Masters Running


Sunday's Daily, 10.6.13 (Read 45 times)

    Leslie, what happened???  Good job finishing.

    Personally, I just don't have the energy to reply to everyone's posts, so I try to just pick a couple that stand out for me.  I hope that just makes me lazy, not a snob.


    Anyhow, I had a MOST excellent race.  It was not a PR, but considering I am running only 10-20 miles per week, am 10 pounds heavier than I was for my 5K PR, am 4 years older, and was very very tired this morning (insomnia), I was thrilled to go 8:53 Garmin pace (9:09 / 8:46 / 8:49 / 8:45 last 0.22).  Tetsujin paced me the first mile, then I sort of dropped him (sorry!)  After the first mile, I just knew I had a good race in me and went for it.  I had nothing left for a kick.


    I think I am blinking here or something.  It is neat running with Tet as all the people around him remark with surprise and adulaton on his barefeet.


    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."



      not the right time to start my Equal Rights for PoolRunners support group........




      been out sick,

      apparently I have some catching up to do


      got in 31mprnb yesterday, but was Not Sincere



      ............good running guys..........enjoy the work-out,,,,,whichever you choose

      tw, do you have a SincereMeter?  is it safe to use in the water??


      sorry you've been sick!!


      have been thinking about you lately...    if you want to start that group I'll  cruise along in the wake....   no running... (no walking) & the pt said no pool running... but there was a communication breakdown, because now she says I can, if I do it carefully.   do I say "oh  boy?'.   need a new suit.  butt.  better than the ellptical!


      me avoiding drama while trying not to lose my sanity in the meantime....


      Tim.   every one here is doing the Best they can.   everyone faces pressures and challenges way beyond what they take the time to talk about.   I only pop in here every once in a while.  & I don't always get a response.   But I know how many things I read that I also don't respond to, despite caring about very deeply.   fwiw.




        Enke, & Tet... woot woot!!



          Tim.   every one here is doing the Best they can.   everyone faces pressures and challenges way beyond what they take the time to talk about.   I only pop in here every once in a while.  & I don't always get a response.   But I know how many things I read that I also don't respond to, despite caring about very deeply.   fwiw.




          +1 Well said dg!


          Great photo of Enke and Tet!


          Tselbs, I loved reading about the visit with your mother. Super-granny is at the point where she is mostly confused and doesn't always remember my name or where she is. One of my cousins was just up with her newborn and it was such a joy to see granny grin and just rock the baby. All her anxiety and confusion went into the background and there it was----cycle of life.


          I had a blast this morning by joining in on a group trail run---8 humans, 1 nimble herding dog (not Hudson---a little terrier mix), 14.3 miles of trails and even a bit of hiking along the portion that followed the power-line....muddy legs, leaves in my hair and fun stuff. It was raining the whole way, but no matter and made the mud even better!


          Henrun! getting back


          Twocat----Rehoboth Beach marathon is in December i believe and awesome---start and finish at the beach, pretty flat and awesome prizes---3-5 deep or something in age groups

            mari, nice 10K with PR and 1st in AG.  ribs, good job on your 20K trail race.  opie, great job on the PR.  bike, I'm sorry you were disappointed in us.  fatozzig, congrats on your tough 50K.  Twocat, sorry to hear you were disappointed in your half.  You sure must have beat a bunch of people, though, with that time.  henrun, congrats on your longest run in two months.  Keep it up.  enke, great 5K.


            Nice long runs for deez and Holly.


            This morning, it was in the mid 60s and there was a light wind.  I got in 3 miles at an 11:16 pace.


            This morning, before leaving Ludington, I stopped briefly to see my mother.  I was pleasantly surprised when, right away, she brought up the baby she saw yesterday and how cute he was.  I'm skeptical she knew what her relationship was to the baby but she remembered and was still excited about it.


            A good day and good runs for all.







              Tim.   every one here is doing the Best they can.   everyone faces pressures and challenges way beyond what they take the time to talk about.   I only pop in here every once in a while.  & I don't always get a response.   But I know how many things I read that I also don't respond to, despite caring about very deeply.   fwiw.




              Well said.


              The great fall weather called my name to the point that I could not resist any longer. I put my running shoes on and ran 8 miles while enjoying  the sight of the last crop of apples being picked by our hard working migrant seasonal farm-workers. Ohh the birds were singing so beautifully!. The glorious fall weather made me shout for joy at one moment during my run.


              Great shot of enkephalin and tetsujin! Good running Enkephalin!

              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

       one point

                we were going to have a PoolRunning Marathon,



                word had gotten out there was SOME PAINTING DRYING on the same day.........and we lost popular support.

                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Anyhow, I had a MOST excellent race.  It was not a PR, but considering I am running only 10-20 miles per week, am 10 pounds heavier than I was for my 5K PR, am 4 years older, and was very very tired this morning (insomnia), I was thrilled to go 8:53 Garmin pace (9:09 / 8:46 / 8:49 / 8:45 last 0.22).  Tetsujin paced me the first mile, then I sort of dropped him (sorry!)  After the first mile, I just knew I had a good race in me and went for it.  I had nothing left for a kick.



                  Most Excellent - I love it!  And I admit, I am very jealous of all of you who get to run with Tet...or even get a hug.....taper boy, ever coming out to this side of the country?

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                    Leslie—wow, that must have been a tough one, given all the hard races you’ve already done.  Take it easy as you recover.  And if you have to DFL, free shoes certainly helps!

                    TW—If you form a separate pool runners group, I’m joining just to keep reading your posts.  Glad you’re feeling better.

                    2cat—it’s interesting that you feel you can read so much in to a single race result.  I’m not questioning you, I just know that for me there are just too many intangibles to read so much into a single race.  Sorry it didn’t go better, but that’s still a very good time.

                    Henry—wonderful to see you putting some miles in again.

                    Mari—what’s a “water theme park”?  I assume you don’t mean a commercial water park, since this was a fundraiser.

                    Enke—nice going on the race!  And a great pic of you and Tet…but I have to ask, who’s the fish?

                    (((dg)))  No exercise at all?  That must be very tough.

                    TomS and CNY—the elderly/children thing is interesting.  My mother was the same; in her last years she’d perk right up and be more lucid when she saw children.  They always put a smile on her face.


                    No word from Wineglass, eh?

                    Be safe. Be kind.

             one point

                      we were going to have a PoolRunning Marathon,



                      word had gotten out there was SOME PAINTING DRYING on the same day.........and we lost popular support.


                      HAAA!!!!!!!!  Big grin


                      Congratulations, Enke!  And two thumbs up re the pic with Tet.  Someday I hope to be the lucky gal.


                      Posie's fundraising dinner sounds scrumptious!


                      Karin - Running in the mud and such with friends is always so much more fun than alone.  Smile


                      So I went back and found Ribs' post about his race.  I had to put on The Hub's cheaters and use a magnifying glass and read it three times before I realized he said, "Still, I ........ had fun."  There has been a shift in the universe and it frightens me.

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance


                        No run for me today .... I was up and listened to the rain and was thankful I wasn't doing the Smuttynose 1/2 marathon today!!  I'm signed up for Baystate 1/2 in Lowell 10/20 ....this is the race where we had a freak October snowstorm a few years ago!!   Staying home today gave me the pleasure of going back to bed with baby Maria around 9 and enjoying a luxurious nap with her for over an hour!!


                        Justin is doing a little better today - Domenic still waiting for signs of the bone marrow transplant taking .....thank you all for your positive thoughts and prayers .....friends like you make the difficult times so much easier!!


                        Hope your week ahead is filled with peace and joy!!


                          Great running, everyone!


                          I'm in the Four Corners area now, and that was far enough to drive.  Had an excellent hike this morning at a place called Buckskin Gulch in the Vermillion Cliffs Wilderness Area.  Just got off the phone with DW, and as I told her, I'm sore as usual but feel like I earned it this time.  Actually I felt that way a year ago when I ran a 4:08:40 at St. George.


                          Enke, that is a great photo and you don't look any heavier to me.


                          I have a cold Wasatch Winterfest Ale waiting so I better get after it.

                          "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


                            So much fabulous racing this weekend! wish I had the time to comment on them all and give individual shoutouts. But just know as I read through the posts and accomplishments, I said "WAY TO GO!" to so many of you and your new PR's, great races, sticking it out in tough conditions and having fun and yes, I felt that shift also, Leslie!


                            Went out for a very short trail run with the dogs, then a 2 mi walk with them. and have been busy with apples today. Canned 2qts and 6 pints of cinnamon applesauce and 3 pints of spiced apple butter. and barely put a dent in all the apples on the tree.


                            Looking ahead and already feeling overwhelmed at my next few wks. MIL passed on early Saturday morning. She lived in an apt alone, so we have until the end of the month to get her belongings out, not to mention all the things just need to be taken of when someone passes. Fortunately, she added me to her checking/savings account so I will have the ability to handle her financial stuff without jump thru all the usual hoops. and she just lived off SS, no investments, etc. so I'm thinking everything should be fairly easy to take care of, but then again, I've never done anything like this so I might run into obstacles that I don't even know about.


                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              Hello everybody!  This has been a very long day and I, too, just don't have the energy to comment on everybody's post.  But...


                              Twocat...December 14th...Rocket City Marathon!


                              I got up with Ryan at 5:00 am, this morning.  I drove him to start of the marathon in Minneapolis.  Then I drove to the finish in St. Paul, where I parked the car and unloaded my bike.  I was trying to make it back in time to see the start but things didn't work out (okay, I had to stop and poop) so I went to the 3 mile mark and waited for him there.  I figured he'd be coming by at around 18 to 19 minutes...nope...low 17.  I thought, "Oh boy, this is either going to be a very good day...or a very bad one."  Unfortunately, it was the latter.  I rode my bike on bike paths, grassy medians, whatever I could find to stay as close to him but stay off the course and out of everybody's way...which proved to be impossible at times.  Around mile 7 he says, "I think I went out too fast...what should I do?"  I thought, "No kidding.  You're doomed!". But I said, "Don't worry about it, just ease up a bit and see what happens."  He went through the half in 1:16.  By mile 14 he says, "My legs are really hurting."  I thought, " are in serious trouble."  But I said, "You just need to adjust your goals.  Everybody is dealing with something at this point."  About a half a mile later he stopped and walked.  I thought, "He ain't gonna make it."  Well, he struggled...he walked...he ran a bit...he yelled at himself a few times...he got disgusted when somebody went by him who had no business going by him.  I quickly realized that nothing I could say was going to make him feel good, it only ticking him off.  I kept my mouth shut and rode my bike at a safe distance.  I have to tell you...Ryan has done some things through the years that have made me very proud of him...but today, I could not be any more proud.  That kid sucked it up.  He swallowed his pride.  He did whatever it took to finish.  3:08...30 I think?  I have had some rough marathons.  I knew what he was going through...but never starting at mile 14!  12 miles he suffered...but never quit.  Have I ever told you guys how much I love that kid?


                              Anyway--I put in 37 miles on the bike, then came home and did a 6 mile run in the rain.  Then flew to church for a confirmation class.  And now...I think I'm going to bed.

                                Congratulations to Ryan for gutting it out.  It's in those times that you learn the most about yourself.


                                Tammy - You have done an astounding amount of canning this year.  Good for you!

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

