Elliptical: Tempo Previous Next


6:25 AM

5 mi


11.74 mi / hr


157 lb


6 / 10
7 / 10
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<No name>


Legs, especially the hips, were sore this morning, but I wanted to make sure I got in a good workout so I started off pushing for a bit just to make sure I didn't piss away the workout. Ended up going harder than I thought I would but it was good- my heart rate was elevated but breathing wasn't so that was good. Did 5 again on level 12, this time in 25:33, with the heart rate in the 160s and low 170s most the time. First mile in 530, the other 4 were in the low 5s, high 4:50s. In general, good way to start the morning workout.

Followed by core/hip routine/medicine ball drills.

Breakfast- 2 bowls of cereal with milk
