Trailer Trash


Mundane Mondailies (Read 252 times)


    It's going to close to 60 here today though. My right hip is still niggly so after 2 days in a row of running I will take a day off, and just do some weights and stretching.


    Ran a few short runs with LadyB this past weekend. A 7.5 run on Saturday on the trails of Nolde Forest (no hunting zone) and a brisk 5 yesterday at Monocacy Hill. I pushed the last half mile of yesterday's run and that felt good and took my mind off my slightly aching hip. I've noticed niggles temporarily subside when you run fast and are working hard. Of course they come back afterwards. The NoldeForest run was a bit sad as I had not been out there since the hurricane and the devastation at the top of the hill is pretty bad. Half the forest appears to be gone, and they have heavy equipment up there cleaning out the debris and salvaging timber.


    QOTD: Trail shoes. Brooks Cascadias, NB MT915's, and just this weekend purchased a pair of Mizuno Wave Ascends. I ran in those a few years ago and they worked well for me, and the local running store is stocking them again. Ran in them yesterday and they felt good. A bit of a beefier shoe but I am not a toothpick runner. They are a sort of hideous combination of colors as well.

    In dog beers, I've only had one.


    Faster Than Your Couch!

      Good Morning,


      Rest day, due to family chores. Would be a nice day for a run, though, warm (50's) and foggy, good enough for shorts - probably the last time until spring?


      Posted my RR, but for those who don't like to indulge in the details, here's the short version: The first 13 miles passed by uneventful, then I decided to speed up a bit, and - oops, found myself in the chute already. Crossed the line at 1:57:3something.


      jonfer: Which tricks? Let us know!


      smith: Enjoy the rest or the run later!


      Roxie: Weight vest sounds a bit tough. Just be careful with those knees.


      sugnim: Have a good rest day as usual!


      AT: Sounds like a wonderful Sunday run - 3 1/2 hours per person, or total?


      Mandy: Hope your plan will work and you don't loose too much endurance and strength!


      Sandy: Nice pictures, great run! The freezing reminds me, I still have to get that hose sleeve for my water pack, it froze on me during the Stone Mill race - not fun!


      Harrier: Enjoy the global warming! I could need a bit of that over here, please (it is nice and warm today, though)!


      lace: Who needs upper body strength for running?


      dpc: Nice morning workout on the commute and before!


      Flyer: Great workout!


      warden: Hope you'll recover well!


      EDRW: Have a good rest day!


      tam: Don't you just hate it when the holidays get in the way of running? Still, enjoy the nice weather!


      EG: Sounds like fun!


      Taper: Hope your hip will calm down soon!



      QOTD: I use Brooks Cascadia 6's, I like them for the rocky, technical trails around here. On gentler trails, I use my road shoes, Brooks Ghost4, or my crossovers, Brooks Trail Blades. I also have a new pair of Brooks Pure Grits, but have not used them on the trails yet. Seems like I am sponsored by Brooks, but the collection is just coincidence.


      Enjoy the start into the week, trailers!

      Run for fun.


        5 muggy miles this morning. The humidity is so bad right now that is was like a misty rain. This weather is just ridiculous.


        Lace: Norway is a wonderful place. 


        Everyone: Have a good day. I am waaaayyyy too busy at work to even be on here today.


        QOTD: I run a whole lot in Saucony Kinvara 2's. I need to get some 3's. I also use NB 110's on trails and runs out to about 50K, and I use Saucony Peregrine 2's.





          AT: Sounds like a wonderful Sunday run - 3 1/2 hours per person, or total?



          FTYC - We ran 3 1/2  hours together, and we're still married.  Nice mix of trail and some logging road sections to get to more trials.  We run the same trails, but no always together.  I run out in front, but will run back if I don't see her or if a turn is coming up..  Her only rules are I'm never to ask if she is OK, and I'm never supposed to run all the way back to her.  Once I see her, I call out what direction I'm heading at the turn. 

          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

          nc tam

            AT -- the hubs and I had to come up with similar rules for biking.  I can't stand it when he rides ahead then comes back and rides in small circles next to me, just behind me, just ahead of me, then next to me with no hands... I get it, I get it already.  My top speed is significantly less than his.  He tells folks that I ride with him but the reality is that I ride behind him.  At least the view's decent.


