Trailer Trash

Confess your road runner sins here... (Read 82 times)


    I still wear a hydration belt on shorter, but usually only during the summer and if I won't be back by my vehicle within 30 minutes or so.

    I would stress over the pace of my training runs.

    I would bring 2 packs of honeystinger chews for fuel during a 10 mile training run.

    I thought it was wrong to stop or slow at aid stations and thought you had to drink while running.


      I converted to trails before I even considered myself a runner. I've honestly never done any of these things. But... I have scared the shit out of some lady who was in the process of pulling her bear spray on me as I rounded the corner because apparently blowing a snot rocket sounds like a bear is going to eat you for lunch.

      Queen of Nothing


        Many of the above and...

        1) I joined a running group of about 300 in which we all trained together for the LA Marathon every Sunday.  I was in the 11 minute mile group.  For every mile we ran we walked a minute.


        2) I joined the same group about 3 years later...Blush







        Uh oh... now what?

          Without getting into the older books, I have a book 26.2 Marathon Stories -- autographed by Kathrine Switzer.


          We used to go through our socks trying to find some that were sort of white

          because we were doing a road marathon that weekend.


          There was a weekend when I ran a half marathon each day--high stress stuff.


          I was stressed out over trying to break three in a marathon until I figured out it was a good

          tempo run for something longer.  Okay, that doesn't work.  It became an act of heresy because

          I didn't care about the subthree thing.  I needed the tempo run for the ultra that was two weeks away.


          I would carefully untwist my shoe strings so the laces were nice and flat and the ends even.


          Heavy hands -- I still have a pair of Heavy Hands.


          flashlight and sidewalk

            I converted to trails before I even considered myself a runner. I've honestly never done any of these things. But... I have scared the shit out of some lady who was in the process of pulling her bear spray on me as I rounded the corner because apparently blowing a snot rocket sounds like a bear is going to eat you for lunch.


            The purist of us all Smile...sin free.  Go ahead and cast your stones snowden


            **Ask me about streaking**



              XT: You'll need 10 Hail Marie's and 50 trail miles to be free of your sins!



                This is awesome! Thanks XT!


                1. I've lined up with a pace group.


                2. I've pinned a full sized bib on my shirt rather than fold it up and put it elsewhere.


                3. I've taken a gel before the race.


                4. I've "jogged" around to warmup before a race.


                5. I've wrapped myself in a space blanket after a race.


                6. I've bought a professional photo of myself running on a road.


                7. I've stood in line waiting for my picture to be taken with my medal after a race.


                8. I've paid to stay in a hotel the night before a 5k.


                9. I've bought running items at a marathon expo.


                10. I once wore a Marathon Maniacs shirt during a race.


                I also did all the shit mentioned above.

                Number 8 is my favorite. This is very entertaining.


                Le professeur de trail

                  Sinners! How dare you all.  I never knew.  I, on the other hand, am sinless.  I think I need to go join the barefoot group where people will at least be honest with me upfront.

                  My favorite day of the week is RUNday






                    9. I have trained with a fuel belt



                    Can I ask...why the contempt for fuel belts?  For the record, I run with either a 16 or 22 oz handheld, as I've never gone far enough from civilization that I can't refill. But I'm wondering what's wrong with a fuel belt. I don't wear one only because I hate the jostling.


                    Endless trails


                      Can I ask...why the contempt for fuel belts?  For the record, I run with either a 16 or 22 oz handheld, as I've never gone far enough from civilization that I can't refill. But I'm wondering what's wrong with a fuel belt. I don't wear one only because I hate the jostling.


                      They are pain in the butt to fill at aid stations.


                      Le professeur de trail

                        Ok ok, I confess.  I am currently a closet roadie.  I run 5ks every other weekend and currently working on a HM PR.  Cry  I am so sorry for being so deception.  I only show up at the occasional trail event to mask my road running.  Forgive me?

                        My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                          Ok ok, I confess.  I am currently a closet roadie.  I run 5ks every other weekend and currently working on a HM PR.  Cry  I am so sorry for being so deception.  I only show up at the occasional trail event to mask my road running.  Forgive me?


                          Ha ha, I love how it only took 17 minutes for the guilt to overwhelm you. You went from sinless to the most depraved sinner. Big grin

                            Oh, this is fun. I still run a fair amount on the roads just because the trails in Central Iowa suck but here we go. I will base these on when I didn't run ANY trails

                            1. All of my clothes matched (shirt and shorts)

                            2. I actually used to wash my shoes so they were clean

                            3. I would run around puddles

                            4. When it got at or below 40 I would stay inside

                            5. I mirror the Garmin thing. I don't really even use my Garmin much anymore

                            6. I had to be to the mile for what my training plan was for that day

                            7. The deadliest of all sins.....I drank Light or Ultra Light beers..............Evil


                            The worst of all!!!


                            Yeah, not gonna lie, I still do a lot of the stuff mentioned in this thread.   But I'm still enjoying reading these!


                              This is too funny....  and hitting too close to home !!!!    Shocked


                              I'm also guilty of may of these "sins".  And yes, a lot of my runs are on concrete, not much choice living so close to Houston.  I just tell myself that the concrete toughens up my legs and joints for the trails.  (Please don't pop my delusional bubble.)




                                I've ran a relay race and there might have been some full moon shenanigans

                                I've ran some extra steps to round off the Garmin to an even mile

                                I once bagged mid-race on an out and back 5K and I still crossed the finish line that recorded my best time by over a minutes (hangs head in shame)

                                My first full was an RnR event (shutter)

                                I waited in line for my "free" beer (Miller Lite) after the RnR full (double-shutter)

                                On longer runs I will run with water bottle(s) stuck in my pocket

                                I have sped up on training runs when I see other runners to look: faster, sexier, or more like a douche ::look::

                                I've ran shirtless in a 5K (Gramps should not run shirtless I don't care how hot it is outside)

                                You people have issues