Masters Running


40s 50s 60s+ On the Run - w/e 03/13 (Read 428 times)

Queen of 3rd Place

    Glad to hear you're ok, but too bad about Crescent City. There wasn't enough time for people to prepare, it seems. And people who do stupid stuff, well yeah, sad but...duh.... Good luck on your long run tomorrow.


    Planning another race tomorrow, a 4 miler, the last in the local series for awhile. Right now I'm the #2 Master's woman in the series, #1 is a young 40 - 44 whippersnapper who is WAAAY out of my league. She'll have to get hurt for me to pass her. Evil

    Ex runner

      Planning another race tomorrow, a 4 miler, the last in the local series for awhile. Right now I'm the #2 Master's woman in the series, #1 is a young 40 - 44 whippersnapper who is WAAAY out of my league. She'll have to get hurt for me to pass her. Evil


      Uh oh.  Stash the clubs!  Wink


      Good luck!

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance


        3 easy miles for me this afternoon.  82F....I think the warmest it's been in some time.


        Good luck Arla.


        Stay safe Lesli.


        Where's Jewels?  I found myself wondering how she's doing.  We need a FLA report.

        Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

        flatland mountaineer

          Glad our west coasters survived the wave. Can't imagine the damage done in Japan, human and otherwise.


          Sucky run week, had some terrible sinus headaches keeping me up at night, barely get them under control by the work time. Don't know if it is a by product of my shop work or if it is in the air in general. I will have to be better at wearing my dust masks and respirators and try my steroidal nose spray.


          Go get em Arla.....

          and I hear Tonya Harding is outa the joint :-) ......oooops I didn't say that.


          Ev bring on some spring, save a little winter for the mtns.



          The whole world said I shoulda used red but it looked good to Charlene in John Deere Green!!

          Support Ethanol, drink the best, burn the rest.

          Run for fun? What the hell kind of recreation is that?  quote from Back to the Fut III

            Leslie, glad to hear things are mostly OK in your neck-o-the-woods.  So sad what happened in sudden and no time to evac.


            Good luck Arla!  I love it....a 40-44 whippersnapper Smile.  Go get 'er!


            Ev, I wonder about Jewels too.  Hope she is just enjoying her family and life and would love to hear how she's doing.


            Jim, hope you feel better.  Hard to run when you can't breathe!


            Esther, your running is looking good these days.  Have any races on your calendar, or just enjoying the ride?


            Joe, how's the work/life balance thing coming?  And Buddy, is he balancing sniffing and chasing things?


            Hidey ho to everyone else.  You out there Stumpy?


            Been a bit distracted with bike shopping, but finally settled on one this morning.  2009 Scott Contessa Speedster w/ Shimano 105 components....very ligtly ridden.  Gal who had a half iron on her bucket list....knocked it off, and wasn't into riding after that.  I could have eaten off their garage floor, and I could tell the Mr., who was into cycling and tris and had a similar bike, had maintained it for her really well.  Oh, and got in a 10 mile run before all that this am.  A good day Smile

            Progress Trumps Pefection


              Nice score on the bike Carol! Good riding to ya.

              Jim- hope the nose is better and that sounds like some good clean fun up in the mountains. Good for you.

              Leslie- glad to hear your area was spared. Sure is scary stuff.

              Arla- WTG on the AG! And your trail adventure as well.

              Ev- good going on your runs. Hope that lockout doesn't last long?

              Omat- Nice run and Aruba sounds delightful. Much flooding up your way from this past storm?

              Hi Cindy, Stumpy and any lurkers.


              Typically busy work week for me but I managed my first 60mw since last fall. Nice 58* run today. A few with Buddy (who is actually sniffing and slowing more as it's warmer)   then solo over to the hilly 10k course. Four 0 to 100' climbs over the 10k at an overall pace of 8:13. Then a couple cool down and back home. Have a good weekend folks.







