Masters Running


Wed Feb 20 Hump Day Runs and Ramblings (Read 747 times)

    Careful Holly. Don't come back till you feel better. Trust me I know ... It's not worth it. Bill

    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

      I wasn't going to post today since nothing to report, but I had to at least comment on Soundrunner's photo -- that's a good one that deserves the cover of Masters Runners World at least! Are we going to let Tet get away with using that forbidden term not once, but twice in the same post? And be sure to take care of yourself and your family, Holly. Like others, we won't be seeing our crocuses or daffodils for a while. Not unless they poke up about a foot to get through the layer of snow and ice that we have right now. Definitely more winter weather than we've seen in a few years around here.

      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


        Happy Windnesday guys and gals! from yesterday... halllar- good deal about the foot feeling good. If it persists though, a trip to a good podiatrist to figure out what's going on is worth it's weight in gold. wildchild- wow, talk about a change in your weather conditions! enke- Thanks for starting us off, and I can't believe you are still awake at that hour, let alone working out! I hope the sore thigh is a non issue today. And I guess you can call my posts the Clif Notes version of the daily. evryday- send that weather this way! I'll bet it felt great donning the shorts again. Paul- if you can't go longer, go faster! Those nice days will be the norm soon enough. evanflein- you were probably 10lbs lighter on your run due to having to wear less clothes. And I'm sure your laundry pile is smaller as well. I hope the teacher talk helped you son out. They may not seem like they are listening, but they are. And that license plate looks great! from today... PDR- who needs streetlights when you have mother nature to light you way in the form of a bright moon? And don't worry about your race pictures, I agree with your thought. You can pose for a nice picture anytime, in a race you should be going for it. CNY- sorry about the crappy night. You'll be home soon enough. Big time kudos for getting up and running anyway. Recharge those batteries, and enjoy your hiatus. Looking forward to having you catch us up on Monday. breger1- it sounds like you are getting your old mojo back. That HM DNF was a fluke. WRFB- nice workout! Look at those descending splits. I think running without streetlights suits you fine. hopeful4ever- Sad about the injury. Who wants to run in all that snow anyway! Hopefully a day or two off will do the trick for you. Try doing some light massage on it to help it along. Good luck. Perch- great workout! You are fine tuned and ready to go for Saturday! Roy- those foggy runs can be pretty neat sometimes, providing some interesting scenery. Tallrunner- I'm dealing with the same crap that you are. So far taking it easy hasn't worked for me, I hope you have better luck. Jeanne- those crocus's are down there, just dying to come out for you! Soon! Holly- Sad A coughing chorus of colds does not sound like fun. Take care of YOURSELF! Don't make me come down there... Wink I hope everyone feels better soon! Tim- time to break out the bodyglide for those blisters. Hopefully by loosening up the laces a bit, you can give your toebox a little more room to expand. Nice run in tough conditions! SueT- the achillies is so important to running, and often doesn't get enough TLC from runners. Keeping it loose and stretched out can help avoid so many other problems from your calves to your feet, as well as help with your running economy. If there is one thing that I would recommend for runners to do besides run, it would be yoga. Have fun with the pups! Rochrunner- see, you did have something to report! Thanks for popping in. 6 easy moon and star lit miles this morning. Was anyone else lucky enough to see the moon low in the sky before sunrise today? Temp was around 20* with a stiff, icy north wind blowing. Even though my pace was easy, I was still huffing and puffing like the freight train it felt like I was towing behind me today. It's time to take a day off, I'm losing the battle with this sinus/lung thing going on. At the end of the run, before I went inside, I was treated to the most incredible moonset over the water, and then turned around to see pastel colors and fiery red underbelly of the clouds, followed by an amazing sunrise over the fields minutes later. Also, did you ever notice that the birds chatter the loudest in the minutes before sunrise, and then fall almost silent when the sun finally comes up? I love these morning runs. Make today better than yesterday gang!

