Masters Running


thursday july 31 runs and thoughts for spareribs (Read 545 times)


    Like everyone else, all the best to Ribs...with the superb reputation of the Baylor hospital, you'll come through with flying colors. Sue: What a great and consistant tempo run...and yeah...we've all had the bathroom break/sweaty shorts thingie lots of times. Perch: 14 hilly miles in this heat is just...well, it's just that. Twocat: That's interesting about your calf...normally, you'd think that a little walking or a slow jog would shake out the cramp, stiffness, or whatever you wouldn't think that resting it for a minute would must know something I don't know...actually, probably a lot. Karin: (gasp)...look, girl..a few more workouts like this and you're gonna be running marathons in about 5 minutes flat! Tammy: You're gonna see TOP live? Can I go...can I, can I please? Saw them about 20 years ago in Oakland..what a mind blowing experience. Jeanne: Join the walking wounded...I think we outnumber the healthy list members.. Larry: Your son gets my respect..was a naval officer for about 4 years and really appreciate those who serve in all branches...OK, maybe not the marines...just kidding. Holly: OK, I give up...what are wall-sits? Dave59: just described my own someone pretty famous once said, "I feel your pain"...literally. After running 4 days in a row, taking the day fact, I cancelled all appointments & meetings for this afternoon...gonna play golf with my usual group of thieves this afternoon and tennis (doubles) tonight...still not ready to test my groin muscle by playing singles yet. Have a great day everyone... DickyG
      Lamerunner—Interesting; I’m from Berlin. Sad place these days. Jeanne—good to see you checking in again. A belated happy b-day! Hang in there. Susan—your runs always sound wonderful! Congrats on the triple digits. WRFB—I read that hydration stuff. I get the basic point but found those guys really annoying. Poorly written, sloppy logic, and pretty pretentious. They reminded me of insecure grad students hell bent on proving they were smarter than everyone by throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Ugh. I love it when Ribs quotes Frankie Valli songs. It makes me feel young since I don’t know what the heck he’s talking about; that's way before my time. (He'll do great today.) 10 miles total. 9.4 miles @ 8:32 but that’s misleading. I did three untimed uphill crawls (.6 miles) cuz it was just too dang H&H today. It’s amazing how if you cut out the slow parts, your pace really improves! (Edited because I can't even spell Frankie Valli!)

      Be safe. Be kind.

        Happy Birthday JLynne! I was wondering where you have been and so sorry to hear about the DL---healing and birthday hug to you. Erika---you are running really strong these days and you are going to grab those goals, I can just tell. 14.6 miles for me today at 6:45 AM with Iron J in 2:02---70F and heavy rain on the way later. We were both tired, but ran steady through some intense conversations---a therapy run of sorts. We are both feeling strong, but not quite 5 minute marathon strong...too funny DickyG Susan, thanks for the wonderful start to the daily. Sending strong recovery vibes to Ribs and hugs to The Saint and the whole family-----well for The Saint and the family anyway, Listen up Ribs! Just because you are old enough to be my ……..Brother, doesn’t mean I am going to let you open a can of whup-ass that easily! Seriously, I'll be thinking of all of them all day. Puts it all in perspective. CNYrunner/Karin

        Marathon Maniac #3309

          Geez Karin....19.5 - 4 - 17.1 - and 14.4 miles in the last four are a running machine Shocked Tim

          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

            Wasn't feeling strong this morning,so I cut my planned 8 mile run to 6...never felt "in the groove"...7:50 pace anyways... {{{{{{{{{Ribs}}}}}}}}}}
            Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

            Hill Runner

              Morning all, 10.02 miles of hills @ 8:58 pace...humid, hot morning...tough run but it's done. Good runs to all today.

              Upcoming Races:

              Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
              Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
              Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13


                6 miles with Mr. Spareribs and the Rib family in mind. Some garden weeding as a cool down. Now off to pit some cherries for the fourth batch of dried cherries. I know it is the pits to pit them, but they sure taste great up on the ski hills during the winter months. Biked to work today, adding 2 miles of bike to the w/o of the day. I sure hope my bf is behaving with them nurses and doctors. Shy

