Aqua Jog: Fartlek Previous Next


6:14 AM


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90 min aqua jog- tempo/interval/tempo/interval/CD

Essentially did the same workout as Monday but this morning I had to share a lane with a triathlon girl and didnt have music. Still grinded though. Used the belt for all but the cool down. Started with a 20 minute tempo warmup and then straight into 10 sets of 30minute30s and then straight into another 20 minutes of tempo and then finally straight into a second 10 sets of 30minute30s. Used cupped hands for all tempo parts, easy 30 seconds, and CD. Flat hands for all hard 60 seconds and 30 second all-outs. Took the belt off for the CD and felt pretty strong. Good workout overall to start the day. Hopefully my Achilles will heal soon but in the meantime I'm able to get great physical and mental workouts in the pool