        Marathon Maniac #957

          And I also have developed very painful blisters on my little toes on each foot...probably because of my new shoes I wore Sat for the first time.
          Tim - Try getting some New Skin or any other liquid bandage, and paint it all over your little toes before your run. I’ve found it really helps a lot as a blister preventative.
          IRC. 64 and 74%.
          Grrrr....... Wink Sue – when do we get a picture of your adorable puppy? I think we need to start a RA Pet Thread over here. PDR - I'm with WRFB on the streetlight issue. We have several out here, and I worry about falling into a pothole this time of year. BTB - right back atcha... Smile Before I left for work, DH said, “If you feel like crud, call in sick and stay home.” Easy for him to say, he works for the county. I’m the sole employee, and my boss doesn't know how to use the computer. I almost never call in sick, and use most of my sick time on my kids, or dentist/doctor appts. But what I was really thinking was: I only ran 7 miles today. I should call in sick tomorrow, run 12 miles, then I can sleep all day...... Big grin

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            Great runs this morning. WRFB—can’t you change a few light bulbs? I thought that was your specialty. Soundie—great race photo. Powerful-looking legs! My photos always look like I’m grimacing in pain and gasping for air…which I suppose is pretty accurate. As others have noted, I’m sure Tall’s visit and Castro’s resignation are connected somehow. What did he say to Fidel? I’ve got a few other folks in mind who could use a good talking to. Hope Holly and other sick folks feel better. 7 miles, including 5-mile tempo @ 7:19. First tempo mile felt tough but then I just seemed to hit the zone and comfortably coasted the rest of the way. I’ve been invited to speak at a local college on a panel about young people and politics. The funny part is the title of the panel: “Beyond Boomers” Where have I heard something like that before? Wink

            Be safe. Be kind.

              Soundrunner looks even better in person... 9 miles with T at an 8:06 pace...if it hadn't been so late I would have added another mile,I felt great!! Dark Horse, I hope everything is okay with you and you are just too busy to post...
              Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

              King of PhotoShop

                I have to agree with everyone else re that Soundie picture. It's not only a keeper; it's magazine quality. I used Tet's link to open it, and that's the only nice thing I am going to say about Tet today. Roch, I think we should gang up on him. Lou, your run is a great example of how the body warms up to exercise. Those mile times kept getting faster as HR stayed fairly constant. That's the way to do it. I hope they let me on the flight to Baltimore today. I weigh 600 lbs after 4 consecutive days of eating bread. Oh, almost forgot. No workout today, but will run tomorrow morning. There is some body of water there in Baltimore where I usually run, forget what they call it. It's like a big harbor. Spareribs

                Marathon Maniac #3309

                  Tim - Try getting some New Skin or any other liquid bandage, and paint it all over your little toes before your run. I’ve found it really helps a lot as a blister preventative.
                  Yeah, I learned that trick last summer when I got a hugh blister on my big toe during a 1/2 IM....dumped blood out of my shoe at the end....ouch! Tim

                  Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                    How fun to have a daily started by the Westies! Yes Heh, even if they had to cheat and start the night before, it's a fun twist. Soundie, you are so hawt. I agree on the you couldn't take bad pictures comment. I find I'm never quite sure what Tet is saying... WRFB, PDR, Holly... what are streetlights? Something that I guess comes with paved streets, sidewalks and other trappings of society? Hmph. Who needs 'em. Holly, you are sick. But hey, I guess we all are. I have caught myself thinking that was an option... call in sick, run a MLR early in the day and go to bed! Or go into work late... I have left early to get a run in, but I did fess up with what it was about. My boss runs, too, so he's always willing to work with me on getting the longer mid-week runs in. Speaking of work, off I go. Temps are still warm (up to 40 or so today) but windy. I would run outside, but I want to get some fast mile repeats done so will probably use the treadmill. Just can't get good speed on the slick bikepaths when dodging walkers and stopping for intersections! (which brings up a question I want to ask.... many of you do 400 m to 1000 m intervals outside, and I don't think you're using a track. How do you measure? Use the Garmin? I wouldn't trust it to be accurate down to that degree... at least not up here. How do you guys do it, Steve? Tramps? Lou?)
                      (which brings up a question I want to ask.... many of you do 400 m to 1000 m intervals outside, and I don't think you're using a track. How do you measure? Use the Garmin? I wouldn't trust it to be accurate down to that degree... at least not up here. How do you guys do it, Steve? Tramps? Lou?)
                      I don't have a track nearby, so I run them on the road. When I do an interval workout I program the garmin to tell me when to run and how long to jog for the intervals. I used to do that even for striders, but now I do a 60 second period (20s on, 40s off) and watch the stopwatch function at even minute boundaries. So the upshot is -- I think the advanced workout feature works fine for 400m + intervals. If they are off by a bit maybe your metrics are not perfect, but your training would be fine.

                      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


                        Somebody send that picture to all of the running magazines!!! Awesome Soundie!! Ribs: 600lbs! Snork!! Bread is my weakness. I absolutely love love love good bread, bad bread, old bread, fresh bread and especially bread with butter!!! Holly, you sound sick dearie! I fought the same stuff and finally was diagnosed with a sinus infection. Take care of yourself. Don't over do it! ECLIPSE?? I'm not up that late. Treadmill run today - even though it is really nice out - I am home stuck waiting for calls. hmpfff. 5 miles Enjoy Wednesday!
                          Well, my right upper leg has been giving me some problems. Right where the leg connects to the upper body on the inside of the thigh. After yesterday's run in the snow, it was bothering me all day - not to mention during the run too. SO, as much as it pains me to take a day off - or two - I guess that is what I need to do. Cry ~Mary
                          I try not to be too alarmist, but if this feels kinda like a groin pull, it is consistent with the initial manifestation of a FNSF (femoral neck stress fracture). If it gets worse, or even if it doesn't get better, you might think about getting it checked out. I wasn't able to run on mine at all and had a significant limp even while walking. A year and a half later, I still freak out with every stoopid insignificant twinge in that area. Now apparently I'm even freaking out with other people's twinges. Maybe I should just.. Roll eyes

                          aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

                          Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

                            (which brings up a question I want to ask.... many of you do 400 m to 1000 m intervals outside, and I don't think you're using a track. How do you measure? Use the Garmin? I wouldn't trust it to be accurate down to that degree... at least not up here. How do you guys do it, Steve? Tramps? Lou?)
                            What Lou said. The Garmin's close enough for me. I'm sure there's some variation but, hey, I'm running intervals with elevation changes too! I don't obsess about the precision. I just try to get the general run done. Related question: Is the public allowed to use the track at your local public schools (when students aren't using it, of course)? It's a pet peeve of mine that a high school about 3 miles away has a nice track locked up behind tall chain-link fence. I'm curious what other localities do.

                            Be safe. Be kind.

                              Hi again (after 8 hours sleep). Soundie, that is a great photo, crystal clear, nice scenery in the background, oh, and the runner looks great too! Is there an envy smilie I can insert now?? You know Soundie, if I had a HR monitor I could test my hypothesis. It would probably take 100 plus weeks to collect enough data points though. My HR by two fingers method suggested that last night's run wasn't as demanding as I expected. Tet, yes I got your previous post. I will definitely be taking a jaunt into Seattle for trail shoes. Hoping I will get to see you at the M.I. Half, it's only 2.5 weeks away now! I have a hug waiting with your name on it. Wink Tramps, you are too funny! Big grin (lightbulb comment, LOL) Holly, gosh a whole house of sickies, fun indeed! Tomorrow night is spirit of the marathon movie for me. Got to feed the addiction.

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                                Erika wrote: "I find I'm never quite sure what Tet is saying..."
                                I thought it was just me. But I think I've determined that he posts in Japanese, so there's no sin in not knowing what he's sayin'. Bill

                                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong
