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16 mi


6:23 mi

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Magnolia Rd


Another beating on Magnolia Rd. After yesterday's shit show I wasn't even sure if I should be up on the hilliest road known to man. Richey told me to just focus on being strong on the ups and dont press the descents. I started off with the guys but in the fourth mile they blew things up and despite my fastest opening miles even on the route I was getting gapped hard. I settled into my own rhythm before catching up to Austen around mile 5. We trekked up 2 of the last 3 big hills before the turnaround together. I was still moving alright and my hip wasn't bothering me as much. On the return trip Austen caught a side stitch, probably from the 9-10 mile climb, and I ran the final 4 on my own. I actually was in a place where I could press on the gas a bit to close. However the last hill with about 2.5 to go broke my rhythm and I was never really able to get it back. The final climb was absolutely brutal but still managed my second best time for 16 miler on Mags!
