Masters Running


Tried and True Tuesday - Oct. 29 (Read 44 times)



    Wow.  Quite a daily yesterday.  I think the cooler weather has everyone feeling chipper.


    Blue—why, oh, why are you trying  speed work between two marathons 14 days apart?  You won’t get any benefit from it in time for your race and you’re risking injury precisely at the time when you’re most vulnerable.  My (unsolicited) two cents worth.


    I bet divechief’s review of the film, “Captain Phillips,” is the only one to include this observation: “there were a couple of good shots of the propulsion diesels.” Big grin



    I had the same thoughts regarding IBUB's training and divechief's movie review!  And I agree that the dailies lately have been pretty interesting and weird!   I guess I haven't been feeling as chipper as most of you, because I'm in full taper mode for Moab, and I hate taper.   But on the plus side, I get to see Holly this weekend at the race! Smile


    All this talk about ultras has me checking race calendars for next year...   I'm seriously considering doing the Bighorn Trail Race as my first 50 miler next June;  I did the 50k there this year, so I know about half the course, and it was gorgeous.   The hard part will be convincing my DH that this is a good idea.   And I'm in for either the VT 50k or 50M, depending on how things go at Bighorn.


    C-R - you're doing the Monkey this year?   Have a blast!  Any other Masters running it, or just swampers?


    Heading out for a short trail run this afternoon to beat the taper blues.

    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

    will run for popsicles

      4.5 chipper miles, if you're referring to the chipper scene in "Fargo." Much like the movie, today's run was based on a true story. Headwind in both directions.  No trick-or-treaters on the course today, so I ate the bag of chocolate myself. An interlude of Counting Crows, or possibly grackles. which makes me think of rice krispies, except for the snapping and popping part. Oh, to have Durwitz's dreads. 82 degrees still too warm for a proper water polo match. Note to self: Don't post this stuff where people can see it.

      by the bye, Javelina Jundred in AZ is another 100 worth considering. I never did the race, but I ran the trail a bazillion times. Very runnable and not too technical. Only tricky part is getting your head in a place where you don't bail out between loops. And it can still be a million degrees in october there ...

        There have been interesting and diverse conversations and posts going on here lately.  Some stuff though, went over my head (cup under Robin's skirt??).


        Since my boss is away this week, and I have little work that needs to be done, and it was a gloriously sunny day....I took a day off and decided to hike Mt. Si.  It was a bit easier than I was expecting.  7 miles round trip, according to Garmin, went from 800 ft to 3858 ft, possibly higher as I think I turned my watch off when I scrambled up a bit higher for a better view.  Might post photos on fb if they look any good.  Remi drank half my water, and I took just enough, no more.  Time was 3:39, but that included waiting for people to pass and stopping once to drink.  Kind of a long 7 miler eh?  I am hoping this is good cross-training.


        When I got home, I found out that my research paper (co-first author, however my name is listed second) just got accepted for publication.  It was submitted on Friday, so that is just BIZARRE (well, it had been rejected once already, but obviously upon resubmission the editor just decided to accept it, and not send it out for review again).  Anyway, what a nice surprise and I am so happy I took the day off now!

        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

        will run for popsicles

          yay! congrats!

            ....YAY enke//////////

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

              I am so happy I took the day off now!

              you should take the rest of the week, if not month, off.


              How do they decide author order?

              seniority, job title, production/contribution, alpabetical?,

              obviously not pulchritude or good runnership.


              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

              Mike E

              MM #5615

                See, enke, I told you, you had a lot going for you.  That is really cool.  Congratulations.

                  Hurray Enke!! Great news and congratulations.




                    When I got home, I found out that my research paper (co-first author, however my name is listed second) just got accepted for publication.  It was submitted on Friday, so that is just BIZARRE (well, it had been rejected once already, but obviously upon resubmission the editor just decided to accept it, and not send it out for review again).  Anyway, what a nice surprise and I am so happy I took the day off now!


                    Purple Dancing Banana emoticon (Banana Emoticons) a huge congrats on your paper being accepted for publication, that is a HUGE deal!!!! Purple Dancing Banana emoticon (Banana Emoticons)


                    Holly congrats to the kiddo for being inducted to the Honor Society List. Both of my kids were and it is also a HUGE deal!


                    Well, last night I hit the track for some speed work. 5x800m in 3:54 average time. I am mighty pleased with the outcome. The greatest part was that the Easy Pacer ran with me to the track, he ran around and around slow on the outer ring while I did my speed workout and we ran back home together. I was smiling big, of course.


                    Today I ran 4 easy miles as I chased a glympse from darkness to light.


                    Mo Boy, I am so glad you started posting here. You fit right in!



                    Off to clean the basement now. I have Enkie and Divechief visiting me in two weeks!

                    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                      4 pages yesterday - wowza!!

                      no run for me yesterday or today -- 12 hour days on the labor floor instead!!  Fenway Park is CRAZY!!  The whole area is flooded with trailers and news trucks and people in Boston for the World Series!!  I AM SO GLAD I AM NOT WORKING TOMORROW!!!!  My parking garage is right across from Fenway and it is going to be a zoo!!


                      Karin - when are you picking up your race packet?  I am team captain for MVS Scrambled Legs and am planning on going somewhere between 11a-2p Saturday.  Lamerunner - I'll be sure to find you!!

                      Welcome back Byll!!  Your trip sounds wonderful!!

                      Jay - I would love to post a picture of my running group Sunday but you know how technologically illiterate I am!!  There are FB pics if someone could drag them over for me!!BlushRoll eyes




                        Jay - I would love to post a picture of my running group Sunday but you know how technologically illiterate I am!!  There are FB pics if someone could drag them over for me!!BlushRoll eyes




                        Done Smile

                        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                          Tetsujin, funny, I had to look that word up, assuming it meant something that smelled bad.


                          To answer your question (others can skip this):

                          In basic research, usually first author did the most "bench" work.  Last author is the principle investigator or usually the prof, so to speak, who applied for the funding in the first place.  I did 30% of the bench work, a tech did 50% of the work, but his experiments were almost all negative, so he didn't have as many figures in the paper, and so got demoted to third author.  A collaborator who is trying hard for tenure at an undergraduate University (Seattle U.) compiled the results and wrote most of the paper, did maybe 10% of the experiments and supervised the tech, so I agreed to have her as first author.  So a combination of work put in, plus politics, as is most of life.


                          What a colorful bunch!!

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                            Thank you Posai!! Can you see my purple butterfly wings?  I wore them for you!!  Smile





                              Off to clean the basement now. I have Enkie and Divechief visiting me in two weeks!


                              Mari, You're entertaining Enke and Dave in the basement???   And even if you were, it would stay clean for two weeks???


                              Enke,  I had to look up pulchritude, too... it means "beauty!'


                              Denise - I liked this one from FB, and it shows off your wings!


                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                                Thank you Posai!! Can you see my purple butterfly wings?  I wore them for you!!  Smile


                                I love ya tons!!!! of course I saw the purple butterfly wings!!! You are awesome!


                                Wildchild, our family room is downstairs, I guess the basement is a wrong term here. But either way the downstairs needs some major clearing since for the last 10 years it belonged to our kids. And you are will not stay clean for two weeks, but then again, they are friends, I don't have to try to impress them on how clean my house is Joking.

                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
