Elliptical: Tempo Previous Next


12:30 AM

12 mi


11.41 mi / hr


10 / 10
10 / 10


Great workout today on the elliptical. Attempted to get in a tempo/fartlek workout similar to extended modaff (7 mile tempo, 3 mile fartlek). Built through the 7 mile tempo nicely, dropping each mile split. Went 5:36, 5:16, 5:14, 5:06, 4:56, 4:54, 4:44. (5:36, 10:52, 16:06, 21:12, 26:06, 31:01, 35:45). Heart rate shot from 120 up to 160s during the warmup 3 miles and was in the 180s the entire last part. It was tough the last 3 miles of the tempo pushing, felt like a real tempo, but closed it off nicely. For the fartlek, did 2,3,4,2 (w/ 1 min inbetween rest). Hit the hard segments aroudn 4:30-4:40 pace, went through the mile in 5:06, came back in 10:03, then 15 flat for the finish (5:06,4:57, 4:57)- again, another good workout, heart rate was in the 180s the whole time. Last, did a half mile jog, maintenance 400 in 60- which was really tough to do on the elliptical, felt like I was doing so much faster but whatever- then another mile and a half cooldown- including the first part, the 2 mile cooldown (including 4xstrides at the end) was 12:20. All in all, great workout
