Elliptical: long Previous Next


7:30 AM

21.1 mi


10.53 mi / hr


70 F


10 / 10
10 / 10


Long run today on the elliptical. Friggen got up at 5:30 and headed down to the field house to do a pool workout with Joe (on 5 hours of sleep because we didn't even get back from the meet till 12) but the windows were locked so we couldn't pool. Waited till 7:30 till the rest the team showed up and I was just in a pissed off mood so jumped on the elliptical not sure what I was going to do. Decided 10 minutes in I was going to go for 20 miles or 2 hours, whichever came first. Not going to lie, this was one of the most difficult mental workouts I've ever done. Physically, it wasn't terrible, I made sure to stay above 10 mph (made sure to stay under 6 min pace) and my heart rate was consistently in the 150s and 160s the whole time. It just went on forever it seemed, especially the first hour. Got done 10.5 miles in the first hour, then set off on the 2nd hour. Decided half way through that that I was going to gut out the 2 hours regardless of where I was at mileage wise. Ended up finishing just a touch above 21 miles. In hindsite, it was a great workout, 2 hours of pretty solid aerobic training, and the mental satisfaction that I can will myself to do whatever I want as long as I stick my head to it. Turned a negative into a positive
