Bike: Easy Previous Next


5:35 PM

21.3 mi


18.98 mi / hr


122 bpm
133 bpm
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I think I have a handle on what my injuries are and how to avoid making them worse. My most pressing injury seems to be my hip flexor strain and this is mostly aggravated when my hip angle is ~180 or greater. This is why walking or standing for longer periods of time are very painful. Also, when you kick in swimming, your leg extends past 180 which was causing pain. Biking doesn't seem to directly aggravate it as long as my power is not too high and my hip angle is low. However, biking can lead to tight quads which then puts more stress on your hip flexor which happens a little towards the end of my rides.

Next steps: continue biking easy as long as there is NO pain during or after. Swimming without kicking until I can walk pain free. No stretching. Rolling my quad and glutes. Strengthening my glutes with exercises that don't cause pain (clams). Eventually hip flexor and quad strengthening once I can tolerate it.

Today was 185W avg. Dull ache at times in the second half but no real pain during or after. Did not extend my hip to 180 at all after the bike.
