Trail Runners

Dirty Trail Runners Monthly (Come One, Come All!) - Nov. 2009 (Read 598 times)



    Interesting concept you have with the allowed 30 min of walk, hike, or run every day. I can see how it helps you with consistency - that's one of the things I miss when not running every day. It motivates me to hear that you think walking is a *great* addition to running. What do those stars mean? Is it like using CAPS? Like in really GREAT?


    Leslie, I'll have to do some searching to see what a "trainer" is for the bicycle I have at home. It may be an option to sit in the garage and exercise after dark or on a cold cold day or when the gym is closed. 


    Have a good night!

    5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB

      Yeah, I guess it's like all caps or bold.  Just puts emphasis on the word. 


      Walking is such a good way to get out the door, move the legs, speed recovery, clear the mind, spend some time with the family, etc.  




      Tonight is a barefoot run...which could be interesting on a golf course that still has some snow on it.

        Flower - A trainer attaches to the back tire of a bike, and as you pedal, the back wheel spins a special cylinder that's part of the trainer.  The front tire needs to be wedge up so that the bike is level.  I use a chunk of 2x4.  You also need to make sure the seat is at the right height according to your height.  If you take the bike down to a bike shop, they should be able to position it correctly.

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance


          This is the one I use:



          It's the Cycleops 2 Fluid Trainer.




            WOW guys! Thanks.
            5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB
              Chris' trainer looks MUCH better than mine.  And mine's not quiet.  However, my workout room is separate from the house, so I can turn up my TV as loud as I want, neighbors be damned!

              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

              Trail Runner Nation

              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

              Bare Performance


                It's really nice out here today... sunny and 65-70 degrees.  Decided to go for a little trail run at lunch but didn't take into account that 24" snow last week + 70 degrees today = mucho mud.  Uhhg...  nasty.


                Nice to get out in the sun though... time change be damned. 


                  Hey Guys!  Cool new name!  Thanks for your support.  It was a difficult decision but I moved out of J---'s house last weekend.  My parents came and helped me as well the kids.  I'm in a bit of limbo for a couple weeks because my new place isn't ready so we're living with my parents too.  My Dad just bought a new Camaro so he took the boys out for a ride the other night.  They can't wait for him to drive them to school in it.  Last night was the football banquet so we're doing OK and movin along.  I'm keeping the door open on J and I rebuilding but who knows what will happen.


                  Wish I had great trail stories to tell you but my achilles is steal in the healing process.  This is week 4 but who's counting!!!!!  I can do the elliptical but it's getting old....I've been out walking too which is better.


                  Take care!



                  If you never go fast, you'll never go fast.

                    Hey Guys!  Cool new name!  Thanks for your support.  It was a difficult decision but I moved out of J---'s house last weekend. 


                    Whoa!  I must have missed that.  Damn...sorry to hear you two are having problems... hopefully this will improve the situation. 


                      Kelly, sounds like you've had a very difficult time lately. I am really sorry that about that. Your kids come first though and it sounds like they are thriving and getting some wonderful guy-time with your dad. I am glad for you that your parents are there to step in and help. You deserve it!


                      Hope your recovery from injury starts to pick up speed. Are you giving it enough rest - like in time OFF?!

                      5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB

                        I think walking is a *great* adjunct to running.  I decided in March to start "streaking"... running every day, but I tailored my streak in such a way that I'm allowed to run, walk, or hike for a minimum of 30 min a day.  That allows me recovery days, when I need them.  I missed one day in Sept because of H1N1, but I'm at 245 of 246 days now and love it.  It's been so good for my consistency, which has always been a huge problem.


                         I did this during June of this year, and have to admit that it really helps being consistent to just get out and do something - running, walking, whatever.  I should do it again, since once i got to about 33 days I stopped.

                        Next up: A 50k in ? Done: California-Oregon-Arizona-Nevada (x2)-Wisconsin-Wyoming-Utah-Michigan-Colorado


                          What's up Dirty Runners?


                          My husband is in a lot of pain and recovering very very slowly from surgery. He is at home and everything has been different for 8 days now. I am not able to do what used to work for me because everything has changed now and I don't get any help with anything. I had not anticipated so much of what this means. For example, not getting my sleep because he is tossing and turning, getting up, getting back to bed, the whole bed shakes and moves. He gets up to go to the bathroom sometimes every half hour. Last night I slept from 12:30 to 3:30am at which time he was up and making noices in the bathroom and then filling the tub to take a bath, then coming back to bed shaking the boat again - I just couldn't get back to sleep. Had to get up at 6:30 to take the kids to school. Last night I thought I would get out and run in the morning after taking the kids to school. However, I didn't know I was going to end up sleeping so little. I was too tired to go for a run this morning. Instead I thought I would get out and do it tonight, just a short run - but I was too tired after driving the kids to their after school activities and making dinner. So no run again. I haven't run since the long-run Sunday. I am quite upset over this stressful situation and how I am not able to handle it. I am going to run a half marathon race Saturday morning - it's been prepaid, otherwise I would not go; but I just need to get there and start moving when everyone else does. This is supposed to be a tune-up race for my marathon. Gosh, I feel completely unprepared and lacking motivation. I will simply run it by feel and try not to be too hard on myself right now - things are definitely very difficult in my household right now. No telling how much longer we are going to be in this situation. Doctor said 3-4 weeks before my husband would be back to normal - I thought it was going to be difficult not to have hime drive for the first 7-10 days but it's not hard at all since he can't even sit in a chair yet let alone driving!!!!


                          This too shall pass - don't worry, be happy 

                          5K, 4/28/07 24:16 PR 10K, 5/5/07 49:23 PR 1/2 M, 12/08/07 1:49:34 PR Marathon, 12/09/06 3:57:37 BQ 50K, 10/04/2009 7:27:00 PB 40M, 4/17/2010 11:20:00 PB

                            Flower - To help with the sleeping, do you have the option of at least sleeping on the couch, if not a guest room?  Does anybody you know have a blow up mattress you could borrow to sleep on?  If you can get a handle on your sleeping, that would a huge benefit.  We are fortunate in that we have both a good couch and a guest room with a bed, both of which get used quite frequently by me because of my hub's snoring.


                            Are there other parents whose kids participate in the same as your kids who could help you with the hauling around?  Make a deal with the, you know, the ole scratch my back now and I'll scratch yours later when I'm not running in circles.


                            Hang in there.  "And this, too, shall pass."

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance


                              Leslie's right... if you can move somewhere else... guest bed, etc, it might help a lot.


                              Near the end of wife's pregnancy she had so much crap in bed with her... 4-5 pillows, a huge body pillow, an intricate system of flying buttresses, etc that there was no room for me.  I finally moved to the guest room and we both slept a lot better.


                                - Chris

                                Near the end of wife's pregnancy she had so much crap in bed with her... an intricate system of flying buttresses . . . there was no room for me. 




                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance