Elliptical: Default Previous Next


15.1 mi


12.92 mi / hr

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Another tough workout on the elliptical today. Legs felt really good to start but workout was very tough and IT band still a bit tight. Started off with 2 x 10 minutes hard with 5 minutes easy. Then did 2 x 5 minutes hard with 5 minutes easy. Finished off with 5 x 2 minutes hard with 1 minute easy and then a 5 minute cool down. Mile splits were 4:58, 4:08 (9:06 2 mile), 5:06, 4:11, 4:23 (8:34 2 mile), 5:00, 4:43, 4:50, 4:42, 4:42, 4:41, 4:44, 8:55 2 mile, 4:56. Hell of a workout overall to get this much quality in. Very sweaty and tired. Rolled out a bit and massaged the legs during the meeting. Then came back to the weight room after the meeting. Did 3 sets of leg extensions, hamstring curls, and leg press. Then 3 sets of dumbbell press, seated row, curls, pec deck, and tricep pull down. Solid day overall.
