Masters Running

40s+ On the Run - w/e 12/13/08 (Read 483 times)

    Arla - The PR thing. The only other 30k I've done was Pirates Cove back in March. It took me 5:00:05 to complete it, but there was so much unanticipated climbing! Plus, I got way behind on fuel that I ended up really nauseous and even dizzy. I'm going to tackle PC again next year to see how much better I do. I would really love to shave a half hour off my time for that run. I do most of my trail runs through Pacific Coast Trail Runs. They put on quality runs with great aid stations. You don't get a lot of swag, just a T-shirt, but I don't care about that. Wendell and Sarah are very nice people. I've found out about a lot of other runs by doing searches on the Internet and posting inquiries on the trail running and ultra forums here, as well as Kickrunners. FYI - You'll get a ton more info at kickrunners as they have a bigger ultra and trail running community. There's also a good trail running community on Runners World. When you do trail running, though, you have to throw out the window any previous ideas of pace, etc. If a trail runner averages a 14:00 or better pace, they're doing good (unless you're an elite runner). It's just a whole 'nother animal, but I find it much more stimulating and rewarding than road running. Also, you find that the trail running community is full of really nice and encouraging people. Rarely have I had a runner pass me without saying something encouraging. And trail runners will give up on their own goals for a race to help a runner in need. If you decide to start giving trail running a go, I recommend you purchase a pair of trail running shoes and gaiters. You can get some really cool gaiters at Dirty Girl Gaiters, and they're inexpensive. Also, I would definitely recommend the Desert High 30k for someone's first adventurous step toward ultra trail running. If you have any other questions, feel free to email me at fatozzig at yahoo dot com. And Kelly would also be a tremendous source of information.

    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance


      My uncle had this hand-held 20 questions computer game. It was addictive. I found a site where they're available to buy, but also has the 20 questions on the computer. I've played it three times tonight and lost twice. Roll eyes 20q

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance


        Good morning, friends - Even though I had the best of intentions and was awake off and on since 3:30 Dead , I didn't drag my butt out of bed for my cross training this a.m. I seem to always fall off the workout wagon the week after an event. Guess it's just my way of congratulating myself for all my hard work in the prior months (or, at least that's the excuse I like to use Big grin ). Anyway, I am thinking about working out after work if I get off early enough - but don't hold your breath.

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance


        flatland mountaineer

          Easy 3, winds lite nw @ 5, Temp 13F . First serious cold day I have run in this winter so I had to try and remember what layers worked. I hate to be cold, had a real lite Wallyworld fleece under my softshell I had to pull off at the end of mile 1. I dug my thin balkava out of my ski bag, thinking it was overkill but actually it was just right. Still have some nagging achilles issues, seem to improve when I warm up, and the hip thing which I think is caused by a tight IBT but have to be careful not to fire up the joint. The grain markets have rallied a little after last weeks lows. It left us scrambling to cover some short futures positions as protection for the grain we have in inventory and some against the crop we intend to grow in 2009. Day markets are open from 8:30 in the morning to just after 12 noon mtn time, then the night session opens at 5 pm and runs until 5 am. The last few nights we were both up a couple times at 3 am checking things then try to fall back alseep and then oversleep. I really hate that night session. On the input side most fertilizer suppliers filled tanks at summer highs and now are trying to peddle inventories priced 2x higher than their current replacement costs, seed sellers in a similar position. Jewels too funny, and a hint to the ladies if your husbands are anything like me, subtle hints often go unnoticed and you are better off to just go ahead and tell us what you want. Better yet find it in a catalog and circle it in red or put it up on their puter screen and say this is what I want and you can get it here.. Wink Smile

          The whole world said I shoulda used red but it looked good to Charlene in John Deere Green!!

          Support Ethanol, drink the best, burn the rest.

          Run for fun? What the hell kind of recreation is that?  quote from Back to the Fut III

            Jewels - I had seen that video before, and it's hilarious. I always wonder how people come up with that stuff. Bud Light has radio commercials entitled "Real Men of Genius." OMG!! They are so funny! If you haven't heard them before, check this out: Real Men of Genius. Scroll down and there's a whole list of commercials to listen to. (I'm wasting time 'til I take our old man Fatso to the vet for a fluids fill-up.)

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance


            Top 'O the World!

              Oh My Goodness! Lookee all the reading I need to do....when I can get some time online! Confused No internet @ the mtn house (not really any cell coverage either Wink) & limited time/avail in Breck....need to be in an internet cafe & have been busy @ the spa! Making some $$...working on the basements of both houses + getting ready for all the kids/grandkids for Christmas - not getting much running in > 10 miles per wk....Mairead & Misty are hopefull that this will change soon! Okay.. gotta bail, battery about dead.... Take Care & Greta Running to All!! Smile Cindy
              Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group
                Hey there 40s+ 9 miles for me this morning. 3 miles at 10:09 pace, next 3 at 9:35 pace and last 3 at 9:00 pace. No work for me today. I'm gonna shower up and head to the big town. I've got a friend who plays in a band....they'll be playing at a club in Bricktown. Gonna check it out. "Gonna put on my pants, my coat and hat, my boots and smile... and go down town, tonite. All around the town, gonna check out all the sites. I'll be back in the morning, feelin' bad or good. Gonna do what I want but I won't do what I should."
                Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM


                  they'll be playing at a club in Bricktown
                  Hey Evryday! That's my hometown! You have a Bricktown too?!Nice 9 miler! Very funny Jewels! We all know about the doghouse! Farm- Nice cold run and you're a brave man with those markets! Hi Cindy! We miss you! Leslie- you deserve a break today! Had a nice time last night with the boat operator Mark and his wife.They stayed for a beer and we talked for about an hour.They gave each of the boys a $250 gift card and really touching thank you cards. I think it meant a lot to Kyle and Chris. Mark's wife could not see that night that the boys had gone out in the canoe and for about 20-25 minutes was sure that Mark had drowned. Boy, I thought completing my first marathon was emotional, but that was puny compared to this. What a special Christmas for all involved.







                    Had a nice time last night with the boat operator Mark and his wife.They stayed for a beer and we talked for about an hour.They gave each of the boys a $250 gift card and really touching thank you cards. I think it meant a lot to Kyle and Chris. Mark's wife could not see that night that the boys had gone out in the canoe and for about 20-25 minutes was sure that Mark had drowned. Boy, I thought completing my first marathon was emotional, but that was puny compared to this. What a special Christmas for all involved.
                    Yes indeed, Joe. Evryday - Nice run! Hey, don't do anything I'd do while yer out tunight. Farmer Jim - Egads, that's cold! Cindy - Nice to hear from you, chickadee! If things work out right, I may be outta here about half an hour. Big grin

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance


                      Leslie, I love the Real Men of Genius hilarious. Dang Jim, that is a tad chilly. I've been having a few aches and pains myself. Nothing real bad, but just not right. It's funny, my 1st year of running was so much better then my second year. Doesn't make much sense but....whatever. Joe, glad the evening went well. A story never forgotten! About those pics...... Cindy, so nice to hear from you. Glad your making some moula and getting in a bit of running. Evryday, have fun and stay out of trouble! Your weekly mileage is lookin' good! How's Carol and Kelly doing? I need a long blue bar on my training log tomorrow! Keep your fingers crossed that NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, gets in my way. Jewels
                      But in the end, I'm more afraid of not trying, than failing. JJJessee

                      Queen of 3rd Place

                        Go Jewels!!!! Just take it easy, you'll be ok, you've got a nice base! Arla

                        Ex runner

                          I need a long blue bar on my training log tomorrow! Keep your fingers crossed that NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, gets in my way. Jewels
                          I hate having to ask, but what distance are you running, Jewels? Embarrassed

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                            Joe... your kids are real heroes and EMS material! Great job by all!

                            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                              Got off work early, so I forced myself to come home and do an hour of core/strength training. AND, somehow I managed to sort of pull my left hamstring. Undecided Been sitting on and off ice all evening. Okay - "What Not to Wear" is almost over. Gotta get ready for bed. Nite! Sleepy

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance


                                but have to be careful not to fire up the joint.
                                Why not? Go for it, Jim. (I guess corn aint the only thing the grow up in Nebraska!) Wink Seriously tho, careful with the AT and hip. Like alot of seemingly minor injuries, they seem to "get better" as they warm up. But then they may continue to worsen on the next run. Stay warm. fatozzig....I've always enjoyed "real men of genious." They are a hoot. My coworker has an entire cd collection of the commercials. Joe, yes, Oklahoma City has an entertainment district called Bricktown. It's a revitalized old warehouse district and it's been a great addition to the City. Welcome back MtnchicK! Hey Jewels and Arla Had a nice evening with bro-in-law. Went to see and listen to a band Three Legged Dog perfom. A blues band playing a nice assortment of covers with a few originals thrown in. The key board player is a good friend of mine. I'll get back home later this afternoon with hopes of a nice easy 6 miler. Till then.....Have a good one.
                                Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM