Run: Easy Previous Next


6:30 AM

8.1 mi


7:16 mi


172 lb
141 bpm
161 bpm


35 F


5 / 10
5 / 10
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St. Louis


Early morning miles after the late night at the Wash U meet yesterday. Out the door early w/ Johnny and Nathan from the hotel. 35ish and sunny, so not bad at all. Pretty hilly area- we did 4 miles looping through some local neighborhoods before I dropped them off and added on a bit quicker 4 by myself. Aerobically felt good- body handling the lack of sleep (5 hours) well and legs felt good. Major chafage issues on the back of my legs/butt which sucked and made the last few miles a bit tough but good otherwise. Happy to get the run done knowing how busy/long today will be.

Solid week- 85+ miles, core 5 times, lifted twice, and had a good workout Wednesday. Happy to be able to keep stringing together solid weeks.
