Training Groups


  • 10 k a day or 3650 km for the year

    3650 km for the year. That's 10 km per day. Any takers? It's starting to gather momentum, if you reckon it's achievable, why not join, give it a go.

  • 1000 Mile Club

    Want to add a spark of motivation in your training? Run consistently all year long? This group is open to everyone. The goal is to run 1000 miles during the next calendar year. That is, 19.2 miles/week on average. Enter your weekly mileage and we'll track how you're progressing throughout the year. Pace Bunny provided! The year is starting January 1st 2008! Sign Up Now!

  • 1000 Miles Running, 1000 Miles Biking

    This group is for those that use biking as their primary means of cross training (with or without the intention of competing in duathlons/triathlons). The goal is to run a total of 1000 miles and bike a total of 1000 miles in the year 2009.

  • 1000Km-621 mile club

    A counterpoint to the 1000 Mile Club. Our goal is to run 1000 KM within the calendar year of 2012. That averages out to a little under 12 miles/wk for the whole year. Pace bunny provided.

  • 1367 miles, or a marathon per week

    Run a marathon per week, either in 7 days or one day! (26.2 / 7) * 365 = 1366.14 miles! To beat the bunny you should run 1367 miles!

  • 1500 Miles So Go Run

    Get your pace bunny here! How would you like to run 1500 miles in 2020? Averaging 29 miles/wk will get you there. Not for the faint of heart! Now go run...

  • 2000 miles of frantic, chicken-bone-armed, streaking weirdos

    This is a group for rundown ex-serious-runners

  • 2000Km-1243 mile club

    A stepping stone between the 1000 Mile Club and the 1500 Mile Club. Our goal is to run 2,000,000 meters or 1243 miles within the calendar year of 2010. That averages out to about 38,462 meters or 23.9 miles per week for the whole year.

  • 2022 HCS NS HF Group 1Private group

    Group 1

  • 2023 HCS NS 10kmi Grp 2Private group

    2023 HCS NS 10k/mi Grp 2

  • 2023 HCS NS 10kmi Grp 3Private group

    2023 HCS NS 10kmi Grp 3

  • 2023 HCS NS 10kmi Grp 4Private group

    2023 HCS NS 10kmi Grp 4

  • 2024 Next Step Group 5Private group

    HOCO Striders Next Step Half/Full Group 5

  • 3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

    Anarchy reigns-- No one is coddling anyone. This is good. This is NOT a "you can do it!" group. Do it, or don't do it, or hurt yourself trying. That's respectable.

  • 500 Mile Club

    This group is for people whose goal is to run 500 miles this year.

  • 800 Mile Club

    This intermediate group is meant for those runners who find the 1000M Club too challenging, but the 1000K Club too easy. Our goal is to run 800 miles before the end of the year.

  • A Mile A Day

    This group is based off of the website (not affiliated with though) - where to get your name on the site you have to run at least one mile every day for one year. There are people out there that have done this for 20 and 30+ years, so I figure why don't we start with one year and see what happens.

  • Again To CarthagePrivate group

    “A runner is a miser, spending the pennies of his energy with great stinginess, constantly wanting to know how much he has spent and how much longer he will be expected to pay. He wants to be broke at precisely the moment he no longer needs his coin.” -John L. Parker Jr., Once a Runner

  • Anthracite Track Club

    2024/2025 Training Logs

  • Barefoot Runners

    For anyone interested in learning more about barefoot running. Why run barefoot? * Many people find it cures their injuries, including knee/hip/back pain and chronic PF, by teaching much better form and strengthening underused muscles. * It's fun! * It's cheap! * It makes you look really tough! (shh, don't tell anyone but it's actually really easy)