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96 mi

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Monday: 15 morning run. Afternoon workout- hot as balls. Tempo was rough becaues it was hot. Stayed in the back and tried to stay smooth as possible. Near last in 26:50. Miles: Very hot still and it made it very tough. Ran 5:02, 5:10, 5:13, 5:15 (5:10 avg). Slowest I've ever run in the park, but i was happy because I didn't die super hard and actually felt smooth on these, despite having no pop and my anaerobic threshold sucks right now

Tuesday: 14.5 Normal Tuesday- long in the morning to avoid heat, did Burlingdiz, did 8x 1 on/1 off the last 15 minutes

Wednesday: 16.5 Blackwell in the morning. Tempo- very slow at the start, did not feel great but stayed smooth and relaxed because I wanted to make sure I could finish the workout. 27:45 for the tempo. 6xhills- these were tough. really had to muscle through to finish the last 2. Fartlek- sucked, had no juice less. Basically tempoed them back just to finish, legs were deff sapped.

Thursday: 14 Normal Thursday- long in the morning, Burlingdiz, then Bouncy in afternoon

Friday: 12 Normal morning run. Elmhurst 6k. 19:41 despite it being 90 degrees race time. VERY HAPPY with this effort based on how workouts have been. Got out smart and chilled. Passed 15 people after the first mile until the finish. Was the team's 10th man (11th if you count troy from fresh soph). Team won easily. Splits were 5:15, 5:13 (10:28), 5:18 (15:46) then probably 3:55ish for the last 1200. Overall, pretty happy with the race all around.

Saturday: 18- good long run to Garbage Hill Very slow going from the start but I just chilled anyways back in the pack. Stopped at 40 min to get water and then picked it up to catch the group. On the way back, slowly started droppign it down and closed the last 40 min in the low 6:00s, felt good and smooth. Legs felt better today than they have in a while.

Sunday: 6- easy by myself out to secret park.

Summary: Solid week mileage wise. Overall, very happy with the week- 3 solid workouts, especially with the heat on Mon/fri. Feel stronger than I did last week and just want to keep improving each week little by little
