Masters Running


Monday Running Madness 03/09 (Read 415 times)

    Eliz - Whatever you decide to use (GU, Poweraid), be sure you test it on a run before you use it during a race. Enke - About a year or so ago, I had horrible pain in the ball of my right foot. I can't remember the diagnosis, but I switched to insoles with more cushion and that eventually helped. Also, if your new shoes are stiff, they may be a contributor, as well. Holly - Cute gift!

    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance


      Still recovering from skiing, my legs are pretty tired. I think Bill's advice on pacing is good -- however I felt great two weeks ago after 20, and this week I'm wiped after 17 all at the same pace. Probably had something to do with the work leading up to the long run. Hopefully my legs will be up to tomorrow's planned interval workouts. Today, some of perchcreek's magical healing miles: 3.1 miles, 28:59, 9:16/mi, AHR 129 (65% mhr)

      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

        I figure that pain in my foot was telling me to take a day or two off running, which I need since I had two kids up in the middle of the night. The younger one had peed her bed, fun, and the older one was up twice blowing his nose. So I was awake for a long time sandwiched between a snoring DH and squirmy 6 yr old, in addition to an hour less of sleep due to DST. I'll try an easy run tomorrow and see how the foot feels. Leslie, how long was "eventually" w.r.t. foot pain?

        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

        I Can Go The Distance

          Enke - About a year or so ago, I had horrible pain in the ball of my right foot. I can't remember the diagnosis, but I switched to insoles with more cushion and that eventually helped.
          I had the same problem and insoles cured it for me as well. Bruce

          "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano

            Another factor affecting how you feel after an LR is hydration and nutrition - especially hydration. If you don't drink enough before and during, regardless how fast or slow you may have run your LR, you'll take a while to recharge afterwards. Tim commented on this this weekend. Could this be a factor for yours Lou? Bill

            "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

            King of PhotoShop

              2.2 slow recovery on the dirt track, followed by stretch and core at the Y. Busy day of work now. Spareribs
                Good afternoon, all! Nice kick off, Leslie! Holly - love the light saber gift! Belated happy birthday! I didn't use gels/energy source for long runs for the first couple of years that I started doing distance running. Supposedly this practice encourages your body to utilize fat stores more efficiently. Then I read an article that claimed that going without sustenance on long runs contributes to accelerating the aging process in older athletes. Not sure if I believe that or not, but I've started using gels or clif bloks when I start going beyond an hour and a half. I never use energy drinks unless I'm in a race. I guess I've been lucky to date - I commonly break the "don't eat/drink anything on race day that you haven't used before in a long run" rule, and my GI system hasn't protested yet. 15 glorious miles in shorts Saturday morning. I had overestimated the power of the sun - the trail and both of my local tracks were snow-covered. Fortunately, Connecticut College has an asphalt apron around the track, and someone had been kind enough to clear it so I could do my long run. We had heavy rain early this morning, so I was back on the treadmill for 6 tempo miles. I just did an hour of core and weights during my lunch break. Good runs to all!

                Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous



                  Some nice runs and races this weekend! I'm just catching up from yesterday, and had to comment to Tramps that you had a great PR, but it was 50 seconds, not 40! And congrats to Nono on your HM PR! Yesterday I just did a short 3.4 miles with Tazzie and Ladybug. We just went up and down our dead-end road a couple of times so they could run off-leash. (I need to put them on leashes when we head out to the adjoining neighborhood.) Nice day, 39° and sunny, and most of Saturday's snow was melted. Then I took DD and her friend to see Watchmen - good movie! I don't know why, but I've had a whole string of carpy, low-energy runs for about a week. I may be fighting off DD's cold or something, although so far I feel fine. I sure hope the sproink returns soon. I brought my running stuff to work today, but forgot my running socks, so will have to wait till this evening. At least it'll still be light out when I get home! Big grin

                  I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                    Holly S. very cute gift! Wait until you break it out to show her boyfriend some day! Evil grin Eliz whatever you do, ingest nothing new just prior to or during the race! For a race like yours I typically bring Cliff ShotBlocks. You can munch them one at a time and each is like a third of a gel. Hard to eat just a third of a gel. Also they are a lot less of a mess! Of course, try them on a few training runs first!; biketm I passed the four week non-running mark last week. Better watch your remote control before I catch up to your recent record! Evil grin

                    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                      When working on my perpetual cleaning project at my house I came across a little cardboard heart-shaped box, painted green with some glitter on it. I was tempted to just say, well this is cute but just clutter now... Then I opened it. Inside was a handwritten note, in pencil, from DS1 from maybe 2nd grade saying "you may think this box is empty, but it's really full of love and kisses" and signed with his name, with those funny a's that looked like q's... I almost cried. The box got stashed carefully in my top dresser drawer... (but Holly, I like 2kat's idea of bringing it out to show a boyfriend later!) Big grin

                      Marathon Maniac #3309

                        Heck Twocat, how many actual days was I off?....may need Tet's help with this one TimBo

                        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!



                          Not too hard to figure out, TImBo... just look at your log. Roll eyes Nov 2- Jan 16 = 76 days.

                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                          Marathon Maniac #3309

                            I was too lazy to look Tongue Smile...Hummm, 76 days..can you beat that Twokitty. Actually I hope you don't, because that would mean your back running again Friend. TimBo

                            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                              Eliz - If you go the shot block route (and it may be the same with gels), you're suppose to drink water w/the gels to activate them. Erika - Okay, that box is pretty dang sweet sounding. Smile Enke - Darn it! I knew you'd ask me that. Wink Um, I know it took probably a good month before the pain went away completely. I think I actually quit running for at least a week (maybe longer?). It didn't just hurt when I was on my foot, I would get zingers that ran through it out of the blue that hurt like an SOB. I sort of diagnosed myself after posting the question in the health forum, and when I showed information I'd found to my doc, she agreed it was probably metatarsalgia. She put me on anti-inflammatories and recommended a more cushioned insole, which is when I switched to Montrails, a heat-moldable insole that is slightly thicker than the ones that come in the shoes. I haven't had any problems since.

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance


                                Way to run Nono and Tramps! Greta performances, both! Yes, Perch, why is that, that when you massage a sore muscle it often talks back? I'm scheduled for a massage Wed. and I'm wondering...just when I'm making progress; maybe I should cancel! Am actually enjoying my vacation from running, so I must have needed it. DH and I went for a long walk yesterday and it was fun remembering some other walks in our past... Carolyn, did you ever run the half in Salida? I did the full twice, back when I thought it was good for me to run trails now and again. You'd love it, I'd bet--it's in March and I was thinking of it. It was another sort of long walk for me! grins, A ps: Good luck, Eliz!
                                Masters 2000 miles