Run: Easy Previous Next


9.9 mi


6:14 mi

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<No name>


house to a little past the railroad bridge in iowa and back. at the turnaround i passed augie going the opposite direction. i attempted to go with the lead group that had keith in it because they were doing a workout, but i was unable to keep up as they were going 5:10ish pace and i was still a little tight from yesterday and in the middle of a ten mile run. i ended up doing a 1.6 mile pickup which was good and i slowed down after they stopped to probably 6:20ish pace


Ethan Adlfinger

Wow getting dropped by auggies. You suck

Zach Hird

i was in the middle of my run. i only went with because i thought they were going like 5:30-5:45 pace when they ran by, but i guess not. plus i did a timed mile the day before