Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:49 PM

5.1 mi


5:59 mi


175 lb
176 bpm
194 bpm


68 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
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Park Warmup


Night tempo from campus to re-start the grind. Weather was nice out but a bit humid- achilles didn't feel any different despite the 2 weeks off- awkward the first mile, gradually opened up, and didn't have many pangs after about 10 minutes. This was a slow build- wanted to be steady/tempo. Nice solid cutdown (6:20, 5:50, 5:55, 6:10, 5:45)- body felt pretty awkward, back/arms were almost tight and by mile 2 HR was in the 180s. Went full anaerobic after the hill so stopped at 3 miles for a minute to catch my breathe and then kept it going, HR avg 190s on the 5th mile.

Solid effort- good tempo work, achilles was manageable but clearly not going to get better unless I am pro-active about daily things so will be doing that from now on. Crazy how cashed I felt on this but going to do alot more steady/uptempo work to get in shape quicker.
