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A good hour at the bball court at the Y with lots of shooting with both kids. Ali lost interest about 20 minutes in so Connor and I played. The gym is so small that I have an immediate advantage as he can't use his quickness and my lack of lateral quickness against me. We decide no OOB, 3 dribble limit, and check after every change of possession. Advantage Dad but I think he did this on purpose because he thought he could beat me regardless of the rules. Not so fast my friend. Tied at 3 in the beginning and then I never looked back. My goal was to either shoot or use a quick jab step to give me some room to get off a quick shot. I know I can use 1 or 2 dribbles and still pull up over him but that will wear me out. The problem is that he knows I can't get by him to the rim anymore so my options are limited. After about halfway through I started shooting the ball pretty well and he never got going. My goal was to always make him hesitate and debate shooting right away. Way to many jab steps followed by shot fakes. When he does that I know I have him dead in the water. He didn't shoot it well either. 11-4 and not even close. To rub salt in his wound I also kick his ass in a shooting game he made up. The torch has not been passed....not yet.



This make me howl.... old men, holding on to the glory days. Dude, he is going to make it hurt REAL soon....


The struggle is real and he's going to have to run me over with a car before I give up the throne willingly.

These little stories are 1000% more important to me than a race report and they will keep coming as long as we continue to do battle (which won't be long as it won't be pretty within the next year or so). Hopefully, you guys will come watch him play some day and have a little insight to his world. He'll need years of therapy but I'm sure he'll be ok

L Train

Love this stuff.