Masters Running


Saturday June 17, 2023 Daily (Read 34 times)

    Good morning.  Just to get us started...


    Paul's got a great marathon report on a separate thread, in case you missed it.


    Our reasoning, and hers as well, is that the world is overpopulated already.

    There were about 3 billion people on the earth in 1960; there are over 8 billion now. No wonder traffic's so bad.


    AI continues to snowball...what could possibly go wrong?


    I went back to my 5.2-mile trail run that I did on Thursday and tried to pick up the pace a bit. I 18 seconds!  I'm slow but I'm consistent.   I had the place to myself this morning even though it was a beautiful, comfortable morning.


    Have a great weekend.

    Be safe. Be kind.

    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

      Tramps - nice trail run on a nice day back there. Sounds like you're really getting back into the swing of things or have you been reading too much Wildchild on the trails that you seem to have had a few of too on your recent anniversary trip too.

      There were about 3 billion people on the earth in 1960; there are over 8 billion now. No wonder traffic's so bad.


      AI continues to snowball...what could possibly go wrong


      I went back to my 5.2-mile trail run that I did on Thursday and tried to pick up the pace a bit. I 18 seconds!  I'm slow but I'm consistent.   I had the place to myself this morning even though it was a beautiful, comfortable morning.

      Population explosion makes me wonder what it'll be at in the next century when those being born now get to be our ages. I don't even want to think of where AI's gone by then, though. .

      Neat AI on photoshopping, especially if the video version can make certain people look fast again, if ever.


      Bio - is your grading on multiple choices, simple true-or-falses, etc. or is it more interesting narrative, essay type answers that would seem fun on topics of interest.


      Seattle's summer solstice weekend back to normal cloudyness with light rain kind of making it okay that I'm missing all the weekend's festivities to concentrate on indoor stuff.

      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

        Thanks, Tramps, and good run.  Thanks for pointing out Paul's race report.


        Met up with the group, but a lot of folks are down in Bell Buckle racing the popular Moon Pie 10 miler and 5K.  I decided to pass on it this year.  It's a drive to get there and I didn't want to leave Robert Earl for that long and I didn't feel like racing in the heat just yet.  I did really well at that race last year, but it's a tough one.   Anyway, I was alone on the group run and did 11.2 miles.  Pushed a bit too much, maybe, but not dehydrated.  It wasn't too bad out- about 63 to start and clear.  There's enough shade, too.  So that's done.


        Tet- needless to say, we are flying to Banff (well, Calgary).  The travel from here to there is hell.


        Where's BTY with the swim meet report from last weekend?

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


          Found out that at the Moon Pie 10 mile race that I did NOT go to today, a runner was seriously hurt when 2 motorcycles went through a barrier and hit him.  They then fled the scene.  Someone just posted that at the awards ceremony they announced that the runner will be OK.  Is in the hospital, though.  This is a small town and a very rural course.    Scary.

          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



            Karen that is awful.  I’m glad the runner will be ok.  I was in a hilly 5k once and someone passed away from a heart attack on the biggest hill.  It was awful watching traffic control clear a path for the ambulance.  

            we enjoyed a lovely birthday dinner with our daughter last night.  Today’s run has been rescheduled though.  My husband complained of knee pain all through dinner and was awakened during the night with it.  This is unusual.  He rarely has any sort of pain.  We will take it easy today and maybe run easy tomorrow.  In the meantime I must resurrect my pt exercises as I have a cranky IT band again.  Don’t want it to get out of hand.

              KSA - so scary!!

              Parkrun today!! I finally made it to a Parkrun on the Eastern Trail Biddeford today. Unfortunately the rain and some other local 5ks impacted the number of runners - only 5 of us plus the tail walker. I went and did the out and back a second time and it really downpoured!! Ended up with 6.5 miles for the morning. Also did a 30 minute upper body strength class before the run.


