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97 mi

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Monday: 15. Hot again in the afternoon. Workout: 26:40 on the tempo- 10 sec drop from last week and was closer to the pack (moved up a few people). Actually led with crain till the hill, then got dropped, but at least I engaged more and stayed smooth. Miles: 502,5:04,5:03,5:00 (5:02 avg)- better than last week by 8 secs, closer to the pack and felt better but still pretty hot- anaerobic still struggling and needs work.

Tuesday: 14.5 Long in the morning to Mcdiz, 10 with Nick and crain. Bouncy at Lincoln in the afternoon.

Wednesday: 16.5 Blackwell in the morning. Tempo: 27 min- tried pushing it from the begining more (7 min pace) versus the 7:40 we started off last week. Actually felt better and held with the group until we turned back onto the main path. Stayed smooth throughout. 6xhills- went well, hung back in 2nd to last on teh first two, started building. Passed 5 guys on the 5th hill, and finished the 6th strong- nice to be back on hills. Fartlek- tried opening up more but legs still lacking juice. MUCH better than last week, only about 15 secs back from main group.

Thursday: 14 Long in morning again, by myself because i didn't want to start off crawling. had a very nice run, ran burlington, then over to secret park. Bouncy in afternoon

Friday: 14. 5 mile morning run (crains route by myself). Aurora Invite; 25:58. Wanted to race instead of workout so I could improve more and get a better workout in. Felt smooth and kept it smooth. Led through the mile with Ben (5:10), stayed relaxed until the 3 mile, then pushed the last 2 miles, passed 8 guys. Finished 6th overall, team got 2nd. Splits were 5:10, 5:18 (10:28), 5:12 (15:40), 5:14 (20:54), 5:04 last mile.

Saturday: 18 Solid long run out to springbrook, on the grass path, to knock knolls, then back via river path. Felt good, and it was a beautiful morning for it. Tempoed the last 10 min with Crain and Joe, felt smooth and strong

Sunday: 5- easy by myself to secret park

Summary: Key word for the week was improvement- improved in every aspect from last week. Monday was significantly better, wednsday was too, and Fridays avg time (5:12 per mile) was better than last weeks avg for 6k (5:17). Happy with where things are at right now, just want to keep improving
