Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:59 AM

9.5 mi


6:26 mi

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Went out intending to do either mile repeats or a tempo. Started at 2 miles in. Thought I was going 5:45 pace based on a few glances to my watch and felt good but first mile was 6 flat. I was like, "fuck that, how'd I run that slow?" and I still felt fine so I picked it up and kept going. Next mile 5:46. I was aiming for 5:45 pace since this was my first "real" tempo I'd say, so that pace was good. But I was able to pick it up regardless and run 5:33 for the next mile. Then, a 5:27. The 5th mile was tough, mostly uphill, and I still managed a 5:45. Finished up the 1-2 minutes left for a 30 minute tempo total. 5:43 pace ain't bad. Looking forward to even better tempos soon. Did some strength after this run, planks, pushups, bridges, pullups.