                Jim....sorry about those headaches.  I hope they go away and stay away.  Evryothrday had really bad sinus headaches a couple weeks ago.  He had the crud pretty bad and his work schedule kept him away from the doc for awhile.  He finally got to see a PA who gave him a shot in both buttocks (as he said) and some antibiotics.  Did I post this already?  Anyway he's ok now.  Good luck with that.


                Joe....the lockout......There's one thing that I look forward to come fall/winter and that is pro football.  OK....I really like college ball too.  They better straighten themselves out before the season starts or....."To the moon!"  Nice week of running and nice hill runs.


      're really doing great with your runs and cycling.  And you got a new bike.....great!   Any swimming?


                An easy 3 for me this afternoon.  I was going to go pick mushrooms this afternoon, but bailed out on that.  A bit early (and dry) anyway....I think.  Maybe next week. 

                Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                  Hey All -


                  Jim - The Hub dealt with a bad sinus infection for close to a month.  Oh yeah - he didn't go to the doctor in the beginning like I strongly suggested. Evil


                  Nice 60-mile week, Joe.  Between you and Arla, the rest of us look like slackers!


                  Carol - We gonna see a pic of that there bike??  Nice find!


                  Ev - You're getting pretty consistent with that mileage.  Good job.


                  The 22 miles went good today, except it rained about half the time.  The first half seemed to me to go slow, but the second half went pretty fast.    We got fairly far out on the logging roads and I ended up creeping myself out a bit.  We decided that (1) we need to buy one of those locater thingees and (2) we each need to carry one of those thermo blanket things - just in case something was to happen to one of us.  For instance, as far out as we were today, it'd take a couple of hours for one of us to get back to get help.


                  It was a good run, though, and since I'm starting a mini taper for next week's 50k, I only have to run 5 tomorrow.  Nice!

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance


                  Queen of 3rd Place

                    Jim - hope the nose spray knocks that down for you, sounds really uncomfortable. Sinuses are hard to get at. 


                    Carol - nice shopping/sleuthing!  I went to the liberty of looking up a pic and would post it but the picture function isn't working. Anyway, good job, nice light bike and 105 is good stuff. Thing sure does look fast!! 


                    Joe - uh-oh, guess you'll be passing me any day now, if you haven't already! Looking at your pace, you should expect a monster marathon PR this year, keep it up! 


                    Ev - mushrooms? As in wild mushrooms? I find that so scary. 


                    Leslie - Two things you definitely want when you leave the road whether for a hike or run: a steri-pen and a space blanket (hey, they give the blankets out free at the end of many marathons) - both are small and light. One trick on the steri-pen is that they need enough minerals in the water to work, I guess they run a current through the water, and some clean streams are actually too low in minerals for them to work. Add a little gatorade or anything else with electrolytes and you're good. Any giardia in the water will still be there, but they'll be dead. Kinda gross but better than alive. You could also carry a water filter, they're a little bulky and heavy but not too bad. Of course let someone know your itinerary. 


                    AG win for me yesterday, ran the 4 mi in 30:03, chasing one of the 40 - 44 women, which kept me going. Right now I'm the #2 master's woman in the series - #1 runs a good minute per mile faster than me in these events, so yeah, I need to give Tanya Harding a call. Evil There's also an elite woman in town (former US Olympic marathon trials qualifier), but she has been a no-show so far. Can't win it if you're not in it! Gonna go easy today. 


                    Planning another trail run with Mark on Wed., but we have to cut it short since he wants to register for the Pike's Peak marathon and it opens at noon on Wed - typically fills in minutes. He tried to talk me into it but no way..OMG it's 13.1 mi straight up and 13.1 mi straight down. Maybe Leslie would like that sort of thing...Big grin



                    Ex runner


                    Trails are hard!

