Run: Easy Previous Next


9:11 AM

10.2 mi


7:01 mi


173 lb
145 bpm
158 bpm


70 F


4 / 10
4 / 10
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Praire Path


Easy out and back on the Prairie Path from Mitch's place w/ a solid group in the rain. It was me, Mitch, Zach, Thompson, Kaylin for all of it and Root was with us the first 3. Legs were achy, as I thought they would be, post-long run yesterday in addition to it being raining semi-hard most of the run. HR was low and pace was dece as Thompsen and Zach pushed it a bit as normal. Run went by smoothly enough- felt like I was trying a little bit harder than I would've liked but we had good convos and was good to have company.

Decent week- had the hiccups in the middle that I want to avoid but 4 of the 7 days were good and I'm happy with that at least and will be refocused moving into this next week.
