Run: Easy Previous Next


6 mi


8:08 mi


After my trial run on Sunday I got use to weaving in and out of people, and the rocking. With vacation week in the Motherland I was surrounded by my fellow Massholes and it provided a weird comfort on Patriots Days. Lots of Bruins, Red Sox, Celtics attire, and I got a few comments on my Boston Strong shirt. Obviously thinking of my friends running today so that gave me a little extra motivation. After a 9:30 warm up I got moving pretty good and ran the final 5 at a consistent clip. I told myself I wasn’t going to allow anyone to pass me all week on Deck 4, and that didn’t seem like a monumental achievement because I never really ran with anyone interesting. As soon as that thought occurred to me a guy passed me just after I completed my first mile. I decided to have an imaginary race with this person. I literally stayed right on his shoulder for about 3 minutes as he weaved in and out of the people running/walking/playing shuffleboard and the random teenage groups walking around. I passed the guy hard at the first chance I had and then didn’t look back for a few minutes. When I did look back he was nowhere near me. I don’t care if the guy had been bellied up to the buffet all week, was 30 lbs overweight, and his greatest running achievement was winning his 3rd grade shuttle run in gym. I smoked that guy.


L Train

I laughed.