                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                  {{{{{{{{{ Spareribs & family }}}}}}}}} good idea, Sue. dinner at Tall's! Mary, I'm so glad that sweet puppy is feeling better. My german shephard had parvo once... I can't imagine how hard it would be on one so tiny. Holly, yay for today & yesterday. This will be way too much about me but I need to say it out loud to protect me from myself. well.. when I ran Sunday, since I didn't have my Polar, I ran a little too far so I could get to a mappable land mark. I knew the last 100 or 200 meters might have been a mistake. (but it's not my fault! it's the Polar corporation's. Wink ). Since then, my left hamstrings (term used in special support of Ribs) have been sore... the cold burning kind. I know I've posted many times about how I got the injury in the first place... too long a run, followed by 3 days of bad choice workouts. have often wished I could go back & do it over to avoid 6 months off. I'm walking a tight rope here. i'm just typing this so someone can yell at me if needed... first it's hard to know just what is ok to do. tuesday I was so torn, but decided an easy short run would increase circulation & help healing. So I did 3.5 miles, 10 min. pace. Was ok but I went a little too far. the last 2 laps I was sore & should have stopped. I was sore for the rest of the day & getting nervous, typing on my knees. Wednesday am still sore, but rested in the a.m. The rest of the day was much better! so happy. Felt good about going today, but I hurt (just a little) even at the beggining of my run. oh....Holly! Look! over there.... there's chocolate. & ice cream! (phew) But I didn't stop. Tried to, but immediately 20 burly guys stormed out of the yoga room & surrounded me & made me finish my 3 miles. honest. The pain wasn't bad, but under the circumstances, I should have stood up to them. i'll ice a lot today... did yesterday on the way to work. It was quite refreshing! tomorrow I'm resolved to stop at the first sign of pain & visit the ellipticals... Holly, you can come back now. What flavor was it? Wink. Another reason I typed all of this was to remind anyone else who is healing how long it takes, especially for tendons, I think, to get really stable. This has been going on since Oct. 1st, but has been for the most part pretty good for a couple of months. So, just continue to be careful. PDR, wtg. DickyG, have fun this afternoon. Give Billy Bob a big old kiss. Bless his little heart. Smile Belated congratulations to Twocat & Nancy!

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    I love it when Ribs quotes Frankie Valli songs. It makes me feel young since I don’t know what the heck he’s talking about; that's way before my time.
                    See, I thought it was Frank Sinatra he was quoting – shows how much I know... Wink DickyG – wall-sits – just like they sound. Sit against a wall, back flat on the wall, knees bent, thighs parallel to the floor. Try 60-seconds of that. Mariposai – cherries are one of my binge foods. I buy some every week, but only 1-2 cups, because I can hardly stop eating them. DG – Debbie, Debbie,.....DEBBIE!!!!...What have you been drilling into my brain constantly lately? STOP AT THE FIRST SIGN OF PAIN!!!!!! Do I need to fax those pages back to you? You spent way too long on the DL to be pushing it now, just to get a round number (I know, I do the same thing, but I’m learning). Don’t make me drive up there with duct tape..... Evil grin

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                      DickyG – wall-sits – just like they sound. Sit against a wall, back flat on the wall, knees bent, thighs parallel to the floor. Try 60-seconds of that.
                      I did those "wall sits" in high school because someone told me I'd be able to dunk a basketball if I did them. Alas, it never did work.



                        WRFB... high dewpoint just drains you. I'd check out weight loss.. dehydration. I skimmed those articles you posted, some good info. But they all are one size fits all generalizations. I think everybody needs to determine thier own sweat rate for hot weather running. And don't forget to backout 32g (100 cal) per mile weight loss from fuel burning Smile
                        Well, the logistics of weighing myself just before and just after the run without running clothes on don't work for me. I do weigh myself after I wake up, and this morning I did weigh myself before showering -- there was a 3 lb drop. But since there were other factors between the wake-up and the run I still don't have a clue what my sweat rate is. I do think I drank about 1 lb of gatorade after the run.

                        Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                          FYI, Rose is posting updates in the "Special Message to Ribs" thread over on KR.

                          Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                          "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                            DickyG - you were in the Navy? My 19-year DS just enlisted - goes to basic training on September 22 @ Great Lakes. Any advice???
                              My thoughts join with everyone else as ribs has (is having) his surgery. Steve, I'm sorry to hear about your dog and the cross country kid. I hope all works out well. hopeful, that's quite a scare with the new puppy. I'm glad to hear she's improving. craneium, happy anniversary to you and mrscraneium. jlynne, happy birthday and healing vibes to you. fjord, congrats on the 100+ mile month. Tall, I hope tonight goes well. Dave, I'm glad to hear of the continued progress. dg, I won't yell at you. I'm happy to hear you are making progress. However, I'll encourage you to exert the same caution you urged me to show (and I sorta did). DickyG, congrats to your ball team for showing the youngsters how it's done. Good stats for you, too. Nice long runs for perch (with hills), Twocat, craneium, CNY (with speedwork), Evan, biketm (in defective shoes, no less), Tramps, CNY (another one), and Peter. Good job on the speedwork for enke. This morning, the temp was in the mid 60s to 70 and there was a light breeze. My run was a struggle, but I was happy with the results. I did 8 miles in about 1:16:45 for a 9:35 pace. What pleased me was the negative splits (over 2 minutes faster the 2nd half) and the last mile at 8:51. I feel totally wiped out, but it was worth it. A good day and good runs for all. TomS

                                DickyG - you were in the Navy? My 19-year DS just enlisted - goes to basic training on September 22 @ Great Lakes. Any advice???
                                Hard to offer any advice on basic...I applied for a direct commission right out of grad school so I never had to go through basic training...or officers' candidate school (OCS) for that matter. I was in naval intel (no smirking, please) and did no sea duty. However...if your son has aptitude for electronics or computer technology, the Navy has outstanding training and the job ops after active duty should be plentiful. Also, the Navy treats their people right. I haven't been on active duty since 1971 but I still keep up with about 15-20 of my former pals...and the football team can beat Army all day and all night. Anchors aweigh... DickyG