Trailer Trash


Foggy Thursday (Read 9 times)

    Welcome to Thursday.  I got in a little over 3 miles this morning with a 5 min power walk/1 min jog combo after a solid 10 min warm up. It didn't feel too bad, although my left hamstring felt kinda tight the whole time and it's kinda barking at me, but overall I think I'm okay. Instead of stationary biking Saturday then pool running, I mighty try another walk/run combo then head to the pool We'll see. It just felt really good to be out there in the predawn quiet.


    QOTD:  What was your favorite subject in school?  Mine was English.  I struggled mightily with science and math, but did well in English.  I love reading and I used to really love writing.  Even went to college with the intent of becoming a journalist, but that didn't pan out.  Now when I read books, I sometimes wonder if I'd ever be able to write one.

    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance



      LB2, glad to hear you were ok after the  weather hit. It was crazy here on Tuesday, then headed your way. Sorry to hear about the outcome near NO.


      I ran 4 yesterday and plan on doing 6 after work today. 

      I got a new work iPhone (13 mini) yesterday and still spending time setting it up with my “stuff”.  Anyway I did remember the password so I’m still here.


      qotd: favorite was gym, but I was best at Math and Science, I guess it make sense I went into Engineering.



        The ice storm of yesterday continued on with snow, sleet, freezing rain and of course power went out about 11 last night. Still not on but no worries. Have a generator running for the refridges and we heat with wood mostly anyway. My generator is not hard wired in so can't run our water pump and no hot water but we always have bottled water here and I still have a working outhouse near the shed. It's just a grand adventure. 


        Probably gonna skip my run again today but we'll see. Weights and rowing for certain yet.


        QOTD--that was so long ago I can't really remember much. I was generally a big screwoff guy that sometimes had a problem remembering to even attend. Fast cars and fast girls were my focus.  Barely graduated.


          I played the hobby jogger card yesterday and took the day off from running. Funny how a month ago 45 and rain would have felt all right but after a nice taste of spring it felt super cold and miserable. There was a chilly east wind which made it worse. So just walked the dogs instead with the missus. At least the rain had stopped for our walk or was a mist at best. Adding injury to insult there was cold rain last night for the before bedtime walk with the Lady. 

          I guess Baker and I will get in a run this evening. I am not super motivated but the weather is milder and dry I think, though looks like we will keep the grey gloominess. 4 or 5 miles at a TTBD.


          QOTD: HS, college was math science. I ended up in computers after taking Fortran.

          In dog beers, I've only had one.


            Howdy folks. Lazy day yesterday so did not run (or anything else exercise-wise). Heading out shortly for an easy 4. Also put together my training plan for this summer's marathon. I don't have any pace or time goals. Just enjoy the beautiful run along Lake Superior.


            XT- I hear you on the temps and grey gloom. I'm hoping the sun comes back for the weekend, until then 


            NH- Saw there is a date for this year's Canyon de Chelly, but for the 2020 postponees. Since we're thinking of a R2River Grand Canyon hike in October 2023, I'm going to keep an eye out for that lottery. I figure, while I"m out there... but it would mean winning two hard to get lotteries, so I'm not getting any hopes up.


            qotd: Math and Science.


              NH- Saw there is a date for this year's Canyon de Chelly, but for the 2020 postponees. Since we're thinking of a R2River Grand Canyon hike in October 2023, I'm going to keep an eye out for that lottery. I figure, while I"m out there... but it would mean winning two hard to get lotteries, so I'm not getting any hopes up.




              Yeah I click into there every so often but now today I see their website is no longer active though the facebook page is still. When it was cancelled I was about #100 on the waitlist. Then there was talk of opening it up more for this year because of the cancelling so I thought I might have a slim chance but that fell by the wayside. There was also talk of doing it this year in the spring and fall and that also went by the wayside. Then the waitlist just up and disappeared and there is no waitlist.  So whenever they open it up again I'll enter the lottery again. FYI--roughly 850 entrants for 150 spots.  Since you like doing lotteries so much you may as well enter The Wave lottery thru the Forest service coordinating the dates with these other adventures while you're out there. I'm guessing you know about that area but for anyone else it is near Kanab, Utah. Google images of The Wave. It's a very difficult golden ticket to get. Anyway, you enter 4 months out for the month you want to go. You can enter 3 different dates so 3 chances every month though each chance cost $3.  I'll be entering for Mar, Apr, and early May for '23. Basically a snowballs chance in hell but...There is another little known spot right near there on a level with the Wave I was clued into by experienced vagabond so I'll be heading out there come April whether I get a golden ticket or not.


              Are we there, yet?

                Two short 5K outings, one morning and one afternoon.


                QOTD:  Favorite was math, especially Algebra and Algebra II.

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.