Ultra Runners

August 2018 Ultra training thread (Read 40 times)


Duke Of Bad Judgment

    Drock: Thanks (not) for reminding me of the mosquitoes.  I was plagued too at the end of both races.  I'm 100% sure I saw your yellow shirt out there a few times.


    Gatsby:  Here's a picture of me in action, coming down one of the fun ramps:  https://brianmccurdyphotography.smugmug.com/Squamish-50-Miler-2018/i-HFBTDc9/A


    Self-made aid station: You can make things like smoothies beforehand and keep them in a cooler.  In addition to having ice blocks in the cooler, you can drape a wet towel over the cooler and that helps a lot.


    Someone who doesn't know better asked for my Ouray report.  It's very very long:  https://pointlenana.wordpress.com/2018/08/14/ouray-100-july-2018/




      having a cookie, just coming out of the aid station

      Club Fat Ass New Years Day 50k - Jan 1 - 6h13m

       First Half HM (road) - Feb. 9

      Chuckanut 50k - Mar. 21

      Sun Run 10k - Apr. 19

      BMO Vancouver Marathon - May 3

       Vancouver 100k (Club Fat Ass) - 32h07m 2 runs, pacing 100 miler friends

       Whistler Alpine Meadows 100 miler - September 25

      Pain is my friend

        I take frozen burritos in my pack on long runs.  They defrost by the time I need them.  Taste good and lots of calories. I love quesadillas and grilled cheese/ham sandwiches.



        QOTD:   What are a couple things u like to see

        at AS?

        ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

        Bear 100 22:08 2021 

        Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


        Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

        Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

        Ute 100 Aug

        24 hour loop race?


        Pain is my friend

          I want to do Beverhead 100k.  Been looking at that one for a few years.  I may have to just do that one next year for my WS qualifier.


          nOOky, you see that Beaverhead 100k is now a WS qualifier?  Beginning in 2019. 19 hour cutoff. No I won’t be signing up. 

          ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

          Bear 100 22:08 2021 

          Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


          Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

          Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

          Ute 100 Aug

          24 hour loop race?



            They are sounding the alarm today that there is another event in town, so if you want lodging you'd best book it now for Beaverhead. I guess you can always cancel later...

            Istria 110k 4-6-2024

            WS100 6-29-2024

            UTMB 171k 8-30-2024

            MCM 10-27-2024





              I do know better, and I know I had a easy morning at work to read it all 


              First off, congrats for even finishing that race. I can't imagine I'd ever have the required stamina or mental toughness to finish a race like that. I don't know if I'd even want to it's so much suffering.


              Your blog was very detailed for a race that long, I don't know how you recall everything like that, the blog must have taken hours to complete.


              I'm very sorry to read about your dog. We have a female shepherd with cancer that should be gone by now, but she keeps hanging on months past when we thought we'd lose her. She was my main running buddy until last spring. The day she goes I don't know if I'll be able to even work or function. Your Goldie was fairly old so I'm guessing you have the comfort of spending many quality years with her.


              I have somehow picked up a summer cold, and it will make tomorrow's relatively "easy" 50 miler seem like a 12 hour slog I am guessing. Looking forward to being done and I haven't even started yet lol



              Drock: Thanks (not) for reminding me of the mosquitoes.  I was plagued too at the end of both races.  I'm 100% sure I saw your yellow shirt out there a few times.


              Gatsby:  Here's a picture of me in action, coming down one of the fun ramps:  https://brianmccurdyphotography.smugmug.com/Squamish-50-Miler-2018/i-HFBTDc9/A


              Self-made aid station: You can make things like smoothies beforehand and keep them in a cooler.  In addition to having ice blocks in the cooler, you can drape a wet towel over the cooler and that helps a lot.


              Someone who doesn't know better asked for my Ouray report.  It's very very long:  https://pointlenana.wordpress.com/2018/08/14/ouray-100-july-2018/

              Istria 110k 4-6-2024

              WS100 6-29-2024

              UTMB 171k 8-30-2024

              MCM 10-27-2024





                I enjoyed both Squamish RRs! Congrats to Drock and Seamax. Nooky, what 50 are you running?

                a smith

                king of the non-sequitur

                  on aid etc. i wonder if they will let me use a mini- cooler as a drop bag. i'd like to have some dinner somewhere at ML course but dont really trust them to have a meal for me.


                  Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

                  Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

                  Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

                  Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 


                    FunkyHD - I had my wife bring me a chilled latte during the Squamish 50 miler, I got that idea from you when you did SD50. It was a good treat at the halfway point. You could ask them if you can use a mini cooler, I guess even an insulated lunch bag might be okay, depending on what the food is

                    Club Fat Ass New Years Day 50k - Jan 1 - 6h13m

                     First Half HM (road) - Feb. 9

                    Chuckanut 50k - Mar. 21

                    Sun Run 10k - Apr. 19

                    BMO Vancouver Marathon - May 3

                     Vancouver 100k (Club Fat Ass) - 32h07m 2 runs, pacing 100 miler friends

                     Whistler Alpine Meadows 100 miler - September 25

                    Pain is my friend

                      63 mile week. I am so ready to taper for Wasatch 100 now.

                      ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

                      Bear 100 22:08 2021 

                      Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


                      Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

                      Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

                      Ute 100 Aug

                      24 hour loop race?



                        on aid etc. i wonder if they will let me use a mini- cooler as a drop bag. i'd like to have some dinner somewhere at ML course but dont really trust them to have a meal for me.


                        I think you could, as long as it was something that locks closed. I have seen people use clear plastic storage boxes as drop "bags." Obviously ask first but generally the important things about drop bags are they stay closed, they aren't giant, and they don't leak all over during transport.


                        Are we there, yet?

                          Just finished a 40 mile week which is my highest this year I think, about what most of you run in your final taper week. Looking at another heat wave this coming week with temps reaching the 90s.  Talked myself into pacing a friend next Sunday, Sep 2nd, at the Labor Pain 12-Hour race. I think this is the first year they've allowed pacers. I can pick her up after she finishes her second 5 mile loop. Since she's planning on running 50K, I should get in a good 20 mile run.

                           2024 Races:

                                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                            I enjoyed both Squamish RRs! Congrats to Drock and Seamax. Nooky, what 50 are you running?


                            It was a very small race called the Underdown trail races. Only 13 started the 50 mile, and 11 finished. It was tougher than I expected, I'm pretty beat up today. So many little ups and downs that just wore on you. It was very beautiful though, mostly narrow singletrack with some ground foliage already turning colors etc.


                            Don't think I could run a 50k today on the same course without some major taping and a caffeine I.V.

                            Istria 110k 4-6-2024

                            WS100 6-29-2024

                            UTMB 171k 8-30-2024

                            MCM 10-27-2024




                            T Hound

                            Slower but happier


                              I think you could, as long as it was something that locks closed. I have seen people use clear plastic storage boxes as drop "bags." Obviously ask first but generally the important things about drop bags are they stay closed, they aren't giant, and they don't leak all over during transport.


                              I find boxes so much easier to get what I need and get going.  But I do fret about them coming open.  I think a small cooler is fine because many people bring boxes where I’ve raced.

                              2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block


                              T Hound

                              Slower but happier

                                I had a new thing with my “race” yesterday.  RR to come.  I usually run into stomach issues which may be cramps and or nausea.  This time they were not bad but then 2 hours late I got bad nausea.  I couldn’t move. Also legs seizing up, now I know what people mean by cramps!   Im trying to figure out this delayed nausea thing.  Also different from the in race gi issues which include cramps and bloating.

                                It was super humid 77%. Temp87, but weatherbug said feels like 98, (we ran around a lake) so I wonder if it was some kinda of heat stroke or dehydration.


                                Has anyone had this where a couple hours after you get intractable nausea?

                                2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block