Masters Running


Tuesday 2/15 Daily (Read 469 times)


    Scanning yesterday's thread, Mariposai left us all with an upbeat message to end the day on.  I need to be more thankful for my miles, especially all the pain free ones this year.


    Is the Timbo vs. Slo smackdown happening at Green Bay?  Or where?  If it is Green Bay, I may be able to watch it.  If my younger daughter gets her summer internship up there.  I noticed that I will be helping her move in over the marathon weekend.  (My daughter is flying out there this week for an interview.)


    Well, I hear a lot about something called "warmer temps?"  I hope it gets here.  12° for me this morning.  5 miles under a clear, moonless sky.


    Have a greta day1



    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Morning Dave!    The butterfly lady is a gem isn't she??    Yep, the smackdown is happening in Green Bay - it'll be the biggest thing that hit them since the Super Bowl.


      Well, we had quite the romantic Valentine's Day .... not!    Both B'Nellie and Hailey made it through the invisible fence last night - after dark - and would not come when called.    After two hours of driving around, calling, and finally out on foot, I had just given up when they came running up behind me, just as happy as can be.     So, I had a drink, went to bed later than usual and did not run this morning.   Boo!    DH did buy me a box of my most favorite dark chocolate almond bark though.   I either have to eat it this week, or ration it because my 9-week to Easter/Puppies diet starts this weeken ...... what do you think I'll do?


      It was much colder than anticipated outside this morning too and I didn't have the proper clothes laid out, so just as well that I snuggled in with coffee instead.


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


        EZ 7.2 @ 8:21.

        Have a good one!

        Be safe. Be kind.


        Trails are hard!

          A pretty sad announcement for me today, but thought it best to wait past Valentines’ day.  For those of you who aren’t FB devotees that have seen this already, my mom passed away suddenly this past Friday.  For those of you who are, thank you so much for all your notes.  The support is amazing and greatly appreciated. 


          She apparently had a massive stroke at some point the evening before and my BIL found her when my sister couldn’t reach her.  She was taken to the local hospital, but was put on life support and never regained consciousness.  My family was fortunate to get there before she passed.  We will be forever grateful that it was so peaceful and that she didn’t suffer.


          Because she was such a feisty 84 YO, it came as a real shock.  We have done the easy first part of preparing for the memorial services this coming week, but the hard part of settling a long and fulfilling life is yet to come.  It was only two and a half years that she moved from her home of 55 years to be closer to my sister, but she was such a part of their community that we will be having a memorial service for her there and back in her home town, where so many of her friends still live.


          Not sure she ever fully understood my running, but was supportive of it anyway.  depression era folks had more on their minds than exercise Wink.


          So that's why I haven't been around much.  I've done some reading for some semblance of normalcy, but have retained even less than normal.  So lots of good runs, some new old people joining again, Tim?Slo smack talk,  tired of winter,...... everything seems about the same.


          3.1 miles on the TM this morning. First time since Friday.   Was going to run outside, but when I heard the cover to the bathroom fan flapping in a substatial breeze, the plan got revised.  Hope to get outside sometime soon--just don't find the TM very conducive to just clearing the mind and running.


          thanks for listening.

          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



            ((( Kevin ))) My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God's healing blessings to all of you.

              Oh Kevin, I am so sorry. It sounds like many will celebrate her life and I hope that helps get you and your family through the darker moments.

              I haven't been on FB in awhile, so I am glad you shared your news here as well.


              Peace to you.

              Renee the dog



                Thinking good thoughts for you, your family and your Mom's Spirit.

                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  {{{Kevin and family}}}


                  {{{Mary}}} - glad you found the dogs, but that is frustrating, for sure.


                  Coming home after 9pm from my tax job makes it hard to go right to bed, so I ended up staying up later than usual last night and then sleeping through my alarm this morning, so I had to cut my run short.  As CNYrunner has told me, if you don’t have time for quantity, go for quality.


                  3.8 miles outside in a calm 25°, including 3 tempo miles at (8:33, 8:21, 8:28)


                  Back home to check on the kids, then 2.2 miles on the TM, including one mile at goal-MP (8:49)


                  6 miles total, followed by lunges, squats, single-legged dead lifts, and step-ups.


                  I am VERY happy with this short-but-sweet workout.  I think this is the fastest I’ve run in a couple months.


                  Tonight is my 8yo DD’s last basketball game, the 2nd tournament game.  Her team has won every single game this season, mostly due to 2 high-scoring girls, but a great effort on the part of every girl on the team.  It sure has been fun to watch!  And considering that DD had never played basketball before, and was nervious about trying something new, she did wonderfully this first season – I am very proud of her.   Smile

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."



          's are always good at supporting you, even when they don't know what the hell you're doing....


                    mine passed away

                     a year ago this month.




                    .........28min poolrun


                    .......hike tomorrow


                    ........if THAT works,

                    WalkOut-JoggBack next day...



                    ..........................good running guys.........hug somebody you love today......

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                      Stumpy...I am so sorry to hear about your loss. 


                      Dave59...Green Bay is right. That would be cool if things worked out with your DD. It'd be great to meet you.  Despite what Mary says...I really doubt the residents of Green Bay will find anything impressive with the Timbo Slo Hand smackdown other than the exorbitant amount of time Timbo finishes after me. Wink


                      Not much to report...a run last night. Great weather !


                      MM #6177


                        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                          Kevin - I am so sorry about your mom.   It sounds as though she was well loved by all.


                          Holly - when you run on outside, and then on the TM do you have to change out of all your layers into shorts, etc?  


                          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                            Kevin, thanks for sharing this news with us. What a grand lady your mother must have been. Butterfly hugs to you and your family.


                            No running this morning. I was just tired and grumpy so I decided to sleep more. I will run tonight. With Mr. Posie volunteering to do taxes and DS in class I definitely can run in the evening today.

                            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                            Marathon Maniac #957


                              Holly - when you run on outside, and then on the TM do you have to change out of all your layers into shorts, etc?  


                              Yes, but usually it just means stripping the outer layer off and tossing the hat and gloves aside.  My garage is pretty cold in the winter time.  Today I wore (for the outside part) a UA mock turtle and light jacket on top, capris with running pants over them on the bottem.   Once back home, I took the jacket and pants off and ran in the mock turtle and capris in my garage.

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                                Dave59...Green Bay is right. That would be cool if things worked out with your DD. It'd be great to meet you.  Despite what Mary says...I really doubt the residents of Green Bay will find anything impressive with the Timbo Slo Hand smackdown other than the exorbitant amount of time Timbo finishes after me. Wink




                                I think the smackdown is pretty cool - hopefully you guys will be in fine form the night before Big grin The local newspaper reported that both the half and full are officially closed. A little room in the "run for charity" category.


                                I went to see an orthopod yesterday. Major piriformis/sciatic issues in my right leg with orders for NOTHING for at least a week. No eliptical, no walking, no nothing. I'm on a full dose of steroids. Then, I've been told to build back slowly - how am I going to train for the Cellcom?  I've never been so down-in-the-dumps. What is it about running that makes it so important to your self-worth? 
