Masters Running


Thursday already- July 11, 2019 (Read 41 times)

    A quick start but no recap except to say that we are all awesome.  And-  I wish the font on RA was a little larger.


    3.1 miles and 1 bunny spotting.   Have a greta day, Masters.

    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



      Mornin' everyone.


      Thanks for the start, KSA. Nice bunny running this morning.


      Did I ever tell you the time, when I was a kid at summer camp, when a few of us went for a hike, took a wrong turn, and came on a whole gaggle of girl campers skinny-dipping in the lake? I don't know who was more surprised. The counselors couldn't stop laughing while they shooed us back into the trees. But I digress...


      6.4 RW miles this morning in 63° temps with way too much humidity hanging in the air. I didn't feel as though I did as well as yesterday with my technique improvements - had a hard time staying focused on those issues. Tomorrow's another day. I saw quite a few bunnies this AM, as well as at least half a dozen deer.


      Have a greta Thursday!



      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

        Morning, all! We got back from our two-day trip, spending one overnight in Cadillac, MI, which is in the north-central part of the state and features two of the most beautiful inland lakes in the state. Our primary purpose was biking, and on Tuesday afternoon we rode 24 very pleasant miles on the paved While Pine Trail through woods, tamarack swamps, past fields, and turning around at a (very) small town along the trail. Tuesday night was a perfect summery night on a restaurant patio under the trees looking out over Lake Mitchell. This is prime Michigan resort territory and things move along at a leisurely summer pace, which was great for us. In fact, we decided to call it our "anniversary dinner" two weeks before the actual date.


        Yesterday was not really as much fun, as it heated up and got really humid by late morning, and the trail we rode on out of Reed City was too much in the open and too close to the highway. We doubled back and took a different trail, which was rather uneven and bumpy and also suffered from the H&H (approaching 90), so we called it quits after 20 miles. One bright spot was finding Yoder's Market along the way in the tiny town of Tustin between Cadillac and Reed City. "Yoder" meand Amish for sure, and Amish means fry pies  of course! We bought a few in addition to other homemade and homegrown specialties, and the pies (very similar to what we would call a "turnover") made for a great pick-me-up snack while we were on the drive home.


        I was definitely not at my physical best on this outing, which concerns me a bit for a big week-long bike tour that I'm doing in early August, but we'll see how that goes when the time comes.

        Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

        "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


          Thanks for the start, Karen.   Yeah, Thursday already for sure...


          Like Falcon said, I admire your pursuit of perfection Jay.   Good on you keeping your form in shape. 


          Roch, nice riding in northern Michigan.    That is terrific country there.    I ran a trail marathon a couple of years in one of the parks between Cadillac and Muskegon.   Beautiful, wooded areas.   To find a nice bike trail there must have been really sweet. 


          I went out to run this morning but had a re-do of an odd thing that happened several weeks ago, in that my left leg didn't really want to go along for the ride.   Felt "dead" and what "form" I might have had probably resembled Chester from the old Gunsmoke TV show.   "Mr. Dillon!  Mr. Dillon!"  Rather than lumber along to no point, I walked back home and promptly fell asleep again.   I suspect overall fatigue plays a big role.   And I'm bushed.


          Which won't improve a lot soon...I'll be up and out the door at oh-dark-thirty tomorrow to fly to San Diego for the weekend for a niece's wedding.   Wedding is on Friday afternoon, which lines up nicely with my flight arrival at 2pm PDT, then will have two full days in SD with my sister and other family.   Hope to get in two good runs there in near-perfect weather.


          Rock your Thursday, folks!


          I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   

            ...thanks for the FlashBack Jay......


            waiting out

            some thunderstorms here..........may get out later

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

              Thanks for the start, KSA.

              The bunnies are everywhere these days here, too. The spotted fawns are getting a little bigger, too.

              Erika--lots of news reports about wildfires and fiscal woes up there. Hope you're doing okay on both fronts.

              Joe--hope that left leg improves for you...and enjoy the wedding.


              21 steamy miles on the bike.

              Be safe. Be kind.


                Hey Roch, my granddaughter is camping in the Cadillac area with her other grandparents. We're in Coleman with our younger daughter. It was disappointing to arrive in Michigan and face the same 90° weather as we had in Florida and WV, but things are much nicer today.


                First day of my vacation with no little kids and no travel. It'll be a nice chance to relax and recharge for the next phase.


                My daughter's house is .8 miles from the Pete Marquette rail trail, so I jogged down to the trail and then headed west for a bit before reversing and coming back. 6.3 miles total. Longest run in a while and the last part was all walking because I felt a little sick at the end. Tried a new pizza place last night and ate too much.


                My daughter has to work today and Cindy is going to visit a friend so I'm free too sit here on the back porch and do nothing but read and eat donuts. (We went to Cops & Donuts this morning and bought a dozen assorted. It's one of my favorite places to go in Michigan.)




                  Hi all,


                  Roch, I know the Cadillac area.  We overnighted there on our way to Crystal Mountain to ski one year.   Do you ever venture over to Wisconsin?  There is a cute little Swiss town called New Glarus with an amazing bike trail system.  You can ride the trails over to Madison or south down into Illinois.  If you prefer the roads around New Glarus it is part of the Wisconsin Ironman route.  A couple of the hotels have storage on site for bikes so you don't have to leave them attached to your car when you're exploring on foot.


                  Anyway...short run yesterday, yoga and food pantry volunteering today, long run tomorrow.   Good Thursday all.

                  Singer who runs a smidge

                    Mmm, donuts!!  RD here today, most likely.  Depends on if it's pouring during my regularly scheduled walk time.  Chorus rehearsal tonight, at which I become the substitute front-line director, since our director is on vacation.  Ahh, the power!!

                    When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                      Mmm, donuts!!  RD here today, most likely.  Depends on if it's pouring during my regularly scheduled walk time.  Chorus rehearsal tonight, at which I become the substitute front-line director, since our director is on vacation.  Ahh, the power!!

                      Power indeed!  "Get it together, you lousy altos!!!"


                      I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   

                      Singer who runs a smidge

                        "We're going to sing this song at twice our usual tempo.  Breathe faster, folks!"

                        When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                          2.5 mile run in H&H very early this morning with a couple of knee twitches followed by lots of stretching.

                          Lots of bunnies nearby plus wild turkeys.

                          Roch- we do most of our food shopping at Amish markets during our Februarys in Sarasota Florida. Many Amish spend their winters in Sarasota.

                          Joe-get some rest!

                          HopesMom- you sound like our director. Fortunately we don’t rehearse in the summer🏖.

                            Dave, we drove past Coleman on US-10 of course. I've also stopped at the restaurant that's right along the Pere Marquette a couple of times when riding the trail in past years. The Pere Marquette also goes through Reed City, and that's the portion that seems to have taken some hard wear.


                            dnaff, we're taking a road trip into Wisconsin in September, crossing from Ludington to Manitowoc on the SS Badger, then going down to Madison, up to Duluth, then to Marquette and back home through the U.P. I have also considered a bike trip next year that covers a bunch of the popular Wisconsin bike trails.


                            henrun, I got into Amish products when I was on a bike tour that spent a couple days in Holmes County, Ohio, which is about 90% Amish and Mennonite. More buggies on the roads than cars! So after that caloric overload I couldn't wait to get more. My DW commented that they sure seem to like sweets and other rich foods, but then again their lives are spent mostly doing manual labor and you never see anyone who's overweight...

                            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              Hey folks,


                              Super busy week as i was getting work caught up so we could head to Norris Lake for a 4 day weekend in a big lakeside house with 4 other couples.  This is our 3rd year doing this and it is always a wonderful time.  We are lazing on the deck now while several of the men went to pick up the pontoon boat we are renting.


                              Sunday's LR aggravated the peroneal tendon on my right foot, just when my left foot is almost healed.  Monday I ran and it was still sore.  Tuesday I took the day off to rest it.  Yesterday i pushed it and ran 7 miles and then had a limp yhe rest of the day and it is still there today, so I swam instead, 60 days across the pool.


                              I brought my running stuff to the lake, but probably need to rest it instead.

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                                Hey y'all, getting ready to go teach spin so a quick post for the moment.  Got up early enough to go 7 miles.....but wound up going 6.  The Typhoid shot is a bit of a booger in itself but with the MMR I really didn't want to go any faster than the pace I ran.  The humidity didn't help.  Lots of walking at work.  My number 2 guy is on his way out (promotion) so there will be a gap until I get a replacement.  And our system is anything but quick.


                                Today's profile is an homage to today's stage...mountain stage, 3 Cat 1's, and multiple Cat 2's and Cat 3's.  So a lot of climbing tonight.


                                Have a greta evening everyone (teaching tomorrow early so will try and go to bed early run before I teach....maybe....)!
