Bike: Race Previous Next


6:50 AM

15 mi


21.71 mi / hr

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Best case scenario, I thought going 40 minutes was possible, but 21.7 is the same pace i rode in last year's 12.4 mile triathlon. I had trouble in the first 200 meters getting my clips in the pedals and finding my right gear. But once I got settled, I stayed pretty aggressive and started passing the triathlon folks who got out of the pool before our run was finished. I finished the run in 4th and thought I started the bike in 4th, but some guys might have snuck out before me. You're working very frantically to get your shoes on, helmet in place and getting on your bike quickly that its hard to notice other people. Plus, it was kind of confusing with triathletes getting out at the same time. As I passed people,I tried to identify whether or not they were duathlon guys, but I only recognized Enright and passed him around mile 4. They only had a few mile markers for the bike, mile 10 was the last one so the finish kind of snuck up on me. Probably good because if I knew i had a mile left I would've cranked it up and spoiled my legs for the run.
