Masters Running


Monday Feb. 9 Master Runs and such ... (Read 485 times)



    Holly, you will bless the day you bought a house on a hill so that with every workout you have to get some hill work in. That was a strong 20, and these big workouts will pay off for you one day.
    Will I ever bless the day I bought a house at 9300 ft elevation??? We don't just have hills, we have mountains. I don't know what I was thinking... Tongue
    At least this morning I was able to get in some fizzy lifting, a 4 mile run on the TM, and a spin cycle.
    When I first read "spin cycle" I thought you were in the washing machine! Big grin

    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


      We might be in the lone star state at the end of the month, but over on the western side.
      Out in the west Texas town of El Paso? Tell Daniel to watch out for Felina.


        dg - sorry to see you are on the disabled list - sending healing vibes your direction! I stopped stretching shortly after a bout of ITBS in 2005. I put an emphasis on core work, and I haven't had a sidelining injury in a few years. Holly - too bad you couldn't talk the doctor into morphine ;-). It's been many years since my DH had surgery, but they hooked him up to a morphine pump and he could press a button and dose himself when the pain became unbearable. Karl - good job of hanging in there to finish the 20 - it will pay off in spades in the future. Leslie - good luck with the prep and the surgery -reminds me of the colonscopy prep I had when I turned 50. Not an entirely pleasant memory. The crackers and juice they gave me following the procedure were fabulous ;-). The treadmill really isn't the torture device as some of you folks think. It isn't my favorite way to run, but I'll take running in any way, shape or form when faced with the alternative of not running. Nothing wrong with the track either - I can run mindlessly while the Garmin keeps track of the mileage and I don't have to worry about dodging cars, trucks and buses. The roads are narrow and the drivers can be a bit reckless and intolerant of runners in this area. That said, I'm can hardly wait for some spring running! An hour of core work and upper body weights for lunch today. I have noodles for arms!

        Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

        King of PhotoShop

          Out through the back door of Rosa's I ran. Out where the horses were tied. I caught a good one. He looked like he could run. Up on his back and away I did ride, Just as fast as I could from the west Texas town of El Paso, Out to the badlands of New Mexico. My buddy redraiderrunner and I decided a few years ago that we would commit to memory all the lyrics from this beautiful old Marty Robbins number, and sing it whenever the mood struck us, during hot summer 20-milers. When we ran at the club at the lake and someone joined us, we would give each other the "look" and then break into song, "Out in the west Texas town of El Paso, I fell in love with a Mexican girl. Nighttime would find me in Rosa's Cantina. Music would play and Felina would whirl..." Neither the redraider nor I can sing worth a lick, and because the song is very melodic and needs a strong singing voice, our rendering of it sounded very bad, very bad indeed. So our guest runner would look at us in amazement for a minute or so and either drop back or speed ahead to get away. And that's just the way we liked it. Spareribs

            I'm taking a rest day today and super busy at work, but just wanted to pop in and say hi Smile


              Hi, Tammy. Funny story there, Ribs. Who knew winning one category bumped you out of contention for another? I thought it was a quaint little rule unique to our club. I've never had to pay attention to the rules before. It does seem a little unfair, though, doesn't it? Whoever wins OA should get their AG and, if applicable, Masters prize, too. I won't return my swag, though. Wink

              Be safe. Be kind.

                The last few days have been busy for the RA community. Teresa, I'm glad to hear your husband's surgery went well. Twocat, I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your wife's friend. Teresa, congrats to your son on his fine running. CNY, it sounds like your son did well in his hockey game, both with the hockey game and with being a class act. SLO, nice race. You sure have some fast competition in your AG. Holly, I'm sorry to hear of your husband's rough night and pain issues. I hope that it doesn't last long. Diverdoc, it's too bad your wife is under the weather, especially when you can't be there for support. fatozzig, nice trail race. Nice long runs for Aamos and husband, jdmom, mariposai, Tammy, evan, Jules, Walt, lynden, Holly, hopeful, abelisle, Sarge, perch, Tramps, ribs and Saint, PDR, WRFB, hallar, dg, dive (and first 50 mile week in over a year), srlopez (26.2 mile "training run"?), Evan, SueT, SLO, and diverdoc. Good job on the speedwork for breger. This morning, it was balmy, in the mid to upper 20s with just a light breeze, I got in my first 10 mile run in about a month. It took just a bit over 1:36 for a 9:37 pace. I was pleased with the run as it didn't feel too bad, I had negative splits by about a minute, every mile was under a 10 min pace and the last 3 were under 9:30. A good day and good runs for all. TomS
                  Mariposai yes, alas no skiing for me. You, however, look like you are going strong! Another fine run today I see. Tramps hey no knocking AG awards because the "real" winners won in an even broader category! I have few enough trophies as it is and if I did not get them through the back door . . . well it would be pretty empty trophy shelf! Smile wildchild heh, heh, heh you are my actual inspiration when I have to climb the hill at the end of my runs back to my house! I always think this is not so bad (as I am dying) wildchild probably sees speed bumps bigger than this! Then I get in the door and collapse! Dead BTW, nice 9 mile run today. dg. I did my injured runner cd workout yesterday so today I am off the hook! Looks like we are on for alternating days. What sections are you in for? Wink Me? Its hamstring, glutes, and back. lol fatozzig who came up with those distances? Confused

                  Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                  Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                    Nice run Tom - that's the kind of 10 miler I want - where all my miles stay under 10 min/mile pace. I often start out that way, then fizzle at the end. going back to be busy now. carry on! GGTK Wink


                    Marathon Maniac #3309

                      Tammy...yes you are Wink OK, back to me being very busy too... TBo

                      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        We were all a little sad to see the happy ball run dry.
                        Big grin

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                          you know Tim . . . if we both claim we are so busy, but then pop into RA at the same time . . . well, people will start talking . . . Surprised i'm just sayin' ... Wink


                          Marathon Maniac #3309

                            you know Tim . . . if we both claim we are so busy, but then pop into RA at the same time . . . well, people will start talking . . . Surprised i'm just sayin' ... Wink
                            Big grin...can't think of better person I would like to be "busy" with. But you are right about "our" posting together when we say we are sooo busy....think people may start talk'n Wink Smile TimBo

                            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                              We were all a little sad to see the happy ball run dry.
                              That's got to be the POTD. I had a similar experience with a morphine pump. The nurse came in one day to disconnect it from me, so I started frantically pushing the little button for a top-up. I'm a bit jealous that Tramps comes in 6th and nabs all that loot. Angry Ah, heck, you deserve it. Smile Nice trail race Leslie, and good luck with the surgery. Nice 10 miler Tom. We had some unexpected snow and a one hour school delay. Did 4 miles on the TM with the middle two @ 6.7mph (8:57). Anyone see the Today show? The woman that had the octoplets was on it. Following that they had some fertility doctors on, I missed most of that but I wonder what is going to happen to that guy.

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                                Anyone see the Today show? The woman that had the octoplets was on it. Following that they had some fertility doctors on, I missed most of that but I wonder what is going to happen to that guy.
                                I think that doctor should have to help support them rather than all of us...... just sayiin' .......


                                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


