Pickles, I hope she finds an answer to her health issues.

        Enkie, turning on the furnace? Is it that cold in Seattle?


        I have a local friend who is running the  Berlin marathon tomorrow. Super cool.


        Today was work day for my wings, got to love budget time for our federally funded projects. One done, 2 more tomorrow ( they are due Monday) but first I have my last long run for Chicago to run. I am so excited.  I love long run.


        • Posie

        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


            I'm so grateful that nothing was wrong with him, but this next chapter in our lives has got me anxious and a little depressed. I can see what's in store for us, and I need to get my head wrapped around our "new normal." He is 7 years older than me, and I hope I can handle everything coming our way.


          4 miles early this morning, just to relieve some stress. Then a trip to farmer's market.


          Savor your health everyone. This getting old stuff is hard 

          This hit home for me. My SO is 10 years older than me, and I sometimes worry about what's in store for us, too.

          Lately I've been feeling very grateful that I can still run, and determined to take advantage for as long as I can.



          I have my last long run for Chicago to run. I am so excited.  I love long run.



          Have fun on your long run, Mariposai!


          Twocat, you are correct: winning that Paris bib seems to have had a positive effect on my attitude about long runs. I now agree with Mariposai. 

          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            Quote from Mariposai on 9/23/2023 at 5:29 PM:

            I have my last long run for Chicago to run. I am so excited.  I love long run. 

            Twocat, you are correct: winning that Paris bib seems to have had a positive effect on my attitude about long runs. I now agree with Mariposai. 

            Moebs / Posie - very nice, if not necessary for most of us (except the trail runner crowd for whom the trails are all the motivation that's necessary), to have the incentive of an upcoming marathon or plus for the time and energy of a long run.  However, at least Posie's is pretty soon.  Do you plan on weekly long runs until next August?

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
