Run: Easy Previous Next


11:40 AM

4.2 mi


8:29 mi


123 bpm
142 bpm


55 F


5 / 10
5 / 10
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Dixon Strip

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Was supposed to run 4X1600 workout but got out there and had a bit of a sore knee (of all things, never had this issue before). 'Sore' is a pretty strong word for what it felt like, I could feel some niggle there but not really how to describe it other than a very, very mild soreness. I think it probably was because of the 8 miles Kathy and I biked in Monterey on Sunday. Haven't been on a bike for a few months.

Ended up just running strides on the Strip. Did 100m at 6:40/1600 pace then 300m easy. Rinse and repeat for the 4 miles of the Strip.