                      Have to sort of sneak in and out.  Well behind on most everything in life at the moment, so RA and you guys are no exception.


                      but--Nice racing, Arla.  it is a dream of mine to one day find the right race that I can sneak in and get a AG.


                      out for what I hoped would be 9+ miles.  made 8.66,  at some where slightly over 1:20:00 but with a bit of technology problems.  Apparently, I don't delete runs from the Garmin often enough.  At 7 miles, it seems to have sort of run out of memory.  That's when the laps and time end, but when I look at the map here, it's got the whole route.Confused  So, since I didn't remember the actual time I ran, it's just a guesstimate.


                      The run itself wasn't too bad, but I'm harboring doubts on my ability to improve on my half time in three weeks.  Let me just say that training has not proceeded smoothly and leave it at that.

                      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                      flatland mountaineer

                        Suprisingly strong 10.5 miler after again being up half the nite with a throbbing head. WUWT. Trying not to veg too much as I think the right glute and ibt try to tighten up and pull my hip off track after a longer run. I been stretching walking and rolling my right glute on a trigger point ball. Going to the shop this aft so will keep moving. I felt the muscle running down the back of my neck into my shoulder try to cramp a few times, might be part of my headache equation......stress plus sinus


                        Joe congrats on the 60 miler week, awesome!


                        Leslie nice 22. One of my friends is a pro photog in RMNP and does mega hikes/skis alone in the dark to get to his chosen shoot by sunrise. He got a SPOT, great comfort to his wife. Definitely get a space blanket. Can u get cell coverage in those remote areas?


                        Arla, nice racing!! You are working yourself into a pretty select group there! Pikes Peak, ya 6000 vertical ea way topping out over 14 k, unless you can spend a month at significant altitude you are at a serious disadvantage to the locals from an aclimation standpoint, so sure don't  blame you. That was one thing I had to come to terms with during my avvy class. In addtion to the fact that most of the class was under 30  and most of them were semi ski bums that lived at altitude!


                        Stumpy good to see ya. What ever you run at you half will be a pr of sorts as you had a unique set of training challenges that could not be changed, just go have fun. I think your strength to persevere is a great tribute to your mom.


                        Hey Ev, saw a thread on 14ers' about hiking/climbing groups in OK, might be worth checking out.


                        Hi Cindy see on FB Doug is getting some nice runs in, don't work too hard.


                        Carol sounds sweet, got any pics of the new ride?


                        Hiya to the rest.


                        Hard week ahead in most every way possible, time to COWBOY UP!

                        The whole world said I shoulda used red but it looked good to Charlene in John Deere Green!!

                        Support Ethanol, drink the best, burn the rest.

                        Run for fun? What the hell kind of recreation is that?  quote from Back to the Fut III

                        Top 'O the World!

                          Howdy folks!!


                          Haven't been on the computer much for a few days...except for a couple of explorations of info on Japan! DisapproveSad


                          Pike's Peak is right in my back yard, Arla! Smile....& I'm usually up in Buena Vista getting ready for TransRockies but, several of my checkpoint ppl run that thing before coming up to BV... We don't have much for flats around here....  Congrats on the AG! - again!  I have ONE AG medal, most assuredly a huge fluke, but I'm keeping it! Especially as it's most likely the last one I'll get before I'm 80!!!


                          Leslie - Glad the waves weren't too bad in your neck of the woods!!...Yeah, when are you gonna get serious about this running thing!? Evil  I think you should ask Coach for a good tri coach recommendation for your "friend" & relay your "concern" for HIS training welfare - you know, just in case he ever decides to take it seriously....(insert pure evil intentions into this please!)


                          Yay Jim! You're getting to play in the snow more than I am this Winter!! {{jealous!}} I think I'm overdue to take a season off & play...oh wait, that's what I was supposed to do with THIS one! Sad 


                          Sorry Kevin! story of my life too....Good luck on your half anyway! I know you'll have fun!


                          Congrats on the 60mpw, Joe - & the kewl new mud shooz! just in time for Spring too!!


