Trailer Trash


Smokin' Saturdailies (Read 18 times)


Are we there, yet?

    That's smokin' on the track.  Been watching the Mt SAC Relays and some of the HS kids are burning up the track.  Back to preparing for my 50K track race at D3, so lots of loops at the local park.  Stopped after 7.2 miles, still a tad sore and tight.


    Did my last minute shopping for Easter so I have snacks and wine.


    qotd: Experiences racing at altitude and living near sea level?  I'm looking at Lean Horse 50K in SD in August (week after Sturgis) and it's above 5000'.

     2024 Races:

          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




    Queen of Nothing


      I was wonder what you were smoking George.  So gkad you have your wine, you’re going to have a great Easter.  Friends and I ran 11 this morning.  5 to a waterfall and the rest hitting trails that ended in cattle.  Was a beautiful morning with a moist breeze and moon on one side and sun on the other.  The area was green with wild flowers.  This place will be brown in a month.  Time for me and the dogs to shower.


      Qotd:  got nothing for you George.  I live at 2,000 and often go up to 5,000.  The worse thing that happens is being winded at first but than my body gets of it.









        Rain stopped early morning and we hit the C&O for what was going to be 10 miles out and 10 miles back.  3 miles into run there was as sign that said Towpath Closed in 1 mile due to storm water damage.   I was hoping it was passable or at least had an alternate route, but nope. Trail shut down with big NPS signs and warning not to trespass.  So, I ran back to truck, passed DW along the way to tell her change in plans, and diverted to used truck as an AS. Then I headed North, towards Harper's Ferry.  After 3 miles, there were so many people on the path that it was hard to run past them. I got tired of weaving in and out, so turned around again and headed back to my AS truck and then went the original way (with hardly any people) and then back.  So it was a 4-4, 3-3, 3-3 run with 2 side trips, 20.5 miles total in 3:35 including stops.  DW  had a good day and was in around 4:00, so she's feeling better about the Oregon cut-off times. Yuck. Not what we wanted, but we got it done.   75 degrees and mostly sunny.


        Hit a LRS on way home and spent $ on shoes for both of us and picked up some other running stuff. Having 2 runners in the family makes for expensive shopping.


        George - glad you are prepared.


        Sue - are you doing any solo runs, or are you mostly with group now?  How many are coming to Oregon? We still have 4 of us. 3 (Jess, Mark and me) doing 50 miler and 1 (Mark's wife) doing 50K.


        QOTD:  I've run a few high altitude races, and last years Colorado Trip with NH and Warden.  Last year we went right to Leadville after landing and that was hard the first night.  Some hiking and a few runs, and we felt pretty acclimated by the third day.  For me, it's staying hydrated that helps, and I walk around with a water bottle.  When I did Pikes Peak, the day of the race was only the second day we were at elevation in Manitou, I felt like a fish out of water the closer I got to the summit. The next day, we walked all over sightseeing and hiking some high peaks, and I felt absolutely great.  So 3 days before the race would be my minimum, but any longer is better.

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

        Queen of Nothing


          At: yea I have been running with people a lot lately.  Can’t remember my last solo, Mexico Febraury.  There are 5 women running it including me and one guy but ummm his training has been none existance so we suggest he illegally drop down to the 50k.  The race won’t let him do it officially.  We are also thinking about rafting the day after.  What do you guys think.


          Leatrice always worries about cut offs.  Hopefully Jess will want to start the race with us.  We plan on sticking together for at least the first 20








            Sitting at work getting ready to walk a few laps in the parking lot. That's as close to running as I'll get today. Really nice day here too.


            I was wonder what you were smoking George.


            Hey, It's 4/20 day!!!!!!   What do you think he's smoking .


            QOTD:  I've done one "race" at altitude.  When I hit 5-6000 feet I can tell it right away, I get winded walking.   The race was a bicycle race up Mt Evans in Colorado, to starting out a little over 7000' and topping out over 14000' over 28 miles. Not really a steep race but it was the altitude.  We went to Texas then out to the GC. On the way there we spent a night in Gallup NM, over 6000' elevation.  The next day at the north rim which was over 8000' I was really winded. We spent 2 nights there I believe then went to Silverthorne CO for several days before the race.  Silverthorne is just a little over 9000'.  Basically I was sleeping at elevations of >8000' for about 5 days before the race.  That seemed to help somewhat but I was still very slow once I hit about  11000'.


            (Stupid pager went off in the middle of typing . Hate when I actually gotta do some work .)


            But anyway. Above 11000 feet things got really slow for me. Legs had plenty of power as I recall but it was the breathing thing.  I know I got really slow and stopped several times just to recuperate especially over 13000'.


            It really seems like altitude affects everyone slightly differently.  Some people can run a strong race just after arriving at higher elevation then feel like crap  1-2 days later.  Me, I need time to acclimate and would probably not do a race that went above 9000' unless I had the time to spend almost a week sleeping above 8000'.


            I just looked at the race and that should be a sweet place to run.  We rode our bikes on that way back in 2003 on the way back from Alaska. Didn't notice the elevation at that time, but maybe that's because it was between 96-104 degrees that day .  To be honest I don't think that elevation will bother you too much. Still if you have the time it might be a good idea to arrive a 5-7 days ahead of time and spend the time exploring and hiking in the area.


              I have been sick for two days now.  Just a bad cold, but feeling really lousy.  Didn’t run in those 2 days.  Plan to do a little jog tomorrow morning, hope to blow the crud out of my head.


