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2:26 PM

7.6 mi


2.52 mi / hr


121 bpm
189 bpm
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Hike in Yosemite with Richard, Julia, and Emma. We started at Happy Isles and hiked up the Mist Trail to Nevada Falls. Very rocky and lots of steep grades/steps. The Falls were very pretty and we got a lot of great photos. I've never seen anything like Yosemite. We took the John Muir Trail back which was less rocky and had nice intermittent soft surface which was good on the legs. Definitely the way to hike this trail.

According to a guide, the trail was "5.5 miles" and should take "5-6 hours". Definitely not 5.5 miles, but we crushed the estimated time anyway.

Sat on a bus for an hour after to go 3 miles. Should've just run it.
