Trailer Trash


Failed Friday (Read 19 times)


    I ran a short loop this morning. It was a good run, easy.


    QOTD: What was your monthly mileage for May?


    48!! That is where the "Failed" comes in at the top. I was really looking to hit between 100 and 120 this month, but weather was my primary issue that cost me several days. No excuses. I could have probably squeezed something in on some of those days. We'll start over tomorrow with a longer outing to get a jump on the mileage.



      Good morning LB.  We dodged some thunderstorms here yesterday and last night, so I guess you were ok way over there too.


      I did do 3 miles last night, felt good and the pace wasn't too bad. All is well I guess.  Back on the horse for TRT.


      qotd: 184.  Not bad considering I was traveling the 1st thru 18th (PA, NJ, Mumbai, London), but 69 in one day helped I guess.  



      Refurbished Hip

        Bike commute to work.  Hip was okay-ish.  Going to need two breakfasts this morning.  I'm freaking starving.


        Moonlight - to answer your question from yesterday, yes, I will eventually need to get my hip replaced.  And probably soon.  If I were 50+ years old, I would tell them to put me under the knife tomorrow, but since I'm only 36, it's really hard to make that decision.  Part of me wants to preserve my original hip for as long as possible and another part of me is so sick and tired of living this way that I just want to destroy it completely so I can get a new one and move on with my life.


        QOTD: I'll have 508 miles for the month once I ride home tonight.  That's damn good for me for the month of May.  I've only broken the 500 mile/month barrier a few times before.  I wish I could say that I was going to throw down some serious miles over the next 3 months, but I just need to see how my hip does.

        Running is dumb.


          Not sure if I'll run today. Still have the cold, and not sure if I'm on the brink of it getting worse or better. Of course, hoping for the latter, but don't want to excaberate things so might just take the pup to rock creek and walk some hills in the woods.


          Mandy- have you spoke to many folks who've done this surgery? Especially someone in your age group? I've heard a number of folks say they wished they had done it sooner, but no one that was younger than 40. One was late 40s, a runner, and she was walking within days post-surgery, but everyone is different..  Good luck-- it's a huge decision.



          Moonlight - to answer your question from yesterday, yes, I will eventually need to get my hip replaced.  And probably soon.  If I were 50+ years old, I would tell them to put me under the knife tomorrow, but since I'm only 36, it's really hard to make that decision.  Part of me wants to preserve my original hip for as long as possible and another part of me is so sick and tired of living this way that I just want to destroy it completely so I can get a new one and move on with my life.



          qotd: Ugh 66. And for the first time in a while, I had not been following my mileage this month as dilidgently as I usually do. I'm just trying to follow the training plan I was given (mixed results thus far).



            SRD today. Plan is 14-16 tomorrow on hilly logging road.


            LB - time for a new streak?


            Sandy - glad niggles are improving.


            DC - any allergies, or just a cold. Get well soon.


            Mandy - nice bike miles.


            QOTD:  228 for May. Had a really big week last week, and that pushed me up. May always seems to be my biggest month.

            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            running under the BigSky

              nice 4-ish miles with Tiny E yesterday, he was recalling chomping at the bit to hit the trails Smile  I think it helped my recovery at the same time


              have to work today, usually have it off, but a guy at work agreed to work for me last Tuesday and me today for him; probably 4-5 miles after work


              qotd: 200 miles, almost half of those from the BMWO 


              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



              Faster Than Your Couch!

                Planning out my run for today. It’s beautiful weather and it should be a lot of fun.


                Mandy, AT: that’s a lot of miles!


                QOTD: 125 with today’s run which hasn’t happened yet. I’m good with that.

                Run for fun.


                Le professeur de trail

                  I will run tonight.   I like being able to say that.


                  Mandy - I am sorry.  That is a tough decision to make.  Consulting with multiple docs might not be a bad idea.


                  QOTD: Sitting at 17.8.  I will be sure to get at least 2.2 tonight and hit 20.  I consider that a success! On the other hand, DW ripped it this month with close to 90.  From the one that has continually called me crazy for my running, she is doing well.


                  Have a great weekend!

                  My favorite day of the week is RUNday





                    I will run tonight.   I like being able to say that.


                    QOTD: Sitting at 17.8.  I will be sure to get at least 2.2 tonight and hit 20.  I consider that a success! On the other hand, DW ripped it this month with close to 90.  From the one that has continually called me crazy for my running, she is doing well.


                    Have a great weekend!


                    You Win For Best Total  

                    Very happy for you, my friend.

                    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



                      LB - time for a new streak?



                      I think it may be. But I may wait until the horseflies subside. They sort of bombed me this morning for a bit, but it would have been horrific without the Cutter.


                      Queen of Nothing


                        Fast Fridays Five miles.......went a bit backwards in speed but I am going to blame Jack.   He was dragging a but at the end.  Got my first post retirement job.  I clean the Yoga studio once a week for 3 hours....but 1 of the 3 hours can be spent doing pilates.  This gives me a free unlimited access to classes.




                        QOTD:  154








                        Are we there, yet?


                          QOTD:  154


                          You do realize that is one mile short of averaging exactly 5 miles per day for the month.

                           2024 Races:

                                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






                            Fast Fridays Five miles.......went a bit backwards in speed but I am going to blame Jack.   He was dragging a but at the end.  Got my first post retirement job.  I clean the Yoga studio once a week for 3 hours....but 1 of the 3 hours can be spent doing pilates.  This gives me a free unlimited access to classes.



                            Score!  DD#1 does/did that in Portland.  She said classes were so expensive she was gong to stop and instructor told her about cleaning job.

                            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                            I lost my rama

                              QOTD:  63.9 but I'm planning add some to that after work today.  It's kinda depressing because I did 207.7 this month last year. 


                              LB2 - Hope you can get a new streak going soon.


                              Sandy - Nice miles especially with all that travelling.  I don't think I could get that much with your travel schedule, even with a big race in there.


                              Mandy - Impressive bike miles!  Hope you can get good medical advice on your hip.  But I love your spirit to keep being physically active any way you can.


                              runtrail - Hope you can get back on your plan, but all (good) plans have some down days factored in them.  Hope the family is feeling better.


                              AT - That's a fantastic month!  Looks like you're peaking well.


                              warden - Hope your feet are getting better.  I forgot to mention on your report that it's odd (for me) that roads would beat up your feet but trails, or off trail, was better.  But I suppose it does make sense.


                              FTYC - Enjoy your run today!


                              Dr J - Glad you seem to be doing well getting some miles in.  Smart not to try to over-do it.  Also, nice work for DW!


                              Sue - Nice gig you've got going there!  And nice month too.


                              XT - (from yesterday) I had an appointment with a gastroenterologist today, but she wasn't in, so it's rescheduled for Monday.  My throat still bothers me when I swallow food and I'm still weary about what types of foods I eat so they're easier to swallow.  I'm hoping just meds (even if terrible) will fix the problem, or it goes away on its own.  A more intrusive solution will probably freak me out, as though I'm not freaked out enough as it is.


                              Hoping to get 4 to 6 on trail after work.  It's warming up, so I will need to carry water now.  My blood pressure is improving but still high in the stage 1 hypertension range.  Makes me wonder if I'm destined to be found laying on the trail.  Never had these thoughts not even a year ago.  *sigh*

                              3/17 - NYC Half

                              4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                              6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                              8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                                Good morning LB.  We dodged some thunderstorms here yesterday and last night, so I guess you were ok way over there too.



                                They seem to be breaking up before they get here now. We needed a break. I know y'all do. Jeez, too much rain!!!