              Funny story, my DD and her friend went to a pub that was having a GoT quiz night. The two of them were a team playing against 9 other teams with 6 people on each team. My DD and her friend won.  They are both GoT nerds having read the books and watched the series and can they can now prove it!!! (I still haven’t borrowed her DVDs yet.)


              qotd: I live at sea level and have done some high altitude 100s Leadville, Hardrock (85 mi), Big Horn, Bear, etc.  Just try to get there a few days early and be active once there.  And don’t panic the first time you try to run... it’s gonna suck but somehow once you get going you get used to it.  Just keep going and don’t get psyched out.



                Ended up with about 3 or so miles hiking/running Saturday.


                QOTD: I have not raced at altitude, but I have run a fair amount up kind of high. Most of the time, for some reason, I don't have a whole lot of trouble acclimating pretty quickly. I don't know how.




                  There's a 50k at Lean Horse?  I thought only 100 and 50 miles.  I wanted the 100 there but no way I can make a 30 hour cutoff.  Didn't realize it was at 5,000 feet either. I haven't tried running but the first time I went to Denver I was fine for 2 days but miserable the rest of the week; the second time I had a headache and threw up the first day but was fine the rest of the week.


                  Well this weekend is a bust.  I was packed and headed out and noticed two of my horses standing next to the fence, no big deal but then noticed my older mare laying down in the loafing shed...I thought she was dead at first but then thought colic as she rolled to her belly, still not getting up.  Turns out she foundered (horse PF but worse) as a pony they are prone to it and even though I had them off the pasture I guess still enough early green grass.  She's slightly overweight and it's like a person with diabetes and spring grass is high in sugar.


                  So I spent the day soaking her feet in ice water and giving her anti-inflammitories.  Moved her to a dry lot and will have to wait and see.  Called the vet who said to keep doing that and if not better she'll come out Monday.


                  No run down the road, no visiting the DD or DGD.


                  Are we there, yet?

                    There's a 50k at Lean Horse?  I thought only 100 and 50 miles.  I wanted the 100 there but no way I can make a 30 hour cutoff.  Didn't realize it was at 5,000 feet either.


                    They actually advertise it as 30 miles.  They also have a 20 mile race.  For the 30 mile race the start is at 5015 ft and the high point is 5874 ft with total elevation gain of 2202 ft.


                    Normally on these trips I do my vacation and sightseeing after the race, but I may try going out a week early for sightseeing and see how that works as long as I don't exhaust myself with the sightseeing.

                     2024 Races:

                          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                      Hanging out at my cabin. DW and I have been finishing the syrup stuff and I will have a ton of buckets, containers, etc. to clean up but I'm gonna put that off for a few days. I've got so much crap strewn about my place looks like I'm in Arkansas.  Beautiful weather here and was actually able to put a canoe in the water and paddle around my bay which has opened. There has been an eagle out on the ice halfway across the lake just sitting there. Almost looks like he is stuck thru the binoculars. Weird.  Anyway, running related I took yesterday as a rest day and will head out shortly for 5 road miles.


                      Mandy--Went thru my journals I keep here and the date period where I mention how horrid the black flies are ranges from 5/15-5/24. You know, pretty close to your scheduled backpack up here. 


                      QOTD--Done about a dozen mountain races at high altitude and I live at roughly 900'. A couple were over 13,000'. A couple I came right out and raced the very next day. Not real easy. Just have to adjust your output and realize that a few walk breaks in there can really help. My biggest issue has been you can tell the blood is just not getting the oxygen to your leg muscles.  I don't think at 5000' it will be too bad but it sure would be helpful still to get out a few days earlier.   Anyway, I will be doing the Telluride Mt. race (22mi) in August and I'm planning on recreating in the San Juans for 10-12 days beforehand.



                        Anyway, I will be doing the Telluride Mt. race (22mi) in August and I'm planning on recreating in the San Juans for 10-12 days beforehand.


                        I want to be you when I grow up.

                        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                        Refurbished Hip


                          Mandy--Went thru my journals I keep here and the date period where I mention how horrid the black flies are ranges from 5/15-5/24. You know, pretty close to your scheduled backpack up here. 


                          I'm not feeling very optimistic about this heel/AT healing up enough for me to backpack at the end of May, so it probably won't be an issue.  


                          Yeah, I want to be Harrier when I grow up too.  Can't wait to retire and recreate in the San Juans!!

                          Running is dumb.



                            Short road run today to shake the legs out. Funny how flat running gets me more the next day than a mountain run. I'm sure it's the constant pacing for a flat run. I'm used to having my pacing be all over the place with climbs and drops and twists and turns.


                            Easter Brunch with the family, so I'm sure I gained all the weight I lost yesterday. 

                            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                            Faster Than Your Couch!

                              7.5 miles yesterday, and 7 today. I was lucky with the weather, it was supposed to rain, but that never happened. Rather, it was nice and sunny. Nature is so incredibly beautiful this time of year, with trees flowering, the first flowers coming up, and everything getting new leaves. And of course, all the birds singing. Saw a deer and a giant squirrel (almost the size of a groundhog - not sure what made it so big).


                              QOTD: No experience. Only times I noticed was when I was living at around 1,000 ft and went hiking or skiing at altitudes around 7,000 - 8,000 feet. No serious problems, but I did notice that I had to breathe harder.

                              Run for fun.


                              running under the BigSky

                                got a tough 20 miles in yesterday, Stuart Peak out and back; hit big snow at ~ 4 miles in and was on snowshoes the rest of the way to the top. drizzle and rain the entire route, so got nixed out the gorgeous views you’d normally get


                                at my oldest DD and family for Easter supper and taking a rest day today


                                qotd: that’s roughly the elevation I live at so don’t have much to help



                                2024 goal 2024 miles

                                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                                2021 goal- 2021 miles √

