Masters Running


40s 50s 60s+ On the Run - w/e 11/07 (Read 334 times)

    A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. (Mark Twain)


    Where is everybody?  Hmmmm - Guess I'll write a novel -


    My day started off with a bang at 4:30 a.m. when a dog that had been roaming the neighborhood yesterday (unbeknownst to us) got her head stuck between the neighbor's fence and house.  Evidently, they had "taken her in" yesterday, but when she wouldn't stay in their yard, they let her go.  She was trying to get back in their yard.  It took The Hub and the neighbor almost pulling the fence post out of the ground before they were able to free her head.


    I could've clobbered the guy, I was so mad by the time we ended our conversation. 


    Him: "She was in our house, but she wanted out so we let her go." (What??)

    Me: "Did you call Animal Control?" (by now the dog has followed The Hub into our yard and is waiting patiently at the open door.)

    Him: "No.  Animal Control will kill her." (Like letting her run out of control around the neighborhood to get run over by a car or mauled by another dog or shot by some idiot isn't dangerous??)

    Me (trying to remain calm): "Look, it's 4:30 in the morning and something has to be done.  Are you willing to keep her in your yard until Animal Control can come get her?"

    He starts to say something about she won't stay in the yard.  I interrupt: "So are you willing to keep her in your garage until they can come get her?"

    He starts to blabber something else and I interrupted: "Forget it.  We'll take care of this ourselves." Oh, I was SO mad!! Angry


    Did this moron not consider that maybe someone is looking for her?  That she might have a chip and could be scanned for ownership?  Did he really think that letting her run the neighbor was safer than being in the animal shelter?  For crying out loud! 


    She's really sweet, very well behaved, clean, healthy.   This dog is taken care of.  A deputy sheriff came out and picked her about about 5:00.  I called the Sheriff Dept. to see if the owner was located, but that particular deputy doesn't come back on duty until about 6:00 tonight, so we'll see.  The animal shelter had no record of her being brought in, so keeping fingers crossed.  Otherwise, I'm going to be on the hunt to find someone who would be willing to adopt her 'cause we can't.


    Workout - 30 mins of core fueled by PO'd. Smile


    As for my neighbor - my suspicions that they're idiots have been confirmed.

    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance



    MM #6177

      Leslie, you just have a much more interesting life than the rest.


      Ran 17.5 miles today. Wanted to do 19, since it's my son's 19th birthday today. Just spoke with him on the phone. He's not too disappointed that I cheated him out of that last mile and a half. Big grin


      Happy travels, folks!

        Good job on the 17.5, OM.  Guess you're feeling better than yesterday?? Big grin


        And PS - This morning I signed up for the Leona Divide 50 Mile Trail Run to be held April 30. It'll be a solo adventure since no one can go with me.  Limited crew access (only 2 aid stations), and no pacers allowed.


        My goal is to run 2 next year, so we'll see what happens!

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance


          Morning, Folks (if you're out there . . . .)


          I got up late (no one's fault but my own), so only did my core/strength training - an hour's worth.  Will have to do my other cardio either tonight or Thursday.


          I had to make a bit of a tough decision yesterday.  Too many irons in the fire, and important aspects of my life are starting to suffer.  I'm involved with a state-wide legal secretaries association, and I am going tell the president I can't complete my two-year commitment to the legal specialization sections I'm in charge of.  I will finish up this "year" (which ends in May), but after that, I'm done.  She'll have to find someone to complete the second year, but at least I'm giving her almost 7 months to do so.  Feels like a tremendous weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance


          Queen of 3rd Place

            Howdy all! Quiet around here!


            Leslie - About your neighbors. Some people are just eejits. At least it powered a good workout for you. Your next trail run is close to where I grew up (Van Nuys), my dad used to take us fishing up there, and I worked summers at a nearby camp. Pretty area, and the elevation profile doesn't look too bad for one o' them crazy trail runs, I predict a good day for you!


            OM - another week of nice running for you! You're really on a roll!  


            Joe - thanks for sending your Giants to the Left Coast. Took awhile, but I guess it's eventually worked out Smile


            Posted a RR of my Warrior Dash experience on the general list under Racing.  I nearly screwed up by tweaking my knee, but it seems to be ok now. Hope to have a less eventful week this week.



            MTA: Leslie and I were posting at the same time. Good on you Leslie, for backing off when you need to!

            Ex runner

            Top 'O the World!

              Hey!   We really shouldn't keep letting Leslie talk to herself!  Big grin


              Yup, Les, some ppl are Maroons!!! or as a Robin Williams character said:  some folks are ass-halfs....they're just not smart enough to be wholes! 


              Good going on the 17.5,  OM!! You get some awesome mileage in!~ Wink


              Ev ~ Big grinBig grin   at least we still have some great cheerleaders down here!  an our mascot's cuter'n yers! Tongue


              Arla!!  funny stuff that!  Glad your knee seems to be okay.


              Busy wknd here...& I left my little netbook (what I've been using MOST of the time lately) up @ the other, not online much. Then ended up having two work days up in Breck, well, one half & one being a 12er..after the half, I went & met up w/DS & GD for chatting & dinner....made me miss that eve's run & paint duties (darn!) & a 12 hr shift kinda makes me miss everything - including dinner!  met up w/DH & the Denver Trail Runners group early on Sunday am - they wanted to run our favorite little hilly foothills spot...I was after 4-6, Doug was after a 10 spot...for some reason, the climb up was pretty tough on me! Like I might be a bit tired or something weird like that...??.go figure~!..About a mile in, (I'm the last one up the hill!) I passed a young lady who looked like she was struggling worse than me. I asked if she was okay, she said yes & that she was new to running, trails, etc. & had just forgotten her inhaler! Hmmm... I slowed enough to keep her in my sights for another mile-ish,  then just dropped back with her. Two others kept the both of us in their sights - even though I'd assured them I knew the trail well...we all popped out relatively close to the same time frame w/Doug & Amy doing a bit over 10 & coming down last. Then off to coffee together....Didn't do anything special for Halloween...just held down the fort for the random few trick or treaters that we got.. really light turnout for as nice a night as we got!?  ... then for Monday, Doug, Mairead & I hit the fairly flat Highline canal trail/path for a longer one...he went 20, 'Raid & I did a gentle 8....  DTR's not withstanding, there aren't nearly as many ppl out running now that the Denver & Chicago marathons are over!  Almost feels like I'm out on my own private trail!  Did see a young family on bicycles...he was towing an infant cart, trying to teach her how to ride a bicycle...I could see that her seat was waaaay too low!  her poor knees!!! At my slooow pace, we kept passing each other alternately for about 3 miles! ...just struck me weird, ya know? Big grin



              Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                Busy as a beaver as usual, Cindy.  I feel for the young gal who forgot her inhaler.  A few months ago I did an "easy" 3-miler and forgot my inhaler.  Never again!  Terrible feeling not being able to get enough air.

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance



                  Hey keep the noise down! Some of us are napping round here!


                  Good job with the dog Leslie.Sometimes common sense is in short supply.Your trail race sounds like fun and still daunting to us non-ultra running peeps.


                  Good mileage Omat! I live about 60 miles south of you on the NJ shore. Same weather pretty much.


                  Arla- great report and great "race". See, I have been telling you guys,you have to do those pullups cause they can really come in handy.


                  Nice of you to hang with her Cindy. It sounds as though there is always some kind of running related event going on around your way. Busy,busy.


                  Stumpy- another happy college student and proud parent post.Good for you and your DD. She's having experiences and making friends that will last a lifetime. And what's wrong with having to go to California anyway?


                  Looks like election night is really shaking things up.


                  Hi to any other nappers out there.


                  Chilly (40*)  3 miles to the gym. 50 pullups and 100 situps. About 5.5 miles home. Time to dig out the winter running stuff. Bleck!







                  Queen of 3rd Place

                    Stumpy - just saw your post on last week's thread - sounds like you had a great trip. Yeah, it's pretty rolling around UCLA, there are some pretty trails around there for being smack in LA. Jealous that you got to go see a game at the Rose Bowl, even if the other team won.


                    Joe - I like your run - gym - run routine. And remember: bundling up >TM! Even a California-weather-wimp like me knows that!


                    Cindy - nice of you to hang with that woman, and a slow run = a quick run for workout quality anyway.


                    Hi to the rest o' youse.


                    So....decided to do a dumb thing (guess I'm on a roll here), and upgrade this weekend's HM (here in Fresno) to a full, so this week's marathon + next weekend's marathon (San Antonio) earns me a coveted (to me) Marathon Maniacs shirt.  I could be more dutiful about the Daniel's running schedule, but what fun would that be?



                    Ex runner


                      Arla- Fresno + San Antonio + Las Vegas ? Yep, that's Maniac stuff alright. Anything in between? You go girl!







                        You go, girlfriend!  *chanting* Ar-la!  Ar-la!  Ar-la!!! We expect a pic of you in your Maniac singlet, young lady.


                        Nice running/strength training combo, Joe.  Very nice, indeed.


                        Overcame my morning inertia and did my 7 miles after work, including 2 good hill climbs.  I even beat a guy on a bike up a hill!  Extremely thick fog tonight, and I was soon regretting not wearing my headlamp, although I did have on my reflector vest.  Barely made it home.  Once again - don't eat burritos for lunch if you're going to run later.  I know, I know - TMI!  But I just couldn't help myself!! Big grin

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance


                          'Taint' nobody around here these days.


                          Yesterday -  1 hr of core/strength training.


                          Today - Rest day for me.  Found out yesterday that a bunch of transcription I have needs to be done by Monday for a pretrial.  Geez!  Thanks for telling me it was needed so soon!  So I was up until almost 11:00 last night, then at it again for an hour this morning.  So much for a sort of relaxing weekend.  On top of that, The Hub planned - without telling me until Wednesday - a 30+ person get together on Sunday 'cause he's going to smoke a couple of briskets. Grrrrr!  With alI have to do, hope he's not planning on my help for anything.


                          If anyone's listening - have a great weekend!

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                          Queen of 3rd Place

                            Leslie - what, you didn't tell hub that you already had plans to be out with the girls? Of course he'll have to clean up after himself. Oh and please save some leftovers. Heh.


                            Joe - I figure if I do Fresno and San Antonio in 4:45 - 4:50 that I still have a shot at 4:00 in Vegas. I did San Diego in 4:50-ish in the spring and wasn't even a little sore or stiff. Easy jog + walk the water stops. Real maniacs must do the same - take some/most of their runs super-easy - although I'm still shocked at some of the higher "levels" they have (like 4 marathons in 4 days, 52 in year, etc.).


                            Another bout of warm weather here, supposed to cool off by Sunday's marathon, but not quite as well as usual. Oh well, maybe that free post-race beer will seem like a good idea in the warmer weather. I'm hosting a small (9 people) pasta feed, but making it easy on myself - plain ol' spaghetti with marinara, pre-assembled garlic bread, salad in a bag, paper plates, canned sodas and bottled beers. Only thing I'm making tonight is the sauce and the salad dressing.


                            Happy Friday everyone!

                            Ex runner

                              Hey folks.....


                              I'm back from a week trip to TX.   Down in Carol's area around Dallas.  Great time (even the training classes were good).  Beautiful area, nice weathr, evryone was especially nice to us (me and 2 coworkers) for no good reason.  Got in a couple of all is good.


                              Leslie, that dog is lucky to have you.  Good luck on that 50 milr.


                              OM.......I remember when I was 19.......I acted like I was 17.5   Not that your son is anything like me..... just trying to rectify that whole run his age thing.  Tell your son "Happy Birthday" from me. 


                              Mtn....Buffy is a good lookin' mascot...I'll give you that!     The cheerleaders are beautiful too......especially that little one who gets to perform at the Bronco games on occasion.


                              Arla.....I'll be reading your RR asap.  What time should I be ovr for the pasta?  Sounds good.


                              Joe.....met a guy from NJ this past week.   He said to tell you hello.


                              Hey to the rest of you!

                              Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                                Arla - Good luck at the marathon! 


                                Hi, Ev.  Nice to "see" you.


                                10 trail miles at a nice easy pace.  We didn't strain ourselves too much, although I tried to work the hills as much as possible.  I thought we were suppose to do 12, but Karen insisted it was 10.  Came home and looked at my schedule and she was right.  Moreover, we don't start increasing our Saturday miles until Thanksgiving weekend.  Woo hoo!  10/10 for the next couple of weeks sounds good!


                                Alrighty then - gotta get to transcribin'. 


                                Later, gang ~

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

