Masters Running


Monday Running Madness 03/09 (Read 415 times)

    I switched to Montrails, a heat-moldable insole that is slightly thicker than the ones that come in the shoes.
    I Googled this. Is this the "Enduro-Sole"? If so, I'll tell my DW. Not cheap, but if they helped...

    Be safe. Be kind.


    Trails are hard!

      Here's a garmin question for all you experts. Max and I went out for a walk in the beautiful weather yesterday. I took my Garmin out for its inaugural use. I got this elevation chart out of what is an out and back, 3/4 of a mile each way. how come it's not symmetrical? Confused Just wondering

      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



        Looks to me like you were wearing the unit upside down on the way back. Or perhaps you walked on your hands. (don't try to make sense of out my responses.)



          the earth shifted.


            because the Garmin elevation data sucks, always. Especially when you are only looking at plus minus 40 feet. I think that is not even one error bar on it! Sorry, I'm cranky today. Good luck on Thurs, Stumpy, let us know all about your recovery. Leslie, thanks for that info. My new shoes are a bit narrower in the toe box and that could also be a problem, squeezing those metatarsals together.

            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


              Watch out for that Metatarsalgia. It can be a bear to really get rid of. Sad If it's caused by shoes, that's easier to treat than if it's caused by a biomechanical oddity... Stumpy, I have a 4.5 mile out-and-back from my house to the end of the road and back. About a 300 ft elevation change over the 2.25 mile start to turnaround (the downhill is nice, the uphill sucks, especially coming home after a long run). The Garmin rarely had me starting and ending at the same spot until I marked the starting point in my Garmin. It's still not perfect, but seems to be better now, like it recognizes the "marked" location and gets it right more often now.
                Stumpy--this is one reason I use Sport Tracks. It does nifty course corrections that produces much more accurate elevation graphs. My out and backs are nearly picture-perfect in their symmetry. Unfortunately the graphs here are not really useful. Here's my usual bread-and-butter 5.2 miler. Can you spot the out-and-back sections?

                Be safe. Be kind.

                  Stumpy - I'm blaming every weird thing that's happened in the last two days, and there have been plenty in my world, on the time change. So . . . . . . I think your Garmin wants its extra hour back! I could sure use mine. Eliz




                    Carolyn, did you ever run the half in Salida? I did the full twice, back when I thought it was good for me to run trails now and again. You'd love it, I'd bet--it's in March and I was thinking of it. It was another sort of long walk for me! grins, A
                    No, I've never done Salida. The website says "Hilly with almost 2000' of climb in the half and ~3800' of climbing in the marathon. " Yikes! Sounds pretty, anyway.

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                    Running out of mistakes!

                      My feet are up and I'm enjoying a few minutes of non-running downtime. Today is a recovery day, but not sure I needed it after an easier than usual long run. (I'm with you breger!) With all the talk of Garmins lately I thought I'd consult the experts. Any feedback on buying a Garmin 405 would be appreciated. I've had a Polar 610 for a 5 years, but I have two issues that cause me grief. The first is that the 610 only has one good memory slot, so if I hit the big start button before uploading I wipe out my workout (usually happens at the worst time). The second is that I'm not great at logging workouts. The idea that the 405 syncs automatically with my computer is very appealing. So the question is can you use the GPs reliably or is it still hit or miss? How consistent is the HR feature? I don't want to fuss over all the running data, but it'd be nice if it is there when I want to check. Thanks in advance! :-D
                      -2009 running goals - sub-3 after Boston (probably VCM), 3 PRs, 2009 miles for the year, and no untreated injuries
                      also on Twitter
                        Thanks for the fueling recommendations. I have 7 weekends, thus 7 runs in the 10-mile range, to experiment. Another change in my life from pre-running three years ago - I can talk about ingesting "gu" and "shot blocks" with a straight face! Big grin Only running for me today was running around, trying to get my student's little Shakespeare production stage-ready for Wednesday, amid orthodontist appointments, church choir rehearsals, and lost costume parts. (What part of "dress rehearsal" don't you get, kiddies?!?!) All of this chaos for a 25-minute gig. Not unlike months of training for one race, though, I guess. Nono - congrats on the HM. I missed the memo about you being in Disney. Here I thought I was waving at you during my "beachy" run on Sunday. Cool Holly - happy belated b-day. There's a woman in the choir I sing with who shares your birthday - she's a little energizer bunny-type, too! Off to do some stretching during "House," and then to bed early in an attempt to find my lost hour of sleep. Eliz


                          Nono - can't wait to hear more about Disney!! Leslie - sounds like a good reason at least for a rest day!! Liz - I like a combo of gatorade/water in my bottle any time i plan on being out for an hour or more dh has the flu and has been sick since thursday night so took him to the dr - not pneumonia at least and 14yr old stayed home from school today but his seems to be more just upper resp. virus than flu -- i've been disinfecting like crazy here today after being outside in short sleeves this weekend New England gave us a nice message today that winter is not over -- snow, hail, snow but hopefully we'll avoid the freezing rain ....... so i hit the gym at probably the busiest time of day -- 4-5ish 5.5 miles on the treadmill following my plan: 5 min walking (4.3 on treadmill = 13:57 min/mile) 5 min running (6.3 = 9:31 min/mile) x 6 i did inch the speed up to 6.5 for a minute at the end of the last 2 segments, but last week i added a segment and changed the ratio of walk/run so i think i should hang here for a week before making another change 11 more days til Spring!!Wink



                          Trails are hard!

                            Thanks for the responses--in a very scary way, SRL's answer actually looks like it fits. This is from the upload to the running log. I think SportTracs loaded on our the other computer when I installed the garmin. I'll have to give a look. The neat thing was that I had used map my run to get the distance of 1.50 miles and the Garmin distance came out at 1.52.

                            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                            Marathon Maniac #3309

                              When working on my perpetual cleaning project at my house I came across a little cardboard heart-shaped box, painted green with some glitter on it. I was tempted to just say, well this is cute but just clutter now... Then I opened it. Inside was a handwritten note, in pencil, from DS1 from maybe 2nd grade saying "you may think this box is empty, but it's really full of love and kisses" and signed with his name, with those funny a's that looked like q's... I almost cried. The box got stashed carefully in my top dresser drawer...
                              Erika, that is sooo very sweet!!!... Tim

                              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                              Marathon Maniac #3309

                                Not too hard to figure out, TImBo... just look at your log. Roll eyes Nov 2- Jan 16 = 76 days.
                                Ok Carolyn...hey, I am the "looks" of the organization, not the brains, lol. Don't hate me because I am beautiful, lol. TimmyBo

                                Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!