              Yesterday took my road bike out for a spin for the first time since fall 2021 - I ride the Peloton a lot and had my road bike on an indoor trainer in Maine but had backed off from outside biking last year - time to get back out there!! Also did a 45 minute PowerZone endurance ride on the Peloton in the morning before I drove up to the campground.


              Happy Saturday (in the rain for us) - I need to go read some recaps!!



                Tramps - Are you following the Caps AHL affiliate? The Hershey Bears are tied 2-2 in the Calder Cup final.


                Deez ran a Parkrun! Welcome to the cult.


                Thanks for the kind comments on my granddaughter. It has been a tough couple years for people, especially teenagers. A normally awkward time has been made worse by Covid and the explosion of social media. Cindy and the kid will be back here on Tuesday.


                Since Cindy is in Florida it is up to me to go to my father-in-law's place, make sure he takes his medicine, give him an insulin shot, and have breakfast with him. I also wanted to get in 7 miles this morning, and do that on an empty stomach. So I got up at 4:00, made it to the park by 4:30, and got in a 7.05 mile run. I feel a little strange when I am out that early. I expect to have a weird animal encounter or a weird person encounter. Because, who the heck else would be out at 4:30 in a park but a weirdo?


                Twocat/Moebo - Are either of you going to do the Orange Night Run for the Paris Marathon? Speaking of weird. The challenge is to run 5.274k sometime between 7:45-11:59 PM tonight. I don't plan to run it, but since I am home alone, maybe I'll change my mind and go out there and give it a go. Go get some more losing lottery tickets.



                  I heard that they announced at the awards ceremony that the runner will be OK, but is at the hospital getting checked out.  Whew!

                  Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                    Bio - is your grading on multiple choices, simple true-or-falses, etc. or is it more interesting narrative, essay type answers that would seem fun on topics of interest.

                    the AP biology exam has a multiple choice section, but that is scored by machine. There are 900 humans scoring the free response question of which there are 6. I’m working on question 5. About 202000 students took the test.

                    My question is a four parter, mostly about DNA and evolution although every question assesses multiple areas of knowledge.


                      Hi, Masters.


                      Thanks for the start, Tramps. Pretty scary encounter, KSA, but I'm glad to know the runner will be OK.


                      I was up at my regular time this morning (along with Dave), and took my time, had a very light breakfast (piece of toast with peanut butter and a cup o' coffee), did some reading, and left for the Maine Senior Games races at about 6:15. I expected it to be raining by then, and was pleased that it hadn't yet started, since rain was expected all day, starting about about 4 or 5. I thought that I could have done a workout at my regular time and stayed dry. Still, I packed all kinds of dry clothes to change into after what I expected to be very wet races. I got to the venue at 7:30, checked in, chatted with another racewalker (Sherrie) from our group, warmed up, and got to the start area for the 8:00 start for the 5K. So far, still dry. These are usually small races, made even smaller this year by the very wet forecast. Runners and walkers race together, and we quickly determined that Sherrie and I were the only racewalkers. The race starts, and in less than half a mile, I am on my own, with runners either well ahead of me or behind me. So, with mental reminders of what to do to maximize my pace, I just focused on me. I also didn't check my mile splits, preferring to go by 'feel' alone. I finished in 35:40 for an average pace of 11:04, which was better than the 10K last weekend, and (I thought) pretty decent given that I didn't have any rabbits to chase. We had 30 minutes after the 5K finished before the 1 mile racewalk/powerwalk race started. And, much to our pleasant surprise, the rain was still holding off. This time, Sherrie and I were joined by another walker who just wanted to walk the mile, and had no intention of even trying to be competitive. It was a flat out-and-back course on paved trails and a bit of a school parking lot. So Sherrie and I were each on our own, and we each stayed focused on our own races. I was clocked at 9:55, and Sherrie (just a couple of years younger than me) at 10:45. I was really happy to be under 10:00, as I wasn't sure I'd ever see that again, and Sherrie said it was her fastest mile. We each earned gold medals for our two races. We cooled down, said our good byes, and I was driving out of the driveway when raindrops started falling on my windshield. And it is still raining...


