Masters Running


Tue Aug 18 Runs and Workouts (Read 423 times)

    to Perch's knee!


    All of you dealing with the H&H, you have my sincere sympathies.  The little bit we've been dealing with really gets my asthma going.  Had to use my inhaler twice this a.m.  Very heavy, damp fog.


    Sue - My brother had a  Rottweiler years ago that was such a big baby.  If he could've sat in laps, he would've tried to be a lap dog.  Just a real sweetie.


    Nono - Very sweet about your DS.  I don't have kids, but I remember loving to just sit and hold my niece or nephew when they were young.  When my niece was real (2-4), she'd stay still forever if you laid her across your knees or whatever and lightly scratched her back.


    Holly - I've been trying to figure out where I'd put a chin up bar in my workout room.  I could probably do, oh, half of one at this point.


    5 this a.m. with about a 9:40 av pace.  Was suppose to do 5-10 hill sprints at the end, but Mother Nature had other things in mind.  I was extremely happy I was just down the hill from my house at the end of the 5.   My legs were also very, very dead and heavy.  I think I still haven't recovered from lack of sleep due to the weekend's activities.


    Funny - I bought a watch at the Columbia Outlet Store and yesterday finally figured out how to set the time.  Well, somehow I also turned on the alarm.  At midnight the dang thing went off, but it's such a quiet alarm, it took me awhile to drag myself out of my slumber and realize what was going on.  The Hub - "Are you running at midnight?!?"  Uh, no . . . sorry.  Now I need to figure out how to turn the stupid thing off.  And no, it didn't come with instructions.

    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance



    Marathon Iowa 2014

      Started with some fizzy lifting this morning, then out for a 12 miler at 5 am from the gym.  When I got back to the gym for some post run stretching, a guy asked me if I was on a construction crew.  Thinking that I was being complimented on my newfound muscletude, I said "No, but thanks for thinking so."  It was then that I realized I still had my reflective vest on while stretching - violating all sorts of gym dress etiquette.  At least I wasn't wearing the headlamp.  Oh well.

        happy is the day we have PBJ positng.

        tramps, I luve the link you sent me yesterday, I think I think I should get myself one of those big wings.


        perch, of course you can , first one slow, second one two weeks later a bit faster. Great to hear about the knees doing well.


        Slo, I bow to you my friend. Great strong run today.


        The worse weekend call in recent years did not allow me to run my LR on the weekend, so yesterday afternoon I put on my bossy sombrero and left work at 3pm. Drove home, got ready for a run and asked DS2 to drive me up to the mountains so I could scape the H&H (it was 85F when I started).
        We drove 20 miles away from home, son dropped me off and I started running back home. It is amazing how the senses awakens in the woods. My spirit was alive and I did not mind a bit to be all alone in the woods. It is also amazing how a 10:30 mile pace feels so hard at 1800f elevation. It was hot to say the least, but I was well equipped with several bottles of water and gatorade, which we dropped every 6 miles on the drive up to the hills. To keep myself cool and kul I wore my Ragnar del sol straw hat. The first 15 miles were slow miles and the last 4 at MP + 30 sec (at around 9:30ish) and the last mile at 8:40. When I got home my DH was ready to take me for a nice leasurely 2 miles walk to cool down and he had prepared my ice bath for me when we returned.
        So, my first 20 miler of this training cicle is in the bag.

        Wild life seighting: around a dozen deer, 4 rattlers, 1 garden snake, one turtle.

        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

          nono, it was nice of you to volunteer at a race.  Walt, nice half and neat you and CNY got to meet. hopeful, happy birthday to your husband and I hope the party goes well.  henrun, good job on the race with your daughter and granddaughter.  Twocat, glad to hear the party for your wife went well.  Also, congrats to her on the 10K race.


          Nice long runs for PDR, perch Tramps, SLO, Sarge, holly, dg (and with a strong finish), seattlepaul, sue, ribs, CNY, deez, breger, holly (another one, this one with speedwork), PBJ, and mariposai.


          This morning, it was in the mid 70s with a light wind and humidity.  I got in 8 miles in a bit over 1:22:30 for a 10:20 pace.


          A good day and good runs for all.



          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

            SLO.... I had that disoriented feeling once. It was at the finish of a 10K race in July which was run in the mid 80's and humid. My DD2 and her BF met me at the finish and I told them to follow me to food/drinks station..... down a dead end alley!  That was wierd. Banana and water brought me back.  I assume you expereinced dehydration.

            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


              Lots of H&H out there today?  Hang in there.  It wasn’t so bad around here for some reason; just typical August weather.


              Lou—nice run this morning; those med adjustments seem to be working!

              Mary—that sounds beautiful this morning.  Good luck with the party.

              Teresa—nice going getting out in more warm weather.  That private road issue is a big one around here.  Often, developers don’t want to build roads up to state standards; it’s cheaper for them to opt out by declaring them private roads.  But that leaves homeowners holding the bag later on.  They have to pay for maintenance and sometimes even upgrades to make subdivision roads passable for school buses. They often don't really understand what they're getting into when they buy the house and later turn to the County (and taxpayers) to bail them out. 

              Byll—you call that whining?  Sounded like a regular run report to me. Come on, you can do better than that.  (Hang in there.)  BTW, I’m impressed they named a hurricane after you.  Spelled your name wrong, though.

              SLO—nice job on those one-milers!  (I’m with dg, though, that did sound a little scary.)

              Perch—nice to see you in the groove again; cooler temps are coming.

              Holly—nice job tackling that workout.  That seemed like a good strategy to approach a tough one.

              PBJ—at least he didn’t ask if you were a school crossing guard or something. 

              Mari—Very cool run!  Well done.

              Tom—nice 8-miler today.


              I had the distinct pleasure of a run with CNY today.  Our schedules worked out and we met up at a little park I used to run in when I lived in Richmond.  The park is nothing special but, of course, getting to meet and run with Karin was a treat.  She’s one of those people who, at first sight, you instantly know is a runner—a real runner!  In making plans, I used every excuse I had (still on the comeback trail, cutback week, etc) to make sure we’d be running very easy.  I also tried to get Karin to run a double yesterday (the day after a half-marathon race) but she saw through that ploy.  So off we went.  While Karin just seemed to glide effortlessly as she chatted, I mostly tried to occasionally grunt things like “Yup” and “Is that so?” to make it seem like I had enough breath to carry on a conversation.  In reality, of course, I was struggling the whole way.  I forgot to turn on my Garmin but we guessed somewhere around 5 miles.  I think it was about a 7-minute pace.  Okay, maybe slower...a lot slower...but it felt that way.  I don’t think Karin broke a sweat.  

              Be safe. Be kind.

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                Renee the dog

                  nono, it was nice of you to volunteer at a race.


                  Oh, I'm not that nice.


                  You have me confused with someone else here.

                  GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                  GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                  i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                    ......Wild life seighting: around a dozen deer, 4 rattlers, 1 garden snake, one turtle.


                    Mari.. great support crew you had..... but rattlers?? yikes!  (nice run BTW)

                    Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                      I always figured that'd be good inspiration to finish your run... Find yourself many miles from home with the only way out being your feet! Nice run, Mariposai. Feels so good to cross that off the list, doesn't it?


                      Tramps, way to hang with the real runner today!   That's very cool that you got to not only meet but run with CNYrunner.


                      Byll, what was going on with your pacing at first? Garmin going bonkers? I think you're justified in feeling a little wrung out. I'd much rather run in the cold than the H&H you deal with. Hang in there...


                      Holly, there now, that wasn't so bad? Like Bill says, it's about the effort more than nailing those paces. Are you doing those on the track or out on the trail? Did thatnearby track get finished? I remember it was getting worked on earlier this summer...