            Endless trails

              it's weight training for today (still a wee sore from my long run on Saturday Smile)


              qotd- I've been using Montrail Sabino Trails for mountain environs and Montrail Badrocks for everything else- the only shoes I've found that have a roomy enough toe box


              jon- what "tricks" did you try on your long run?  no secret stuff here Big grin


              Not really tricks, I guess. Since I don't have a long race planned until a 50K in April I have a little

              time to work out some issues on long runs. Yesterday I ran the first hour with 25 mins running,

              walked for a 1 min. After that I switched to 5 mins running, 1 min walks. I'm basically just trying to

              improve my recovery time, both during the actual run and post-long run. I recently read two different

              ultra running articles and both suggested the 5 to 1 ratio as a way of increasing the long run. 18

              isn't really incredibly long but I did notice that my pace per mile was better by close to 2 mins. At

              first the 5:1 seemed a bit excessive, but I think it will help me push into that 24-28 mile range. I have

              no doubt that once I get stronger and my body more familiar with the distance that I'll modify it.


              Faster Than Your Couch!

                AT, tam: I do it similarly when I run and DH rides on the bike with me. On the gentle trails (e.g. rail to trail), we are similar speeds, that is the most fun.


                jonfer: I might have to try the walk/run approach one time and measure my pace. I don't understand why it works, and it is not something I would naturally do, but it seems to work from what I see with other people. Do you think it works also on trails, where the terrain plays a major role, or better just on roads, where "pace" is a more feasible concept?

                Run for fun.

                Wandering Wally

                  I'd add the following thought for trail shoes:  The only reason I have them is for winter running.  The more aggressive sole is nicer in the snow and ice.  On the trails I run regularly, road shoes work just fine.  My road shoes with 500+ miles on them get moved to trail duty in the summer as they are still pretty awesome off road.  The most technical thing I have to deal with are tree roots.  Otherwise the trail surface is packed dirt, sand, packed sand, pine needles and leaves.  A stretch of gravel is as rocky as it gets.  Because my trails are so non-technical I'm really thinking of moving to something like a Merrell Trail Glove or VFF's next spring/summer.

                  Run!  Just Run!


                  Trail Runner Nation Podcast


                    6.5 in drying weather...35 degrees


                    QOTD I wear Asics Gel trail attack 7's which work well in the mud but are uncomftorable on flat dirt trails, I just ordered a pair of montrail Mountain Masochist which I should receive in a day or two

                      1 hour 8 minutes and 41 seconds in -9F and snow. My original plan was to do the 2-hour run I bagged yesterday--ha! Legs got numb after about 40 minutes. My coldest run so far ("feels like" temp was -18F/-28C). I imagine it'll get colder. I'll wear another layer tomorrow.


                      QOTD: No dedicated trail shoes, my Kinvaras have been fine so far on road or trail. And they dry quicker than any other shoe I've ever had.

                      Wandering Wally

                        majope - Brrr.

                        Run!  Just Run!


                        Trail Runner Nation Podcast

                          SRD for the pooch and me.  I hope it is as beautiful where you all are as it is here.


                          QOTD: I have been happy with my Brooks Cascadia 7's.  I have a pair of Cascadia 8's on the way.  I hope they haven't screwed them up for the new model.


                          Tallahassee, Florida

                          Queen of Nothing


                            I have nothing planned, but since the hubby may get home late I may jump on the treadmill.  Sign up for Way Too Cool 50K lottery today. 


                            QOTD:  Brooks Cascadias, love them and will be buying the new model when I need another pair. 

                            TrailTromper: Loved that picture of your dog yesterday jumping the logs.


                            NC Tam:  My husband does the same.  I'm like just keep going and wait at the intersections.  He also likes to stop and watch me through real techincal stuff (I guess to laugh if I fall) which makes me more nervous. 


                            Love the shots of the dogs yesterday and you know I love mine but no time still to work out the kinks of posting picturtes. 







                              SRD for me as well.  Which is good, since I woke up with a cold.  Ugh!  It is gorgeous here today...I wish I were outside. 


                              QOTD - Am I the only one that doesn't really care what kind of shoe I run in?  I find whatever I can in mid-to-moderate support range that is also on sale.  Its been Saucony, Asics, NB.  I think it is NB right now. 


                              Sandy - lovely pics!

                              Hobby Jogger

                                SRD for me


                                QOTD - I haven't found a trail shoe I love yet. I've been doing most of my runs in Hokas, but they are not very grippy.  I've ordered a pair of Mountain Masochists to see if they work.

                                5/4/19 - Twilight Zone 24 Hour
