Run: Easy Previous Next


8:30 AM

5 mi


9:25 mi


38 F
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Basically wondering around taking it easy. Off of School Street I decided to get out of the wind and run one of the Mousam trails which worked perfectly. Past St Thomas I ran by a bunch of scattered sports cards and recognized Dale Ellis in a Sonics uniform. It was awesome.


L Train

You've got some good stuff going. Don't forget to get some organized longer tempos in somewhere.

L Train

Actually looking at it you've gotten some random faster stuff which I guiess is OK. Just don't make it all random and get a plan together.


A Dale Ellis card... now that's a rare find.

He's no Slick Watts though.


Janauary will definitely include less random work but December was intended to be the month of increasing mileage and really getting back into running. I've actually really enjoyed it.


Well at least you made it outside today. I had to dreadmill it.


I underdressed and it sucked. The wind actually drove me to the trail and that really helped shield the wind.

I was hoping to see Shawn Kemp or World B Free but no such luck. Bernard King would have been good, and I'm ashamed to say that I loved Andrew Toney's game (except of course for the Boston Strangler part)