                      I'm wimping out on my run. Just don't feel like going out there at lunchtime and getting caught in the rain. I don't mind running in light rain, but not if I have to come back to work and sit in a 2 hour meeting afterward! It's been "spitting" all day and I just don't wanna deal with it. Feels like forever since I ran though. Isn't that weird? Took my first day off since July 21 yesterday, and actually did 30 minutes of pool running last night, but it feels like a long break. Runners are weird. I'll get my fix after work.

                        PBJ, you made me laugh.  That's a good one.


                        Oi, a deadening day.  In court for an hour and half with mostly a lot of tedium.  I feel so dull, can't begin to post anything peppy or halfway worth reading.  Wanted to check in on the nearbeer watch, see if y'all are behaving.


                        O Bill, it's ok to whine, but I still plan to head your way.  I will look at summer as winter here, and even tho it's H&H, I will remind myself I'm not shoveling it!!!  (And I can go out, however slowly, and run without being afraid of falling on the ice and breaking my hip, as we old ladies are wont to do, doncha know?)


                        Qwik, our B&G guy gave me a huge amount of cukes, any good recipes out there??




                        A (5 at lunch in an 8:40 pace--started at 9+ and just got a little faster with each mile on a pretty day.)


                        Primal Quest continues--the teams started with a marathon Friday morning and they're still out there.  The leading teams are expected to start finishing the 600 mile run/kayak/mountain bike/caving/trekking, etc. tomorrow sometime.  They've been out there all this time....even got almost shot.   From one of the leading teams' blogs:  "There was a little unexpected drama before the end of the first leg with the teams at the front of the field encountering an irate farmer who, according to a somewhat perturbed Anna Berthelsen, “threatened to shoot us … TWICE!”. Apparently the highly unusual sight of red bibbed adventure racers running through their domain had spooked some of the cattle which had understandably upset their owner."


                         (hmmm, Welcome to South Dakota!)

                        Masters 2000 miles

                        Renee the dog

                          Hey folks -- popping in tonight because I thought of all of you while Bayside and I were out on a "date" for Happy Hour tonight.  It was a year ago today that my Dad died...didn't remember until Glenn Miller's "In the Mood" started playing in the bar we were at for 1/2 priced oysters and clams (YUMMY!) .   Dad always loved "In the Mood" and I think it was appropriate I heard it today.


                          You all put up with all my stress during that time -- it was always a relief to come to the daily and pour out whatever was on my mind or in my heart.


                          Soooo, thank you to each and every one of you for helping me through such a momentous year. You are all too cool!

                          GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                          GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                             Did thatnearby track get finished? I remember it was getting worked on earlier this summer...



                            You know, I was thinking about that very thing this morning.  School starts tomorrow, and the track was supposed to be finished by this coming weekend, since they have their first track meet then, so I was thinking I would trot over there tomorrow morning to check it out.  (Actually, to see if there is a big new padlock on the gate now...)


                            But today's run was done by Garmin.


                            Open house at that school tonight (Middle School for DS), and I forgot to look at the track out back while I was there.  I did run into a teacher that I had met at the Air Force HM last fall.  Small world.


                            Nono - I remember that time frame - you were going through an awful lot at once.  I thought you handled it admirably.  I would have been a basket case.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                              Hey folks -- popping in tonight because I thought of all of you while Bayside and I were out on a "date" for Happy Hour tonight.  It was a year ago today that my Dad died...didn't remember until Glenn Miller's "In the Mood" started playing in the bar we were at for 1/2 priced oysters and clams (YUMMY!) .   Dad always loved "In the Mood" and I think it was appropriate I heard it today.


                              You all put up with all my stress during that time -- it was always a relief to come to the daily and pour out whatever was on my mind or in my heart.


                              Soooo, thank you to each and every one of you for helping me through such a momentous year. You are all too cool!


                              ((((( )))))


                                Nono, you're easy to put up with. I agree with Holly, you handled it amazingly well.


                                Long stoopid meeting killed my afternoon. Now I have to wait till someone comes to get me because we're still driving just one vehicle (car is sulking in the driveway with a dead battery). I'd like to get a run in like Aamos did, but I bet I'll have to settle on just an average run with a long hill to get home.
