Trailer Trash


Thunderstorm Thursday (Read 14 times)


    Got a little line of storms moving through here today. It appears that we will mostly be in the gaps between the hard stuff with some light rain and distant thunder, mostly to the north. I got 5 miles of running/walking today. I did the 5 miles in 59:30, about an 11:54 pace. I don't see myself running a 20 hour 100 mile race, but I hope to be able to maintain a pace similar to that for 50 miles of it. If I can finish it, that would be good. If I can finish it in under 27:42, that would be great.


    QOTD: Anything on the national stage concerning you right now?


    The derailment in Ohio is really concerning to me. I'm not losing any sleep over it, but I am concerned for the people of East Palestine, Ohio.




      qotd: The shootings and the fact that republican led states are trying to subpoena women's menstrual histories. That's none of their damn business.


      running under the BigSky

        Warmed a bit yesterday afternoon (mid 20's), so DW, youngest DD, Tiny Elvis and I got in a pretty nice 4 miles.


        I think the whole gang is going this afternoon as well; supposed to get back into the 30's.


        qotd: That derailment is very spooky, we live about a mile from a very major train line (east-west)- close enough with the right prevailing wind we could be in exactly the same predicament.  The vast majority is coal traffic (full headed west/empty coming back), but plenty of tankers going by with all kinds of toxic crap 


        2024 goal 2024 miles

        2023 goal 2023 miles  √

        2022 goal- 2022 miles √

        2021 goal- 2021 miles √


          8 cold, predawn road miles this a.m.  My longest road run in probably 4 years.  I hate running on the road, and my legs were absolute toast afterward.  I spent about 15 minutes using my massage gun on my legs, which helps a lot.


          QOTD:  The mass shootings, school shootings.  What the %$*&^ is wrong with people?!?!??

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance



          running under the BigSky

            8 cold, predawn road miles this a.m.  My longest road run in probably 4 years. 




            2024 goal 2024 miles

            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

            2021 goal- 2021 miles √



            Are we there, yet?

              Beautiful day to run, sunny and 61F, very little wind.  We seem to have missed all the really nasty weather this winter season so far.  I'm holding my breath expecting to be hammered one of these days before spring formally arrives.  4 easy miles.


              qotd:  All the shootings is probably tops, but alo infringement on women's rights starting with the reversal of Roe v. Wade, attempts to restrict access to voting through voter ID laws and gerrymandering, signs that the federal government is headed toward a complete breakdown because of a small number of extreme right-wingers.

               2024 Races:

                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                Got up early and did another 5 miles.  Felt a ton better than yesterday, since it was 25 deg cooler than yesterday that might have helped. Also the after affects of the shot are gone today.


                Nice job fatozzig.


                qotd: yeah pretty much everything mentioned so far; toxic crap and affects on the planet, freedom of choice, shootings, and I'll add Russia's absolutely hideous war.



                  No thunder here. Still very warm though mid February. Close to 70 yesterday, mid 60's today but some showers in the forecast. It could be a spring like rainy run in February tonight.


                  Did something a bit different yesterday. Ran one of my old tough and hilly road routes, a bit over 6 miles, about 600 feet of spread out over 3 different climbs. Know how idea how long it would take me, thought maybe under an hour after the first mile (9 minutes) but that was the flat one. Took me 62 minutes and change. Probably used to run this on high 40's low 50's for time. Such is time. Sort of a nice run after a few "busy" sections as you are back in less travelled roads, with nice views of the countryside and down and out of a nice stream fed hollow. Used to be an old favorite of mine as it had a mile or two of dirt road but that's all been paved over now. Took a friend from my old health club on this route once and he was sore for a few days and never wanted to run it with me again. Haha. Pics from the road.



                  QOTD: All these woke people. They need to go back to sleep dammit.

                  In dog beers, I've only had one.


                    Yesterday was a dog walk and a lot of yard work since it was a beautiful day. Rain today so probably a rowing session.





                    qotd:  All the shootings is probably tops, but alo infringement on women's rights starting with the reversal of Roe v. Wade, attempts to restrict access to voting through voter ID laws and gerrymandering, signs that the federal government is headed toward a complete breakdown because of a small number of extreme right-wingers.

                    Queen of Nothing


                      2 mile slog with Jack then a drive to Detriot.  I'll be hanging with my CA friend as her son plays hockey...for the next 3 days.  

                      qotd:  I really don't watch the news.  People hurting people and agree with XT this "woke" shit.