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11:55 AM

13.4 mi


16.8 mi / hr


Giant ATX 780


143 bpm
169 bpm
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Good ride today. Mostly avoided the rain. Thought I wasn't going to be as lucky, so at the start I tried to get my body temp up quick. I stayed in the big ring up the first climb. And then I sorta stayed on the gas the rest of the ride. Mainly tried to stay consistent in speed, putting in pulses on rollers and staying in the big ring on climbs. I'd say it was similar to running between 6:45 and 6:00 pace depending on the section. It was fun to try staying in the big ring or staying in the same gear up a hill.

I was also thinking about "virtual gearshifts" as I'm calling them, where a virtual upshift is spinning up my cadence, and a virtual downshift is upping my power or "monster mashing". I did this instead of shifting gears in rollers. One other thing I've started noticing this week is getting my body low seems to help me get more power. By leaning down I seem to be able to sustain an effort easier. I guess that's why the drops are where they are on road bikes.
