Masters Running


Friday, March 11 ..... (Read 436 times)

i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

    Dave.. thanks for the 5K article.  Really good!


    Glad Tet's here and not there.

    Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

    Marathon Maniac #957

      Yay!  Thanks for checking in, Tet!  We were worried about you....I hope your friends are okay, too.....


      I just checked the weather report.  I'm supposed to do a 10-mile MP run tomorrow, but the forecast is for 25-30mph winds.  Drat!  Maybe I'll just try for 10 easy-paced miles tomorrow and aim at some MP in Sunday's 20-miler.  Except that, after running 10 miles tomorrow, I probably won't have much energy for fast miles on Sunday.  I don't know how I have ever managed to reach this goal MP in races - I seem to run them so rarely in training.....Roll eyes

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

        Tet was the first person I thought of this morning when I first heard about earthquake.  So happy he is home, safe and sound.  My heart goes out to the people of Japan, and any of those who are or will be affecting by the ensuing tsunamis.


        Our tsunami warning system has been going off since about 5:00 a.m., including two phone calls.  The entire lower half of Eureka is closed, and only 3 of us have shown up to work due to road closures in low-lying areas.  Crescent City, which is about 84 miles north of us, is a small shipping town that was devastated in '64 from a tsunami from an earthquake in Anchorage, AK.  The news is reporting that it's already lost 35 of its boats and all of its docks.  Unfortunately, the way its bay sits, it's perfect for squeezing the water in.


        Anyway, our area is in a state of emergency, school closures, etc., and the first small surges have hit the coast.  If anything is going to happen, it will be a couple of hours out.  It's interesting to watch, on a small scale such as my office, how people react to these things.  I think people are more "panicked" about what could happen as opposed to what more than likely will happen.


        Funny thing - I was looking for some place open so I could get coffee.  Two places - Starbucks and Ramone's - had lines out the door, including cops. I would think they would get preferential treatment! Big grin


        And other bad news on my home front - Horizon Airlines is leaving our small airport as of April 16, which leaves us with only United Airlines.  This really, really sucks 'cause UA is expensive.  With HA here, we could fly directly to LAX for about $250, although only two flights a day left/came in.  Now, we'll have to drive to San Fran, Sacto, or Oakland, or pay an extra $200-$300 per ticket to fly out of here.  I was thisclose to booking my flight on HA for my run at the end of April.  Glad I decided to pay the extra $100 to UA to get back 5 hrs earlier.


        *big sigh*  Have a great Friday and a good weekend ~

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance


        Renee the dog

          Hey folks -- having a devil of a time with my life right now....nothing bad, just too many projects and not enough energy to come here at the end of the day and report my shenanigans. 


          6 miles today in sun and 45 ºF...ahhhhh! 


          Good vibes for all dealing with the earthquake/tsunami.  Tough tough tough times for them. Sad

          GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

          GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


            thanks for the update in your area, Fattozig.  I hope WoodsLady is okay, too. I know she lives in a coastal town, but not sure how far up from sealevel she is.  The footage of Santa Cruz and other coastal area is pretty shocking, but nothing in comparison to that over in Japan. Wow, seeing the footage just leaves one speechless. I, too, thought of Tet, but was thinking he was here and not there. so thank you for checking in Tet.


            today is our break between rain storms, so will RAL, with intervals.


              Terrible news in Japan.

              I checked a topo map and we are at almost 400 feet so nothing to worry about!


              I eventually ran 3 miles on the TM yesterday (it was scary wicked windy outside), wanted more but my calf was tight the whole time and I am being overly cautious.  My overall mileage is going down the toilet fast. Sad  But better than an injury I guess.


              5K race/run tomorrow and it kind of bugs me that I don't know what route the race will be taking.  I have to be able to visualize it.

              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                The footage of Santa Cruz and other coastal area is pretty shocking


                I haven't seen any of this.  Will have to see what I can find on the 'net.

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance



                MM #6177

                  Glad Tet checked in too. Leslie, I was thinking about you too, and others in that area. Hugs and prayers to all affected.


                  8.34 miles of hills in my town, 10:07 avg pace. Sluggish legs, so I was surprised to see it was as fast as that. Getting together with the women I'm running the More HM this evening to watch Spirit of the Marathon. Usually Friday night is spent with family, but I suppose an exception can be made for running "family" sometimes. Smile


                  Happy Friday!



                    5K race/run tomorrow and it kind of bugs me that I don't know what route the race will be taking.  I have to be able to visualize it.


                    I'd love to have this problem.  I usually just follow the crowd ahead of me.


                    -Craig - "TPFD53 at gmail dot com"


                    Trails are hard!


                      I'd love to have this problem.  I usually just follow the crowd ahead of me.



                      Yeah, but the only time I raced with you, or should I say was in the same race, I seem recall that you won.  Evil

                      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                        So glad Tet is okay! The wife of my sometimes training partner Tri-guy is from Sendai and she is working hard to get news of her parents and sisters. Devastating.


                        Easy 6 miles at noon---still raining a bit, but clearing now--mild too at 47º





                        Divided loyalties here as someone who grew up in Syracuse (the Orangemen), but now lives closer to UConn. I think I want the Orange to prevail on this one though! Sorry PBJ.

                        Marathon Maniac #3309

                          Dave.. thanks for the 5K article.  Really good

                          Actually, that article was good, and answered some of my concerns.


                          I only said anything because sometimes some people can get on me for running my track workouts - 1/2  mile repeats or such too fast. Well, like my high school track coach told me recently, he said Tim..... remember how hard I made you run those 220 - 330 - 440 repeats, and how some would get sick - I said I sure do coach. He said THAT is what makes for a good sprinter, or any distance for that matter. He said it 's only common sense that you have to run faster than race pace, if you want to run a race faster.


                          I was really fast in High School :-)


                          No, I was not asking about how fast speed work can help with a Marathon - I do know it does. But I was talking about bringing my 5K, 10k times down as well. Since I started barefoot running, and switched to my Nike Free Runs, I don't worry too much about injury right now at all.



                          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                            Oh Good, Tet is "here" and OK.   Sorry about your running place over there being in a dangerous place.  I know I feel all my favorite running places are close to my heart.  I tell Econo I own them, but that is really what I mean. 


                            I had a sore foot for almost a week, but tomorrow there are two tempting 5K races.   I have not signed up for either, but may, and tell myself that if I have to walk a while, I can. 


                            Pro - when a person is way way towards the end, like me, many times there is no one ahead that I can see.  Sometimes in a big race, the chalk marks are mostly rubbed out!   Yikes!    Kind of a challenge just to figure out where to go next.  I have made a few minor mistakes.


                              ((((people in Japan))). We've been monitoring the situation pretty closely since we're leaving for Hawaii tomorrow a.m. and are scheduled to run a HM on the big island next Sunday. So far it looks good. The tsunami didn't happen -keeping our fingers crossed.

                              Been a good day so far. 4 mile run this morning in the fog and drizzle. Then went to the Y, swam for 30 min. and did yoga for an hour. No pain anywhere and I feel my endurance is returningCool.


                                went to the track at lunchtime to run intervals. nice and sunny out right now.


                                2 mi w/u: 19.14

                                3x400 at 7 min mile pace with 60 second jogs in between.

                                2 mi c/d: 18.15.


                                total of 5 miles, 45:38.