                      I came home, had something to eat, a nap, and a shower, and now I have to prep for tonight's dinner party.


                      Have a greta Saturday.



                      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


                        Nice racing, Jay! Glad the rain held off for you.


                        Dave, I was planning to run that 5.274 challenge tonight, and even took a rest day yesterday in anticipation, but now I think I will probably skip it. I had a fever yesterday and am still feeling crummy today, so I figure the effort is probably not worth it. That weird distance represents one leg of the in-person relay race in Paris tonight. That's the race I wanted you to do with me! (Mostly kidding but I definitely could have been persuaded to follow through Smile  I am hoping the fever is not related to my tick bite a couple of weeks ago. Waiting for a doxycycline prescription to be called into the pharmacy just in case.

                          Jay- congratulations!  Those are outstanding times.   My Senior Games races are week after next.  I'm doing 5K and 10K.

                          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                          Mike E

                          MM #5615

                            Hello everybody!


                            It's been a busy week... good thing I wasn't planning on running, this week... and I just never had the energy to get in here and post anything.


                            Dave--I am so sorry to hear about your granddaughter.  I don't know if I would be able to keep her out of my sight, if she were was staying with me.  To be honest--I don't understand why kids are having so much more trouble dealing with things, today... but just because I don't understand it doesn't meant that they aren't.  I feel bad for anyone going through such tough issues.


                            I'm glad the runner who was hit by the motorcycle wasn't seriously hurt.  I guess we should all, probably, start being more vigilant at our races... or anywhere, for that matter... it's sad, but true.


                            Man, bio, that's a whole lot of test questions to read through.  Oh--congratulations on your award!  That's very cool... and, I'm sure, very much deserved.


                            Congratulations, Jay!


                            A month ago, our pastor asked if I could prepare a sermon and do the service for church, tomorrow.  Of course, I would... with a month's notice, I could be ready in plenty of time.  I have spent this entire week stressing out about it because I had barely started it.  This morning, I got up and went right at it and finished the sermon and laid out the whole service.  You can't believe the relief I feel.


                            I was talking to Mikey (my son up in Alaska) about some upcoming bike race he's doing up there and I mentioned to him that Ryan and I were planning on doing the Shiprock Marathon in New Mexico next May and, hopefully, both qualify for Boston and do Boston in 2025.  I told him that my dream would be for him to qualify with us and the three of us run Boston.  Well... we're all three registered and we have our hotel reservations... just need to get our plane reservations done and start training.  Now, if only I could get a grandkid, or two, to join us...


                            Okay--that's it.  Gotta go.  See ya!

                              Oh that sounds like so much fun Mike!  A family marathon trip!  (not the stress about preparing the sermon).

                              Nice job on the races, Jay!

                              Nice running and biking, Deez! You always seem to get in a lot of workouts.


                              Just a 3 mile walk for me in drizzle. I love the drizzle!  It's so cool but humid but comfortable here. Hope to run in it tomorrow.

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."



                                Mike, that does sound like a fun marathon trip with Mikey and Ryan! You sure do plan ahead!


                                Jay, congrats on the two speedy races!  Glad the rain held off.


                                Karen, that's scary about the runner getting hit by the motorcycles.  I hope they catch them.  Have fun in Banff!  I'd love to get back up there one of these days, it's so gorgeous.


                                Deez, congrats on your parkrun!  Enjoy the campground.


                                Dave,  I agree, running at 4:30 am makes you a weirdo.  


                                We had a rain and hail storm blow through here at about 10 am, but then the sun came out, and I went out for 7.5 miles on the dirt roads.  Tomorrow is the first day in weeks with no rain in the forecast, so I'll get out for a long run.

                                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