                          Nice consistency there, Ev....them temps is getting a bit too warm for me!!! Been in the mid 40's "upstairs" for most of this week!! & snowing at night..makes for some pretty "Springy" jaunts outside, huh! Wink


                          Hey OM!  - just google & swipe someone else's pics of your favourite spots of vacay!


                          Kewl score, Carol!! I googled it!  I had to look up Olympic distance tri too...tripped all over a great looking list of fun events! hmmmm Wink  as for my work schedule...Angry I ran into some minor difficulty in regards to communications. Despite our conversations of the entire season & particularly last week, she had me on the schedule for 5  12 hour shifts this week! I was soooo pissed! ~moreso that she tried to BS me about the extent of conversations about shift modification (putting it back to closer to what we'd originally agreed to than what it had become lately)  than the fact that she hadn't fixed the schedule at all yet... Wednesday was almost a complete train wreck! turned into an 18 hr day for me.  I think that she got that I really was angry & promptly fixed the schedules for succeeding weeks...& then I went in & "blocked out" necessary days/times pertaining to other stuff rather than count on her honesty...Honestly, it's at least partly my own fault for not being more assertive about my postition - I don't stand on "No" nearly concisely enough with her!  


                          So, Thurs am, I blocked myself out for approx. 3 hrs first thing (supporting co-worker told boss that I "had" to go for a run!!!) & went for a 9 miler around Breckenridge in36* crystal blue temps...*note to self - while Airport road is (relatively speaking) mostly flat, the maintenance truck traffic fumes leave much to be desired!*  Negotiating wet icy patches (w/o yak traks), hills & waiting on tfc brought me down to approx a 12:37 avg pace... then another therapist offered (since we had openings) to give me a massage afterwards, which turned into a MAT stretch session - YAY! OMG! I had not realized how much I've been neglecting my "support" training!!! my hips feel sooooo much better now!!  Friday, 3 miles (sans watch) in same conditions as previous day & 45 mins of Ashtanga yoga (ugh!), hot tub, then remainder of work shift.  Sat., one client, then 6 miles then some random swimming/floating (aka- meditation) because, miraculously, the schedule completely opened up!! Saturdays have been verrry busy of late!? (Spring Break can be weird)  then off early (took myself off the schedule)  to go to a HOA dinner with Doug (voluntary hoa where we plan Summer BBQ & talk wildfire prevention for Indian Mountain), I'm sitting here drinking tea instead of running my 10!? what's up with that!!?


                          Hope you all have a great week!!!



                          Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                            Ev - mushrooms? As in wild mushrooms? I find that so scary. 



                            Picking them is not so's eating them that's the scary part.


                            Nice win, Arla! 


                   say that Joe and Arla are making us look like slackers......then you go and run 22 miles, probably a very hilly 22 miles.  Sheesh!  Nice work!


                            Hey Stump....nice run.


                            Jim....nice 10 and a halfer.  You're running some good mileage these days.  I think I saw that thread....OKC climbing?  I'll check into it for sure.


                  've got some nice miles going for you, as well.  Tell your boss, "What part of NO don't you understand?"  That always works for me.....well.....actually I've nevr said that.......outloud anyway.


                            Got a 6er in this afternoon.  It's cooled back down to 45F today and a bit breezy. 

                            Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                              Congratulations, Arla!  Go get 'er!  BTW - I know people in low places.  Just sayin' . . .


                              Stumpy - Go into the HM with the attitude of just enjoying it and you'll do great.


                              Cindy - 18-hr day??  Isn't that illegal??


                              Jim - Between a sinus infection and neck muscle cramping - yeah, I'd say that's a recipe for a nasty headache.


                              Ev - Joe and Arla consistently run 2000+ mile years.  I can't even imagine!  And hey - I'm glad you pumped out a 6-er.


                              Me - 5 miles this a.m., followed by some really great pancakes at the Trinidad Eatery - 9 grain with blueberries.  Yum!  Then just a relaxed day with The Hub.  It was nice.

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance

