Masters Running


October '17 Masters Miles (Read 30 times)


    191.8, breaking my 200+ mile month streak at 6 months. Oh well, wasn't that long of a steak anyway.

      86.1 miles for October

      MCM - slowest, last, but most emotional marathon for me!!


      Thanks Milktruck!!



        136.5 mi for October

        70th consecutive month >100 miles

        1 marathon, 1 half (3rd AG). No PRs.

        1789.1 mi for 2017


        Trails are hard!

          A whopping 24.5 miles for me.  Work intrudes yet again.  Let's see what November holds.

          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


          Mike E

          MM #5615

            Thanks milktruck!  No races to report--just some fun runs with the cross country team


            October:  257 miles

            2017:  1819 miles


            That's it for me.


              Thanks Milktruck!


              138.5 miles in Oct.

              - 1st, RW div, Great Island 5K

              - 2nd, RW div, White Mountain Miler's Half Marathon



              Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

              an amazing likeness

                October 2017 summary from all who reported in...


                +subdood runs the board by nailing the Magnificent Median and running a prime

                + 5 Monthly Prime runners (possibly high water mark in 2017): MikeE, rmcj001, coastwalker, subdood, quickaddr

                + monthly average faded to 138 from 141 in October due to injuries in the field


                Runner Oct Dist Prime! Notable Notes
                HermosaBoy 354 . Just missed PR in 10miler (but 354!)
                Mike E 257 ! .
                pfriese 225 . Dominated odd race distances w/1AG in Qtr Mar + 15K
                rmcj001 211 ! Two 10K with a 2AG
                RunnerKSA 192 . Marathon as part of 851 days of streaking
                evanflein 192 . .
                catwhoorg 188 . Half marathon PR + 78 cycling miles
                metalmancpa 177 . Marathon in memory of Mom
                Opie 175 . International 10K
                coastwalker 139 ! 1st RW 5K, 2nd RW Half Marathon
                SubDood 137 ! 3rd AG half, Marathon, 70th month 100+mi
                Jlynne 135 . 3rd AG 5K
                Quickadder 131 ! Two trail races + voluntered in a 3rd
                deez4boyz 86 . 26 of 'em in MCM marathon
                TammyinGP 84 . .
                Opus77 77 . Coming back from PF
                spacityrunner 66 . Trail half
                stumpy77 25 . .
                Tramps 24 . + 321 cycling miles
                tom1961 15 . 3 weeks downtime
                milktruck 0 . 88mi of rehab walks
                average 138 . .
                median 137 . .

                Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.
